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Im 5weeks pregnant and have got an appointment for an abortion for tuesday. (it was rushed due to mental health problems) What is likely to happen? My partner and i have seperated for the time being and im left alone with all of this, and to be honest im a bit scared! Please can i have some information

2007-01-19 19:21:12 · 27 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

27 answers

why murder your child over your careless mistake??? have the baby and and adopt him out to a family that will love him.

2007-01-19 20:54:17 · answer #1 · answered by proud_mom 5 · 1 6

At 5/6 weeks of pregnancy you are carrying a embryo not a fetus. The procedure is very simple when you are this early pregnant, They will give you tablets which will bring ona period, this will ensure your womb is clear of the pregnancy.
Dont be scared you will be fine. I can understand your decision as your suffering from bad health and it would be unfair for the baby if your too poorly to cope.
I have never had a abortion and probably would`nt but that does not mean I disagree totally with it. Its just not for me. Now please relax and before you go ahead with this make sure it really is the right choice for you. Afterall there is no going back once its done. Good luck.

2007-01-19 20:18:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Don't be scared! I had one about 2 years ago. If anyone is giving you hell about doing it, just ignore them, they're sircumstances are different from yours so if they can go ahead with having and then adopting good for them, but you do what you feel best!

I had mine at around 13 weeks. I didn't go through the NHS i did it privatly. It cost about between £500 and £600 to do. First you have a chat to one of the nurses, she will then tell you all about the operation and what effects it will have on you,possible side effects and so on. Then the doctor will see you, do a scan to see how far gone you are and then take some blood. If all is well and your fit enough to have the op they'll make you an apppointment.

It's going to be hard if you want to have the baby but if its not something you want i'm sure you'll not feel any different than any other day. I had a general anastetic, i slept through the hole thing, and woke up in the recovery room. The nurses and doctors were really nice and understanding. There where lots of other girls who also had the surgury done,so i didn't feel out of place at all.

Afterwards i had a tea and buiscuits along with some lunch and then a final check-up before leaving. They obviously scraped the inside of my uterus out,and all i had afterwards was a normal period. I had to take some antiabiotics and had a few days off work.

I'm glad to say that i'm now pregnant with twins. I couldn't be any happier! Good luck, it will all turn out ok.

2007-01-19 20:53:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I have had an abortion and I strongly advise you to speak to the doctors fully before hand so you know what to expect. When I went I didnt ask any questions and was there on my own and very scared. I now think that if I had asked questions I would of understood what was going to happen and would of been better equip to deal with the emotinal termoil afterwards.

People have abortions for different reasons and no one has the right to judge you on your decision. If you have a good friend I urge you to take her with you for support, as no matter what other people say it is still a very upsetting experience to go through and you should not be alone.

As you are still very early they should just induce a miscarriage which is better for you. if you decided to delay it just be aware that the procedure gets more complicated.I had my abortion at 14 weeks which I would not recommend.

2007-01-19 23:25:55 · answer #4 · answered by entertainer 5 · 0 1

To everyone else who has answered this question: She did not ask for your opinion on abortion. She did not ask you for abortion alternatives. She has made up her mind. You don't need to tell her how irresponsible she is, or how she is "killing a baby". That is not why she came here. She is scared, and she simply wants to know what an abortion feels like and what will happen. If all you're here to do is judge and criticize her, go find a pro-life message board where you can rant and rave about abortion all you want. Leave the question answering to people who actually have an answer to the question. This is Yahoo ANSWERS.

Now to answer your question. Since you're not very far along, you're probably going to have a medical abortion, which doesn't require the vaccum or a D&C. At your first visit, you would be given a pill to take. You would come back a few days later and receive another one. It will cause your uterus to contract, which will be painful. Your doctor may give you pain medication for the cramping. You will bleed for about 13 days afterwords.

You can read more at the link below. Make sure you receive counseling if you need it, and research your decision well before you go. I wish you the best.

2007-01-19 19:42:15 · answer #5 · answered by Smurfy Keeps Going and Going 6 · 7 3

Please don't have this done. Mental health problems and being without a partner are no excuse for doing something so terrible to a poor innocent child!. I'm sure all those people reading my post who have written before me that said before you judge this person you don't no what its like to be in her shoes would say the same thing to me, well guess what i'm someone who also has no partner and has mental health issues. I'm now 39 weeks pregnant and couldn't be happier!. My baby has helped me alot with all the things ive been through. Believe me its truely a bleesing and something not to be thrown aside so easily. This may be the only time you get to fall pregnant, you never no. How are you going to feel if you have it done then go to try and get pregnant in the future and you have no such luck??. Its going to hurt you physically, emotionally and even more mentally if you have this done, trust me. And its going to hurt for a reason, because its not right.
You will probably have this done anyways but please think really, really hard about it. You will most likely wake up one day and totally regret the whole thing and thats gunna make you even more unwell. Abortion is not the answer to this. You really need to talk this through much more. Mental health problems and being without a partner are no excuse. I personally no myself. Please just think more about it, the people at the clinic will not talk to you about how wonderfull it will be to go ahead with having the baby. Instead they will tell you that you really should have the abortion because of the personal problems you face and because they think its the best thing for you. Which is wrong, they will talk you into it as i'm sure you probably already have been as the whole thing has been rushed as you say.
Oh and to all the epople who also say that its fine to have an abortion if you've been raped, guess what the same thing has happened to me and if I had gotten pregnant from the incident then that would have been the best thing to have came from it!. How on earth could I have actually contenplated getting rid of something that was a part of me?. Sorry but how can anyone?. It may be your body but the child growing inside of you also has it own body, thoughts and feelings aswell. Just remember that.

2007-01-19 22:21:53 · answer #6 · answered by MizK♥ 3 · 1 5

At 5 weeks you will probably be lucky and get a medical abortion, which means that you will have to go in and take a pill. This will make the fetus die. Then you will go back to the clinic within a couple of days and theywill insert pills in your vagina which will trigger the miscarriage of the fetus and you will go home to pass the baby naturally.
What the other people are talking about here - 'sucking out the baby' - normally happens between 6 and 12 weeks and is called a D & C, or Dilation and curettage, which is where the doctor dilates the cervix with an instrument and then scrapes the womb with curettes. This is done with a sedative so you would be awake throughout. That probably won't happen to you though as medical abortions can be done up to 8 weeks.

2007-01-19 19:27:12 · answer #7 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 10 3

I'm so sorry for you hun. Its not an easy decision to make, and I wish you well whatever happens.
I would recommend talking to someone at the Brook Clinic.
(think someone posted the link above)
You shouldnt have to go through this alone, and they may be able to help you with some sort of counselling both before and after the abortion if you do have one.

2007-01-20 04:51:45 · answer #8 · answered by lilyp 2 · 1 0

Yes... 3 years ago... now I am unable to have children.... But at the same time, I did what was right for me at the time.... I didn't know i wouldn't be able to conceive later in life.... But I couldn't have had a child at that time... even without a mental condition... you need to do what is right for you, at this time... good luck and dont dwell on your decision.... its your own choice.... A mum with a mental condition may be more detrimental to a child??

2007-01-19 21:28:05 · answer #9 · answered by emo 3 · 1 0

It's YOUR choice. Never mind what anyone else says.
I have been there and it is something you will never forget. It's not an easy decision. And yes it is scary.
No matter what drugs they give you it will be uncomfortable. Not exactly painful but close. It's weird and feels like the worst menstrual cramps you can imagine. You might also have mood swings later.
You really need to have someone there with you. Since your partner is gone take a close friend. You shouldn't go through this alone.

2007-01-19 19:41:37 · answer #10 · answered by theoriginalquestmaker 5 · 5 2

It is a medical procedure and there will be some pain and minor bleeding if all goes well. There can be complications so follow the doctor's orders after the procedure.
The clinic will explain the procedure to you. Do want you need to do and ignore all the people that are trying to discourage you from having an abortion. Its your choice not theirs.

2007-01-19 19:36:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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