Are those the only choices we get? Dang... you are ruff!
My first thought if she is attractive is, "she is attractive."
If she is sexy, "daaaaaannnnggg..." well you know what i mean.
If she is homely, "hi, how's it going?"
If she knocks me off my feet, an intelligent conversation will ensue..
that's keepin it real..
2007-01-19 14:18:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When I see a female, the first thing I think is, "What did she do to that hair?". Or "Wow, she can actually walk in those shoes! " Or "Poor thing, she can't walk in those shoes" Or "What a hot dress!"... Hey, Dude, the guys in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered section don't care about sleeping with girls, or want one as a girlfriend... Move this question to another category...
2007-01-19 22:15:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can only speak for myself. If someone looks interesting to me (and everyone's taste is different), I approach them with an open mind. Whether or not I would want to continue seeing them is more likely to be determined by their intelligence, imagination, conversation, etc than their looks.
Here's a simple chart for you:
Hot girl, great personality: girlfriend material
Pretty, and great personality, etc.: girlfriend material
Hot girl, average personality: sleep with her alot, but only a physical relationship.
Pretty girl, average: Sleep with her once, consider seeing her again, but only if she calls you to hook up.
Pretty girl, boring personality: Sleep with her once, don't answer her calls.
Hot girl, boring personality: Sleep with her, and all her friends, don't answer any of their calls.
When drunk, any girl, any personality: sleep with her, and then deny it ever happened.
2007-01-19 22:18:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
could she be a girlfriend i could sleep with
2007-01-19 22:11:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
To be very honest, could she give me a good bj.
2007-01-19 22:12:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I usually think "Is she too stupid to figure out where to post a question?"
2007-01-19 23:00:09
answer #6
answered by ? 6
sort like when i go to Yahoo Answers, i prefer to ask gays question then fellow my starights.......Sweet!
2007-01-20 04:18:59
answer #7
answered by Jonathan L 3
quick answer: yes!
2007-01-19 22:36:22
answer #8
answered by whoknows 3