Only if I am dressed in a full-sized banana suit....
2007-01-19 15:15:30
answer #1
answered by billtucker67 4
Yes I am. But then again like other people, I do not believe in flying monkeys just as you don't believe in ghosts. I have another question for you: ARE YOU SCARED OF LIONS, TIGERS, AND BEARS? Oh my! Does it make any sense for a witch to melt from water? NO. It does not And does it make any sense that a witch has evil flying monkeys? NO. It doesn't. And I do believe that some people do not live in Kansas. So, why do people still use that saying. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..." And what is with that yellow brick road? Why do they call it the YELLOW brick road? And yes, I would be scared if there was a tornado coming, And yes, I would be scared if a house was about to fall on me.
2007-01-19 23:06:50
answer #2
answered by Remus Lupin 3
Can't say that I'm scared of flying monkeys cause there are none around here. Way back I suppose it wasn't a bell hop they were trying to copy, it was emerald city if you watch it again.
2007-01-19 22:58:46
answer #3
answered by sindscorpion 1
TERRIFIED!! Not anymore, of course, but definitely as a child. i would beg to watch The Wizard of Oz every year, and then freak out when the monkeys came on. I think their costumes are supposed to match the Winkie guard costumes, so they end up looking bell hop-ish
2007-01-19 23:19:55
answer #4
answered by Jennay5309 2
When I was a kid, but that movie was a long time ago. Nowadays, the only flying monkeys around are the ones you find on Air Force One.
2007-01-19 23:27:22
answer #5
answered by jhartmann21 4
Freakin' Terrified. My pop was in love with Judy Garland so we had to watch Wizard of Oz every time it came on TV and I would have nightmares for weeks about those monkeys.
2007-01-20 03:13:48
answer #6
answered by darthclown 4
2007-01-19 23:00:26
answer #7
answered by Garrett H 2
If there are any flying monkeys out there then Yes I would be very frightened!!! o.0
2007-01-19 23:00:00
answer #8
answered by Yahoo 4
Ok oK oK I
agree yes i was likethe monkeys from Wizard of Oz. When i was six! man ugly little fellas...
2007-01-19 22:58:07
answer #9
answered by G.I. Jane 2
Yes, I am too. Even their theme song gives me the creeps. The costumes just make them look spookier.
2007-01-19 23:01:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous