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I am new to the area and business. Everyone says to make a list of everyone I know but I don't know anyone in this state and I already send my family and friends out of state business cards and talked to them. Door knocking is time consuming and I think there has to be a better way. Has anybody tried something that worked for them?

2007-01-19 16:21:30 · 6 answers · asked by Sonny 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

6 answers

Go after FSBO's . If you have a good script and are prepared to handle objectiosn you should be able to create at least 1 listing for every 4-5 attempts (you should be able to get up to 50% with practice)

Hitting the streets works. I know a realtor who started that way about 8 years ago, he now earns over 300K/year and has 2 assistants and a buyers agent working for him.

Direct Mail works well.

Once you get the first listing, use it for all it is worth, you should be able to generate at least one buyer lead and maybe a seller lead.

Ask some of the more exerienced (and succesful) agents in your office if you can hold some open houses in their listings. While this won't help them sell the house you'll generate some leads and the home owners will think the listing agent is working.

2007-01-20 10:18:31 · answer #1 · answered by The Man 5 · 0 0

I posted my business cards in the laundry rooms of apartment complexes with a comparison chart of renting vs buying. I also used grocery store bulletin boards in neighborhoods that may have a lot of renters. My target was first time buyers, they usually bring lifetime referrals. Also I would get the address of an apartment complex and do a mass mailing to the tenants and claim that I am the "go to" agent for that complex.
Hope this helps if first time buyers is your market.

2007-01-20 00:43:15 · answer #2 · answered by angelam219 3 · 0 0

I work as a loan officer and somtimes I may know someone that is going to buy a house and wants me to refer a good realtor, Well sometimes it is hard to build solid relationships w/ realtors, but I would LOVE for a realtor to come to me and ask me to turn over referrals and in return, the realtor turns over peoplle that need loans. So maybe you can go to a few mortgage companies and tell them you want to find a loan officer to build a relationship w/ they would love that. It is harder for a loan officer to earn a realtors trust then a realtor to earn a loan offers trust. We need you. So make a few friends at local mortgage companies. They will bend over backwards, sit at open houses w/ you to pre- qualify people. I do it all the time. You can also talk to for sale by owners, that is harder, but that is where youre loan officer friend comes in, they can pre qualify people for these for sale by owners and if they decide to turn over to realtor then there you go! And remember only one person can buy that house so now everybody that we tried to pre-qualify is now a potential buyer. Please Email me as I know of many more alsk_alsk@yahoo.com

2007-01-20 00:40:35 · answer #3 · answered by alice r 1 · 1 0

for holidays like vday make cut out hearts with your biz card glued to them and put them in everybodies mail box near your house. its goin to take effort to get clients its hard work to be a real estate agent expessally since the market is so slow

2007-01-20 00:30:22 · answer #4 · answered by jettalady 4 · 0 1


2007-01-20 00:30:50 · answer #5 · answered by lisacantcook 3 · 0 1

Why don't you try going to work for a firm?

2007-01-20 00:25:55 · answer #6 · answered by TexasChick 4 · 0 1

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