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At the end of Cheaper by the Dozen 2 during the credits there are bloopers, and there is a song playing during the bloopers , does anyone know what the name of that song is?!!??? ASAP!!!

2007-01-19 13:46:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

are you 100% positive? because i can't find it on itunes or Limewire!

2007-01-22 09:22:47 · update #1

3 answers

Historians maintain that the actual name of the song has been lost in time. Scientists have decoded some fragments of the song and determined it to have Syrian-Aramaic origins dating as far back as 75 B.C.

Dr. Jack Mehoffe is leading the scientific expedition to uncover the truth about the song at the end of Cheaper by the Dozen 2's blooper reel. Many of his colleagues believe that the original language may give clues.

The History Channel recently aired a special episode of "Digging for the Truth" that suggests the song is titled "Mah Umlah Teh" which is translated as "A Whale's Vagina".

2007-01-19 14:04:25 · answer #1 · answered by BrewMan 5 · 1 1

Heythere Delilah

2016-03-29 05:30:28 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's "what if" by gina rene

2007-01-19 14:00:59 · answer #3 · answered by d 3 · 0 1

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