I'm 21, and have had 11 piercings, starting with my first when I was 15. Now I only have two in my lip, my tongue pierced, and my earlobes stretched. I can't give you any magic words that will convince your mom to let you do this. And honestly, having worked in a tattoo shop for a period of time after I graduated high school, no one likes to give girls as young as you piercings, and some will even refuse to. I wouldn't do it, even if they had their parents' consent. Hey, somebody's got to say no. I didn't care if they found someone else to do it, but I felt better knowing that I didn't do it myself. I would advise you to wait until you are at least 16. You are way too young, and if you want it badly enough and are as "mentally mature" as you and you mother think you are, you will respect her and not try to manipulate her to get what you want. I have a daughter myself(only a year old), but just because I have piercings doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to let her get them at such a young age if she wanted to. Besides, I have to tell you, after you grow up you start to feel differently about them. And yes, we all see thirty-somethings with piercings and all that stuff, but like I said, you feel differently about them when you GROW UP. All the older friends I've ever had that are still obsessed with that stuff are stupid, immature, self-serving, and obsessed with themselves and their appearance. Please wait!
2007-01-19 17:18:58
answer #1
answered by .*AnNa*. 3
I can see why your mother said no. If you really were *mature* as you say she says you are you would not have been rude to what ppl said here about lip rings. A mature person would have listened even if they do not agree with the advice. You will not be able to get one sorry to say, You must either be 18 OR 16 with parents permission. Its the law. They can loose their piercing business, loose their licence and get sued by the state and your parents. Most places agree that its not worth it. If you find a shop that will pierce you at any age..believe me that shop is dirty and trashy. If they pierce you and you get infected and go back all they have to do is say no ive never seen you before and you will be on your own. I think you can wait until you are 16. By then you can think of lots of other things you want to pierce AND you way even not want to get it done. So many yhings can go wrong! Also stop bugging her about it that makes you sound like a child and that you are not old enough. I would ask every few months...so she forgets about it until you bring it up. OR if you think you can handle it do it your self. But your mom will make you take it out I bet. Good luck, I think they are cute on SOME ppl.
2007-01-19 18:53:43
answer #2
answered by I hate stupid ppl like you 4
If you get your lip pierced you will lose next to all credibility should you be looking for work. The fact that you mother is Christian is irrelevant. I was a Pagan for 15 years and have seen all sorts of stuff - frankly, I find piercings to be tedious. Every kid seems to have one. You may be employed but you are still living at home. When you move out you can do what you what you want. Are you such a slave to fashion that you can't hold off until you are legally an adult?
2016-03-29 05:44:28
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I'll be honest and say I don't think you have a hope in hell convincing your mom to get a piercing - as a mature person or not. To put a hole anywhere in your mouth makes it prone to serious infection because its full of bacteria. There are also reports that mouth piercings can damage teeth and therefore mean expensive dental work. She probably knows this already and the plain fact that she doesn't like how it looks.
Your choices are this: wait 'til you're of age to be considered adult enough to get a piercing (you may not want one by then or you may want one more than ever). OR go to the costume jewelry store and buy a fake. I had one for my ear and no one knew the difference.
2007-01-19 17:14:18
answer #4
answered by Shorty 5
HAHAHA! Good luck is all I can say! From experiance, either parents are cool with it or they aren't. Ever.
When I was 16 I wanted to get my belly button pierced. Begged for 6 months and tried every trick in the book, and they said no. I got it done in December of that year and I fell for the oldest trick in the book (my parents suspected I had it done). My mum asked for the washing instructions on my new shirt I was wearing, I lifted up the side, she saw the ring and I was grounded for a month.
When I got a labret when I was 17 I was not allowed to leave the house until I took it out (4 weeks later... there is only so many things you can do while you are confined to your bedroom).
Good luck with it, but I hate to tell you, don't expect much....
2007-01-19 16:57:51
answer #5
answered by bpbjess 5
I've always said that if I had kids and they wanted to do things, they would have to write a paper about it. So, I would suggest that if you really, REALLY want a lip ring, then I would write a list of reasons why you want the lip ring, and I would come up with a list of possible reasons why your mom would say no and have answers (with facts) ready. That way if your mom says, "What if it gets infected?" or "What happens when you want to take it out?" you can supply an answer of what to do. By being prepared, you're showing that you're really interested in this and it's not just a passing fancy and you're showing initiative.
2007-01-19 16:56:25
answer #6
answered by ivybear98 3
you cant really convince her.... just tell her that you really want it, and like it... make sure you prove to her you are mature..... but 12 is really young for a lip ring... i think you should wait until you are atleast 16 or 17....... i know if i was the mother, that would be when i would allow it.... come on your still a little kid... what are you in 7th grade?.... come on really.
2007-01-19 16:53:36
answer #7
answered by =] 4
well that is very young fo r lip piercing. even if she said yes you wouldnt be able to get it done... you need to be 18 years of age. or 16 years old with parents consent.. most places wont even touch you now since you are still so young.. if they do then they are not reputable.. (not sanitary.. not good "word of mouth") so even if she did say yes you wouldnt be able too... noone will touch you... and please dont even tink about doing it yoursef.. when you fo become 16 years old. aske her again. you can wait 3 more years, thats NOTHING!.. but make a deal with her. say if you get better grads inschool then you can get it done "as a reward" for gettign a nce lookign report card to put on the fridge... but if you do get good grades. offer to pay for it yourself do extra chores aroung the house and stuff, start babysiting. is should cost you around 40 to 70 bucks.. but liek i said most places wont even touch you even if your mom is there with you....
do wait 3 more years and ask this question again then,,,,,
sorry to burst your bubble but noone will touch you....
2007-01-19 16:56:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Do more stuff around the house. WITHOUT her asking. offer to pay for it. She her your responsible. That what i did when i wanted my lip pierced i was 14 at that time.
2007-01-19 16:51:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why would you want that? Don't pierce your body with a lot of holes. I'm sure you are beautiful without a thing hanging off your lip.
2007-01-19 16:52:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous