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it not that much but everytime i wipe my butt , blood is on the toliet paper and when i take a crap, theres some blood on the poop is something wrong (and no i didnt get butt raped)

2007-01-19 13:29:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Men's Health

15 answers

For the best answers, search on this site, you can find out more about natural hemorrhoids cure here:

Note that:
Diarrhea can contribute to hemorrhoid formation because the bowel undergoes pressure strains due to the condition. Undue pressure on the veins that make up internal hemorrhoidal structures can worsen existing damage. Internal hemorrhoids are not visible, unless they proplapse (protrude) from the anus, either constantly or during a bowel movement. If this is the case, then you have a grade III or IV internal hemorrhoid. If the protrusion is on the anal verge or the area surrounding the anus, then its likely an external hemorrhoid. Reducing pressure from issues of diarrhea and constipation will help. Not straining during a bowel movement, not lifting heavy objects, not sitting for extended periods, all will help.

An external hemorrhoid is simply a vein located at the anal verge, the wall of which as weakened and protruded. Don't push on it, this will only increase pressure and worsen it. The body has to repair the vein wall and rebuild the integrity. This takes time, perhaps weeks, if all goes well. Use sitz baths and over-the-counter medications such as pads or creams to provide symptom relief in the interim. These won't solve the issue long term, but will give the tissue a better chance at self-healing.

Internal hemorrhoids are a different matter and require more intervention. Your best bet is to educate yourself about the condition, its causes and what options there are to treat it both short and long term. Don't ignore it though, hemorrhoids tend to become chronic in nature, lasting years or decades in some cases.

2016-05-12 10:54:28 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

You can find out more about natural hemorrhoids cure here:

Note that:
Diarrhea can contribute to hemorrhoid formation because the bowel undergoes pressure strains due to the condition. Undue pressure on the veins that make up internal hemorrhoidal structures can worsen existing damage. Internal hemorrhoids are not visible, unless they proplapse (protrude) from the anus, either constantly or during a bowel movement. If this is the case, then you have a grade III or IV internal hemorrhoid. If the protrusion is on the anal verge or the area surrounding the anus, then its likely an external hemorrhoid. Reducing pressure from issues of diarrhea and constipation will help. Not straining during a bowel movement, not lifting heavy objects, not sitting for extended periods, all will help.

An external hemorrhoid is simply a vein located at the anal verge, the wall of which as weakened and protruded. Don't push on it, this will only increase pressure and worsen it. The body has to repair the vein wall and rebuild the integrity. This takes time, perhaps weeks, if all goes well. Use sitz baths and over-the-counter medications such as pads or creams to provide symptom relief in the interim. These won't solve the issue long term, but will give the tissue a better chance at self-healing.

Internal hemorrhoids are a different matter and require more intervention. Your best bet is to educate yourself about the condition, its causes and what options there are to treat it both short and long term. Don't ignore it though, hemorrhoids tend to become chronic in nature, lasting years or decades in some cases.

2015-11-21 04:01:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I've had Hemorrhoids for nearly 40 years now. I use to suffer badly from moderate chronic Hemorrhoids combined with unbearable swelling and bleeding. As with numerous other Hemorrhoids sufferers, I've been fold to "accept and live with it" In searching the internet about Hemorrhoids, I found this very good remedy: https://tr.im/HemorrhoidNoMoreOfficial

Note that:
Diarrhea can contribute to hemorrhoid formation because the bowel undergoes pressure strains due to the condition. Undue pressure on the veins that make up internal hemorrhoidal structures can worsen existing damage. Internal hemorrhoids are not visible, unless they proplapse (protrude) from the anus, either constantly or during a bowel movement. If this is the case, then you have a grade III or IV internal hemorrhoid. If the protrusion is on the anal verge or the area surrounding the anus, then its likely an external hemorrhoid. Reducing pressure from issues of diarrhea and constipation will help. Not straining during a bowel movement, not lifting heavy objects, not sitting for extended periods, all will help.

2015-11-21 04:02:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Probably hemroids. You should see a doctor. He will take a stool sample (not plesant but does not hurt much) to make sure that you do not have blood in your stool (common in cancer) and will probably give you a cream or supository to sooth the hemmroids.

You probably got them from sitting too long (most often on the toilet but there is some evidence that all the video game sitting could be causing hemmroids).


2007-01-19 15:30:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

More than likely it is hemorhoids that you might not even notice, they could be on the inside. Sometimes they are painful and sometimes they itch, sometimes there are no syptoms. The best relief is suppository prep-h. But as others have said it could be a sign of something much more serious and should be checked out by a medical professional. It is nothing that should be put off.

2007-01-19 14:02:45 · answer #5 · answered by smilechaser 2 · 1 0

It's probably piles (hemmeroids, but I can't spell and my spell check doesn't work). Try to get a LOT of fiber in your diet so your stools will be soft. Something like Metamucil is fine, or lots of raw fruits and veggies. If that doesn't fix it, get to a doctor, as there are a lot of not-nice possibilities, including ulcerative colitis and, yes, colon cancer.

2007-01-19 14:55:27 · answer #6 · answered by Maple 7 · 0 0

Blood on the poo means there's something wrong with your insides. Stop wasting time asking this question here, go and see a doctor right now. Its probably just piles, but you have to be sure.

2007-01-19 13:54:25 · answer #7 · answered by alienaviator 4 · 0 0

Unless your unloading some seriously huge turds, you could have a form of Cancer. Blood in the feces is one of the main signs of liver Cancer. My friends uncle had the same problem but was too embarrassed to talk to his doctor about it. It turned out to be Cancer, and he died within a few months because it was too late for treatment. It is no joke, you seriously need to get check out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Good luck man.

2007-01-19 13:41:34 · answer #8 · answered by Sandfrog 3 · 0 0

Piles or Ulcerative Collitis.Read about it and see a doctor immediately.

2007-01-20 00:48:38 · answer #9 · answered by BLESSED 4 · 0 0

Yes, consult your physician ASAP. You could have some internal bleeding.

2007-01-19 13:40:28 · answer #10 · answered by Crystalline 2 · 0 0

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