No I'm not a racist and I do my best not to discriminate against others based on anything. I do find myself sometimes either afraid or something when I'm around Iraqi's or someone of the Middle East descent. I'm trying to work on this because I've only become this way since 911. Before then, I was fine with everyone long as they were fine with me. I do have a problem though when I'm stereotyped or discriminated against. I'm african-american.
2007-01-19 16:29:18
answer #1
answered by Gena 2
oooh a school project! O.K. a truthful answer hummmmm. Well, I'm not a racist. I bet all racists say that too! My dad was a racist for about the first 16 years of my life. Right up to the point that my older brother married an Ethiopian woman. Then he was smart enough to let it go. He was much easier to be around after that! Me, I was alittle bit angry with Hispanics (I know your half Hispanic) for the first half of my life. I went to Corona High in Calif. It's about 85% Hispanic and half of them were gang members. That wasn't too bad, I am 6 foot, 4 inches, and tipped the scale at about 185. Pretty big for a high schooler. That wasn't the problem though. I was in the Navy and had a small problem with the police in Tijuana, Mexico. I was fortunate to leave (escape) with my skin attached but unfortunately it did a number on my bigotry. I'm much better now! However, you won't catch me south of the border! If you ask me if there are even small amounts of bigotry or prejudice swimming around in my psychy I would have to say weeeeeeell yeah. But not toward Mexicans, towards women! I know your a woman. (I'm probably not your favorite person right now right?) Truth is I'm a bit of a chauvinist. I like to open doors, and do the things that knights in shining armor do. However, you put me in with a women's libber, I am not a very nice person. This is still bigotry! Still prejudice! Still Racist! I am not liking that person I am at that time. Wish I was a bit more wise. Sucks to be me!
2007-01-21 12:03:25
answer #2
answered by delux_version 7
I am a racist against mean and dumb people. Some of those people are black, some are white. I like those people that love life, are happy, and are fun to be around. Those who do things such as harass others may get no interest from me whatsoever. And good luck with the essay. :)
2007-01-19 16:28:00
answer #3
answered by katerina 1
I am a white male in my 40's. Holywood and the media cannot let go of stereo typing my type. I have always had hate in my heart but my hate is for injustice. I hate cruelty and torment of any kind. Never, ever had hatred for races. But I'm sick to death of the way the media constanly parades the most profoundly ignorant whites out on springer and such stupid shows to show once agian how evil white people are. There are never ever shows that focus on black hate groups or hispanic hatred of whites. Even in the sixties in rural Louisiana I started to experience abuse from some blacks. Because the tables had started to turn. Ironically I was taught to love all people. Every member of my immediate family has been mugged by blacks... One brother has been badly beaten twice, had to have his lip put back together. One brother had a gun pushed into his temple by an abusive black cop. My mother was dragged into the bushes in Savannah Ga. by a black man, her ankle was broken in an attempted rape. (We were poor and more exposed to street life of inner cities) My girlfriend in Denver was brutally raped in 1979 by 2 black men. An aquantance in New Orleans was also gang raped by three blacks (ruined her). I chased blacks from my apartment in New Orleans twice in the 80's one threatened me with a knife. I had three black thugs throwing chunks of bricks at me in Savannah in the mid 70's and chase me into a hospital. These stories are all true and they have all seared my heart. They were each gut wrenching experiences and I have many many others... horrible stories... personal experiences. Some may think this is somehow justice on some scale, some kind of payback, but that sentiment is unbridled ignorance. Most whites like most blacks and most hipanics just want to live in peace. Then there are racists, that is that, there is a margin of society that are racist. It is not unique to one group it is universal. When you percieve that you are treated poorly by a white person because you are part hispanisc don't think "damn racist white people" think "damn racist"... period. But as a rule when people want to talk racism it's more fun to pretend it's mostly a white thing which is a critical mistake and actually the oppisite I dare say. My point is... for instance if these girls I spoke of had been black, Sharpton and Jackson would have had the whole country enraged at the evil white men that did this and would have offered these girls scholarships etc. But when the perpetrators are black the media is not even inclined to diclose thier race. It's never talked about. Well I never owned a slave or considered hurting another person, let alone based on race. I have worked in fish houses, restaurants, hotels and in the movie business and always worked alongside blacks. I never knew one to be paid less than me for the same work. In spite of my experiences, I still I look at most black people I meet and hope I see goodness. I expect the best and try not to judge. But I am awful fed up with the pednulum being stuck on one end for so long. I don't know if this helps but it's my view.
I hate that liberal professors are constanly harping on this subject and trying to get kids thinking about racism and looking for it.
Read books by Lary Elder and Thomas Sowell and you will be utterly astounded.
2007-01-19 17:27:16
answer #4
answered by labragator 1
You chose a man you love for his qualities, not his skin color, and if people do not like it they obviously have a problem within themselves that is not you problem.
Over the years together I am sure you will meet nice couples that will see you both for what you stand for and how you contribute to society. Stay with those friends, and the other's who can not reach out for you are the losers in the deal. Do not let them hurt your relationship, and truthfully, if they can't accept you both, they were not worth the effort in the first place.
2007-01-19 16:28:19
answer #5
answered by Loraine H 2
Racism comes from ignorance. We should all learn something from one another. I'm not a racist, I love people from all walks of life. We have so much to offer to each other, yet there is a lot of hatred in the world.
2007-01-19 16:27:54
answer #6
answered by jammer 6
You are the only one that can answer that question. You will never please everyone so don't get stuck in the rut at such a young age of listening to other people. Follow what your conscience and heart are telling you and pray. You'll know soon who your real friends are, as if parents are involved that's a battle I'm afriad will be difficult. I wish you well.
2007-01-19 16:27:52
answer #7
answered by llathrop 2
I think racism is a huge problem in our country. Why should we be classified as "races"? I just like to think of it as "multi-cultural", after all, we all have the same thing on the inside, we just look different on the outside.
2007-01-19 16:31:36
answer #8
answered by Robin H 2