The system has worked well in the US. Although the US system is far from perfect, most kids who choose to go can read, write and function in society by the end.
India would also have the benefit of being able to look at other systems and take their best practices from the start without getting bogged down in a lot of the failures that have happened along the way.
2007-01-19 13:04:13
answer #1
answered by nixkuroi 2
I has a bucket: true, except "It differs from province to province it is free all across but some provinces actually require a small fee such as alberta for the health care but if you cant afford it you can get it subsidized by the government....". I'm in AB and we (as of Jan 1) are fully covered (God bless the surplus of $$$) and we have NO charge anymore! It's pretty sweet I must admit!!! I do enjoy our healthcare system! I very rarely have to wait, and even for specialists etc, the longest I ever waited (for an MRI actually) was 4 months. Even then that was fair since it was not an emergent thing! it does vary province to province a bit. I am fortunate to live in a rich province, although 15 (ish) years ago here the healthcare system went down the crapper due to many cutbacks. It has since comeback to be better and stronger IMO. However, simple things like finding a GP taking patients can be VERY difficult due to closed practices, but that is a minor inconvienence in the long run!
2016-05-23 23:08:46
answer #2
answered by Joanne 4
Uniform free education and health care for all children is a very laudable idea, but not workable. I have the experience of Mid-day meals scheme where we as children from middle calss families were encouraged to bring contributions in kind for the common kitchen and the poor children's part of the contribution was made by the Government. We all ate the same food and cleaned the plates ourselves. Soon the very rich parents started sending so called medicinal supplies, a euphemism for high value food to their children. The message was loud and clear: the food given by the school is sub standard. There were murmurs in the corridors and soon enough most parents from average families stopped sending contributions for the Kitchen and gave independent tiffins to their children. Only we,the Teachrers' children and the poor children ate in the common kitchen. Soon a canard was spread that the teachers are feeding their children from the money meant for the poor.The demoralised teachers withdrew their children from the common kitchen and the poor children got exposed for what they were. A good scheme that was fostering brotherhood among the children was sabotaged by the ego of the rich parents.
I am afraid the same thing would happen to the Free Education campaign. Very soon the rich will start claiming that the education provided is substandard and tyake away their children from the common schools ,only to be followed by those from the middle class who always ape the rich in a mindless manner.
The same thing would happen with the common Health care scheme.
What is needed is that the School system under the Government and Local Bodies and Public Health Care system should be upgraded with facilities comparable to the best available in the private schools and hospitals patronised by the rich. This way the rich will bear the cost of educating their own chldren and the avareage man and the poor will also get the benefit of good education.
Teachers in the public system should be reapprised for competence to teach and those failing to make the grade should be compulsorily retired or kept as assistants to competent teachers and later given one more chance to show their worth to retain the job.. Those making the grade should be paid better wages and asked to innovate methods to bridge the knowledge gap of children from families with lesser exposure to the means of spontaneous learning like radio/TV/ Internet etc
Likewise, Health personnel who are service minded should be better paid and those without the right kind of attitude eased out.
Those capable of innovating the delivery mechanism and preventive care should be rewarded for their special efforts.
Group insurance for the poor patients can take care of the cost factor in providing uniform standard in Health care at Primary Health Centres and Cottage Hospitals.The rich may be asked to buy their own insurance.
Village and neighbourhood committees can do a lot to improve the standard prevailing in the Schools, just as the PTAs of prestigious schools do.Knowledgeable parents can contribute learning contents, skilled parents can hold demonstrations etc.
Those without such contributions may spend time and energy to help the development of the infrastructure of the school.
2007-01-19 13:47:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There should be equality in the implementation of free health and education benefits in India. Likewise, education must tackle present issues just like terrorism and corruption so that people will be aware of what to do and be safe in their communities.
2007-01-19 13:06:29
answer #4
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
yes ! its should be done so as this will bring the unity and support , and there will no differnece in rich and poor, no one can feel guilty,
yes ofcourse there should be health care for the childrends they are the futhure they should be protected .
today's generation is very fast and more brilliant , only the thing is they should be guided in better way
2007-01-19 15:24:38
answer #5
answered by jayaprakash_ds 1
From where Indian Government will arrange the budget for that?
2007-01-19 13:05:15
answer #6
answered by prashant m 1
Ask yourself "can they afford" or "can you afford more taxes?" There is your answer.
2007-01-19 13:15:55
answer #7
answered by Prav 4