you already know the signs so i'll tell you which tree she falls in. you may feel its crap but for me it wasn't! atleast try!!!
May 01 to May 14 - Poplar Tree
POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) -
looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous
if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings,
very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature,
good organizer, tends to lean toward
philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously
2007-01-20 06:37:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
* beauty, romance, sentimentality, sensuality
* materialistic values, wealth, prosperity
* nature, harmony, love of living things
* possession, control, security, dependability
* habit, organization, tenacity, kindness
* shyness, cautiousness, trustworthiness, calmness
* appreciation of values, talents, abilities
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Gemstone: Emerald
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Vibration: Determined energy
Taurus Secret Desire is to have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage.
Taurus Spiritual Goal is to learn the value of insight.
Elemental Quality
Taurus is the fixed earth sign of the zodiac. It can be liken to an ancient rainforest full of enduring trees and rare plants that is teaming with the beauty of life, or to a beautiful, old French chateau that is full of valuable antiques, and which has established vineyards and gardens that offer all manner of delight to the senses. This sign represents an enduring, practical reality.
Secret Taurus
Inside anyone who has strong Taurus influences is a person who takes the long-term and proceeds slowly but surely, because Taurus is only interested in the very best of everything. Taurus's view is that the best is worth waiting for. Taurus loves to luxuriate in sensual delights and desires secure material prosperity. The two secret fears of Taurus are of being disturbed or of being left wanting. Taurus will wait for anything, even to get angry. When Taureans do eventually have to express anger, it can be devastating and is so disturbing to themselves that it takes a while for them to recover both their composure and their self-esteem.
Ruling Planet and Its Effect
Venus rules the zodiac sign of Taurus, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Taurus influence will tend to have a strong set of personal values. In astrology, Venus is the planet of love, affection, values, and sensuality. Like Venus, Taureans can be very affectionate and fond of the good life, as long as it is a peaceful, secure life. Taureans rarely detract from their personal code of what is right. Taurus, like the mythical Venus, has an idealized concept of beauty, and may, especially in early life, be very self-conscious about his or her body.
Young Taurus
If a child behaves in a way that is distinctive of the personality associated with Taurus, he or she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below.
Behavior and Personality Traits the typical Taurus child:
* is usually a quiet baby with rare outbursts
* is stubborn and wants his or her own way
* has a strong little body and can often be found clenching his or her fists when opposed
* is usually calm, pleasant, and a little shy
* is cuddly and affectionate
* dislikes being the center of attention
* responds to common sense and affection
* usually works slowly but steadily at school
Bringing Up Young Taurus
Never try to force a young Taurus to do something because the Taurean child will turn stubborn and will always hold his or her ground longer than anyone else, except perhaps a Taurean parent. Harsh commands will never discipline the young Taurus, but a loving hug will melt all the resistance out of that obsinate little bull. Both girls and boys are usually competent little people and open to practical, common-sense explanations. Both can charm adults, especially of the opposite sex.
Young Taurus's Needs
Physical affection given freely and without smothering is essential to the healthy growth of any Taurean child. Young Taurus also needs harmonious surroundings. Colors and sound will effect these children quite deeply. Harmonious blues, shades of pink and rose, and soft sounds will be calming and reassuring.
What To Teach Young Taurus Most children who are typically Taurean will have soft, melodious voices so they should be introduced to singing or other forms of music from an early age. Usually these children will prefer melodious music to noisy modern pop; and nursery rhymes won't satisfy them for long. Let them hear a wide selection of classical music which they can absorb into their souls. Drawing, coloring, and other artistic activities -- such as collage with materials lovely to the touch -- will please and stimulate young Taurus. In general, Taurean children will take a clear, practical, and orderly approach to school and homework. They need to be given time to learn, but things once learned are not forgotten. Taureans should be encouraged to communicate through words, pictures, and music as they tend to hide their true feelings behind silent obstinacy.
Positive Factors
Taureans are very warm and affectionate toward their friends. They enjoy friendship with people who have good taste and with whom they can enjoy a quiet conversation or a concert or a football game. They will enjoy people who have strength of character and qualities of endurance like their own. Toward such friends, Taurus will always be gentle, kind, loving, and totally trustworthy.
Negative Factors
Taurus can be very jealous of any attention given to someone else. Taurus does not like signs of weakness, physical or emotional, and can be quite direct about them. Taurus prizes friends who have some power which they can share and enjoy. People who wear cheap perfume, artificial fabrics, and have houses that are built to deceive the eye, e.g., not real stone but faced with stone, are unlikely to attract the friendship of a typical Taurean.
Taurus Likes
* soft, sensual textures
* sensual pleasures
* a good bank balance
* certainty and well-tried routines
* gifts of value, attractively wrapped
* savoring the moments of pleasure at the dinner table
* doing the same thing over and over
Taurus Dislikes
* being disturbed
* change
* lending things
* being told to hurry up
* sleeping in strange beds
I hope that gives you some insight to your Taurus Daughter
Love & Blessings
2007-01-20 05:56:07
answer #9
answered by milly_1963 7