2 scenes....
One where Butch and Fabian are mostly talking about having oral sex.. It's not graphic, but it can be uncomfortable watching it with your mom. It does show him going down, but the camera stays on her face.
The second scene is a gay rape scene... Very hard to watch, but necessary to understand why someone gets forgiven.
There technically isn't any nudity. You do see the side of a guys buttcheek during the rape scene and Bruce Willis almost shows his twig and berries when he's taking a shower, but he's uses a towel to always, but barely, cover himself up.
Once again... It's not a movie I'd watch with my mom, but it's a great movie to watch alone or even better with a bunch of friends.
If you're dying to watch a Tarantino movie with your mom, here's a list of them from "least embarrasing to most embarassing"
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill Vol 2
Kill Bill Vol 1
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
now, obviously watching Kill Bill out of synch isn't a good idea, but once you get past the extremely violent volume 1, then volume 2 is fairly embarrassment free.
Jackie Brown is the only Tarantino movie that actually has nudity, although it's brief.. Aside from this being the worst movie, it goes on the bottom of the list because watching Robert DeNiro bang Bridget Fonda is just flat out gross.
2007-01-19 15:14:42
answer #1
answered by owensb01 3
There is a scene worth knowing about if you're concerned. This is taken from a review, it describes it best.... guy on guy sodomozing.....
'Maynard and his accomplice Zed are sexual predators, and they tie the two captives with red ball gags strapped in their mouths. They take Marsellus into the back room to sodomize him, leaving a gimp to watch Butch.'
2007-01-19 23:18:16
answer #2
answered by Matt 3
Been awhile since I've seen it but I do believe there is a dominatrix type scene. Not really any sexuality, lots of blood and killing, a classic, a must see. Watch it alone first if you aren't to sure.
2007-01-19 23:15:33
answer #3
answered by Athena 2
The only sexual content is with the homosexual rape sequence, but that is not as graphic as you think.
With your mom? Really embarrassed, yes.
2007-01-19 23:16:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No actual sex, although there is intended oral. Not the type of movie to watch with your mom until you've watched it first--you know Mom better than we do, so you can decide if she'd be OK with it.
2007-01-19 23:15:30
answer #5
answered by Clint 3
I actually watched it with my parents. There is a scene where Bruce Willis discusses oral sex with his girlfriend, but no sex or nudity. We all enjoyed the movie.
2007-01-20 00:45:31
answer #6
answered by elthe3rd 4
Yes, it would make your Mom uncomfortable to watch it with you.
2007-01-19 23:14:46
answer #7
answered by clever nickname 6
ummm...definitely don't watch it with the parentals. much embarrasment awaits. i'll just leave it at that
2007-01-19 23:15:35
answer #8
answered by Jennay5309 2
This movie SUCKS! I was shocked when the chick ended up being a guy and turned it off. It wreaked of gay transvestite pervert ism. If you like gay pervert movies, then this movie is for you......
2007-01-19 23:13:25
answer #9
answered by charles 3
nope! there is no actual sex scence or anything related. but lots of F words though.
2007-01-19 23:12:44
answer #10
answered by Cool Z 5