the day s/he turns 18, they are legally allowed to leave their residence.
I wouldnt recommend running away though, talk to your guardians about what is happening.
2007-01-19 16:34:40
answer #1
Haha you sound like me when i turned 18 (quite a few yrs ago now lol) But it depends on the state you live, Here in Mississippi when you turn 18 you are a legal adult and parents have no say (unless you let them) You can type in the search bar (your state) legal age
I found this info on the net for you:
legal age
n. the age at which a person is responsible for his/her own actions (including the capacity to enter into a contract which is enforceable by the other party), for damages for negligence or intentional wrongs without a parent being liable and for punishment as an adult for a crime. In almost all states the basic legal age is 18, which is the universal American voting age under the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1971. The national legal age for drinking or buying alcoholic beverages is 21. Marriage with or without parental consent, driving, prosecution for crimes, the right to choose an abortion and liability for damages vary from state to state.
2007-01-20 00:50:01
answer #2
answered by JuStmE 2
*Before 18 my dad had to buy my stocks for me.after that I could buy them myself.
Its not called emancipation.what you have,emancipation means they can then determine legally what they do in life,
The legal age varies from state to state.
emancipation is when a person under the age of 18 gets to court and is declared emancipated.a legal definition.
what you have is called growing to an age that your now responsible for your actions completely legally, without restrictions at all.
Good luck to you in your life, ask the Spirit of God into you and you will have much guidance if you will ask of it and listen for the answers with in you.
2007-01-20 00:53:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
18 is the legal age of consent, you are considered. Emancipation is stictly for minors....under 18.
As long as any person lives under their parents roof and are supported financially by there parents common decency and respect dictates that they live by their rules........they are perfectly free to leave and manage their life on their own.
2007-01-20 00:37:07
answer #4
answered by WitchTwo 6
Pretty much at 18 you can sign legal contracts and have credit, and yes, you are no longer a minor.
And, the guideline is the law. When you are 18 you are tried as an adult, because you are an adult.
It's 17 here in Texas!
2007-01-20 00:35:17
answer #5
answered by HA! HA! HA! 5
i feel its how the person feels once they are 18 and how people react to their feelings. if their feelings are repressed by their parents or others around them, then they are technically emancipated but won't act that way. and courts can't help people who listen to their parents all their lives.
2007-01-20 00:35:27
answer #6
answered by Chris C 4
seeing as you are saying like social life etc... they don't LEGALLY have control over it.. but i think it is like, as long as you are in their house you should follow their rules.. not in a legal sense but outa respect.. if you haved moved out then you can do whatever the hell you want and it is none of there business.
Your career whether you live at home or not is none of there business... it is your life.. you are the one who is going to have that career for the rest of your life.. tell them to back off if they start telling you what to do on that side of things
2007-01-20 00:38:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous