You absolutely must document those things you feel she is doing wrong. If she's not doing a clean job, you must write it up, including date and time. If she isn't pulling her share of the load, working too slowly, you must write up your complaint. If she is bad-mouthing the boss, you should document that, including date, time and exactly what she said. You should also have witnesses.
Depending on which state you work in, she can be let go without cause. However, you may run into legal issues if you haven't at least given her warnings or informed her of her poor work behaviour/production. As the office manager, you need to speak with her, whether you want to or not. Otherwise, you are not doing YOUR job.
The 6 of you should have a meeting at some point and discuss how she is negatively affecting the morale and atmosphere in the office. However if the boss does not want to fire her, you may need to find a different place to work.
2007-01-19 16:17:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You can't just fire her no matter what kind of pain.
However it depends on your Industrial rulings where you are. Otherwise you need to take the initiative and sit her down with the Supervisor present and 1Give her a repromand, plus her first written warning. Stating your grievences and company policies on interacting with others. Give her a trial period to improve her game. If not continue until she's run out of her warnings then fire her. If it's in the USA her medical would be attatched to that. I'm guessing that would bring her into check just the thought of losing that. She maybe acting stupid like this to be one of the team .People act in weird ways when they first start and feel uncomfortable but if others go along with it she thinks it's cool. Get the others at work to pull her up on it at the time when she does or something unsociable.She'll soon get the hint that sort of thing isn't tolerated there.
I must say I do get the feeling your boss is right you are taking it personal. That's ok but remember you have to be in command not act like a kid who's friends and toys are being taken by the bully. Good luck
2007-01-20 00:30:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
depends on what state you are in. If you are in a right to work state then you just tell her that she is not working out before her probation period is up and that you will no longer require her services. this is a nice way to say you are fired, but also it prevents anyone form being able to claim that it is discriminatory or that it is personal, even if it is. since it is in the handbook at the company you just need to make sure that this employee is told all of this when they are let go. if they have a problem they can always file a grievance with the labor board in your state, no matter what you do, so just keep it neat, keep it clean, and keep it impersonal and to the piont. only do things in the handbook. no other explanation required. also, since it would be in the probationary period you don't need to write up the person to let her go, just send her packing.
2007-01-20 00:15:48
answer #3
answered by nyxcat1999 3
Documentation, documentation. and more documentation. Who is her supervisor, is she following company policies? Is she coming to work on time, complete her work assignments, being professional in the office, dressing according to the company's dress codes, etc. You have to write down every little thing that she does that does not meet the standards.
When you are on probation it is a trail to see if the person is going to work out. All you have to say is that you are letting her go because it is not working out to the company's benefit.
I have heard of people who only work long enough to get hired so they can get unemployment benefits. My girlfriend was a supervisor and this girl came to work on time, but after an hour hell broke lose. One day she took off her shoe and she was polishing her toenails at her desk. Her bought her dog to work one day and said that she did not want to leave him at home because he was sick the night before.
That was the final straw and she was ask to leave. The girl came to work the next morning and they called the police to escort her off of the property.
She called one of the workers and was laughing about how she wonder how long it would take them to fire her.
2007-01-20 00:24:57
answer #4
answered by D S 4
Document her work and fire her for poor work performance and being an unfit emploee. You need good cause to fire her
2007-01-20 00:11:51
answer #5
answered by Love&Confusion 3