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It seems that way, doesn't it. The whole thing stinks of fear-mongering propaganda. People who preach about it remind me of AL Gore when he preaches about global warming or the y2k crowd. What do you think? Take a look at the links below.



2007-01-19 21:42:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

4 answers

Al Gore is a national treasure. Including him in this discussion is a perverted gesture on your behalf.

I heard the author of this article on Coast to Coast the other night and the only true feeling I have towards the "OIL" issue is our lack of finding and providing alternative sources of energy, instead of this insane "Greed" that is now bankrupting our nation and it's reputation. If I had the coin I'd build a house with Solar technologies and sell my excess back to the grid, heating and cooling your home for free energy eliminates demand and increases supply. Why were pushed to consume every god damn thing is beyond me.

2007-01-19 22:04:00 · answer #1 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 0 0

This my friend is I'm afraid a no-brainer...

Ever played starcraft, civilization, warcraft or similar...? We'll, then you should know the effects of species who consume raw materials beyond the natural balance.

Think about it. Run a calculation of the average petrol consumption in any big city in your area. Suppose the average car consumes 10L/day... How many cars in your town? 20000? Well I'll tell you there are more million cities here in China than there are Mc Donald's in New York. In Shanghai only there are like 14 million people. And that's only one city on this planet buddy. People are not riding bikes over here anymore.

How about the US and Europe, do you think people drive any less there. Not to mention airplanes, fertilizers, medicines, production. Did you know plastic is made from oil btw...

The Swedish Government has made a plan to become Oil Independent within 20 years. UK, NZ, Island and others have gone even further.

Do you think the US is taking control of the Middle East because there's a lot of sand and funny people over there?

The US oil peaked long time ago so they are heavily relying on imports. Heck now there are not many countries left in this world who has not peaked in oil production. Left are the few countries in the middle east, Russia, China and some real difficult areas to extract like deep under sea, arctic etc.. It's getting more and more difficult to find new places to extract and the demand is not decreasing at all.

Do you see any possibility that people naturally would like to drive less, travel less, buy less, enjoy less.... I don't think so.

If the US doesn't secure the oil in Middle East, they are in for a real ugly scenario when other countries start competing for the resources. US is most reliant on cheap crude oil atm, just check the lifestyles and habits people have over there. Commuting more and more... Actually it's the same in many countries and that's what makes it scary, cause the more lavish we live now the faster we're gonna run into the wall.

And that's not the oil running empty, it's just the demand exceeding the supply. That's not a far fetch these days and if you open your eyes you can see it everywhere.

I'm just happy more and more people know about it nowadays so there are more people working on the solutions, but no matter what we come up with at this stage we're looking at a heavy downgrade of the whole society real soon in my opinion.

What we can make of it long term is another story. I'm pretty optimistic there. Probably after a few more wars and international chaos we'll adapt to new lifestyles.

I can't put it better than the arabs themselves:

My grandpa rode camel.. I drive car... my son flyes airplane, but his son will ride the camel again....

2007-01-20 06:09:02 · answer #2 · answered by Hansinchina 2 · 1 0

Heh how can you ever stay awake when Al is trying to make a point? I wouldn't worry about that or Gore. A pair of Chicken Little imitators, basically.

2007-01-20 06:41:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no bs... we're running out fast

in some obscure parts of europe they are concentrating on developing fusion power and have almost succeeded

2007-01-20 07:00:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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