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What are the symptoms I will be experiencing and what should I expect

2007-01-19 09:39:55 · 15 answers · asked by lizzalicious 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

15 answers


like every one has mentioned you absolutly have to get the "what to expect when your expecting" book it is wonderful help me out load with all three of my pregnancys
i had different symptoms with every pregnancy that is y no one on this site can really tell you what you go thru since we all go thru it differently

2007-01-19 09:51:57 · answer #1 · answered by blackhairedbaby 4 · 0 0

Well, I have given birth to three children, so I can probably answer your question. In all honesty, it really depends upon your body. All I can tell you is what has happened to me.

With my first one, the pregnancy was great. No aches, no pains. I was out helping dig a hole while I was 7 months pregnant, but for you it may be different. You may notice your hips, back, legs and feet get achey or sore if you sit or stand for too long. You may experience nausea and/or vomitting, obviously. The imfamous morning sickness that doesn't always happen in the mornings. You may also notice a change in your skin, hair, nails, and pretty much anything that has to do with your body chemistry. All of the changes I had with my skin, nails, and hair were good though. My hair and nails grew faster and my skin complection was very good. That went back to normal after I had the baby though. You will find yourself getting tired much easier. The pregnancy isn't the hard part though.
Giving birth is quite painful and I definitely suggest an epidural (sp?) or some kind of pain reducer, the contractions themselves are enough to make you want to just pass out, but of course you can't because the pain keeps you awake.

After birth, you will find that you will bleed heavily, and this can last up to 6 weeks, maybe a little longer. You really should not have sex for up to 6 weeks even though some people do. If you get pregnant too quickly after having a child, there may be some health risks, not to mention you get to stay pregnant for pretty much two years straight, which is what happened to me.

TAKE PRENATAL VITAMINS! Not for the baby, for yourself! The baby will take whatever it needs from you and you will be at loss. You may not notice it right away, but you will after having the baby. Unborn children suck the calcium (amongst other things) right out of you, which is not good. You're a woman and you'll already be expecting calcium issues.

Trust me, after you have the baby, RELAX. You may not have to go as far as having someone else do everything for you, but don't worry about being right on top of the cleaning or the running around. I did this with all three of my children and I really noticed it with the last one. I'm a clean freak and I just could not stand having laundry pile up and dishes in the sink, so I stood there for hours cleaning dishes and continually ran up and down the stairs to do laundry, I regret it now. My hips are almost always achey and I still can't get into a comforatable position at night.

I know that my on going babbling may sound bad, no positives, but there are positives. Children are wonderful and in my oppinion watching them grow and become intelligent people is worth your whole life. So while you may start to feel tied down and you may be sore and uncomforatable, it's all worth it. As a matter of fact, it's MORE then worth it.

You may be scared, nervous, anxious. That's normal and it's OKAY. I cried before I gave birth to my first one because I just thought she was going to take my whole life away, but she added onto it. You'll realize what I mean when your child grows and you watch them learn something new every single day. Hopefully you'll look back on this post one day and realize what I meant when I said that your children are worth your whole life.

2007-01-19 18:00:29 · answer #2 · answered by flittrnet 1 · 1 0

well, if you're two weeks pregnant, then you would have concieved today, lol. The way that the "week" system works is a lot different than people think. If you are just now due for your period, and you concieved two weeks ago, that makes you four weeks. See, you're farther along than you thought :)
Most people at this stage will not notice too many things, but some women will. The MOST common is sickness headaches and being tired ALL THE TIME. The having to pee thing wont happen for another couple weeks till your uterus starts to grow. Go to http://www.babycenter.com
It is a very helpful site and will tell you your due ate and how far along you are. congrats

2007-01-19 17:47:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you can get a lot of info in books and on the web. Even parent magazines. You will experience a lot. I'm 12 weeks (3 months) I just got over having sickness 2 or 3 weeks ago. Some women experience sickness in the morning. I experienced it at night around bedtime. Some experience all day long. If goes on to long like past 10 or 12 weeks or you just can't eat or keep anything down say something to your doc.

2007-01-19 17:48:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Buy the book called, WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU ARE EXPECTING. It's an excellent guide. And here is an excellent site: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/pregnancy/PR99999

You will probably start to have sore breasts soon, and possibly nausea and vomiting, although not all people experience this, I had the nausea, but no vomiting. Some women even lose a couple of pounds early in the pregnancy, but will make up for it in the second and third trimester. Make sure you are taking your pre-natals and keeping all of your appointments with your OB/GYN. When you get into your 3rd trimester, start looking around for a pediatrician you like. Good Luck and Congrats!!!!

2007-01-19 17:43:02 · answer #5 · answered by nimo22 6 · 0 0

It varies for every women and every pregnancy, some get sickness, tiredness, sore breasts, go of certain foods and a very strong sense of smell with some smells making you very sick. Some women don't get any symptoms and some very few lucky ones feel the healthiest they have ever been. Often hormones can make you tearful and some have mood swings. I advise getting a good pregnancy book as it is nice to read how your baby is developing and throughout your pregnancy you will probably have countless questions. Congratulations and wish you all well.

2007-01-19 17:49:50 · answer #6 · answered by tangerine 1 · 0 0

It's different for everybody and with every pregnancy. If you haven't started taking prenatal vitamins, start just as soon as you can. Make sure you have a vitamin that gives you lots of extra calcium. You and Baby will need it (also helps reduce leg cramps as your pregnancy progresses).

Also: here's what you should be prepared for. Your joints will relax, especially your hips, so be careful if you're a runner. You might experience soreness in your hips and joints as you go along. Your stomach will stretch (obviously, but go get yourself some Vitamin E oil to add to your regular body lotion; it will help keep your skin flexible, so hopefully you'll avoid stretch marks). You'll probably be very tired for the first trimester. Listen to your body. If you have to rest...rest!

Of course, there's morning sickness. If you feel dreadful and throw up a lot, invest in saltines and 7-Up. They're easy on the tummy. Camomile tea and chicken soup are good, too.

Go find a prenatal exercise class in your area, maybe at a rec center or YMCA. They will focus on stretch and strengthening exercises, keep you flexible, and help you stay healthy and safe (some exercise classes can stress your back or cause your neighbor to kick you accidentally: so look specifically for a prenatal class).

You'll probably become very sensitive to smells. If a smell grosses you out, avoid the source (this goes for colognes, food, you name it).

Mostly, listen to your body. If you have an urge for sweets, drink a glass of water (you're probably dehydrated). If you're dizzy, sit down (again, it's probably dehydration, but pregnant women are prone to dizziness). If you really crave orange juice, drink orange juice. In other words, indulge healthy cravings like berries, veggies, water and lean meats. Ignore unhealthy cravings: you want quality calories. If you eat junk, Baby will take what he or she needs from your own body!!

Most importantly: if you want to sit, sit! If you want to rest, rest! It's the best way to avoid vericose veins.

Good luck, and congratulations!

2007-01-19 17:57:16 · answer #7 · answered by KD 4 · 0 0

You should expect a baby! :-p just playing.
Around two weeks I had breast soreness, car sickness, headaches, constipation as well as diarrhea, COLD all the time, terrible heartburn and moodiness. I was super sensitive and cryish. All that lasted pretty much until a couple weeks before second trimester. Now I'm pretty much just dealing with fatigue, heartburn and aches in my legs. My mood has gotten better though! :) Have fun and enjoy the miseries of pregnancy!

2007-01-19 17:51:43 · answer #8 · answered by shugarmagnolia420 4 · 0 0

Headaches- Take TYLENOL only as the dr will tell ya
Morning sickness- eat small meal
Re learning what foods agree with you now- this will not be fun
Peeing all the time- make sure u know where the girls room is everywhere
Backach- heat pads and bengay are wonderful
Weight gain- get bigger pants
sore boobs- not fun
Streach marks- Palmers makes a coco butter just for this now- i love it

Thats what I have been going though.

good site www.babycenter.com- will tell you week by week what to expect.

Make dr. appointment now and parenting classes if offered.

2007-01-19 17:57:25 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

go get a copy of what to expect while expecting. you can get used copies for only a few dollars. everyone experiences pregnancy differently, but right away you may have sore breasts, nausea, excitement/ or sadness (depending on if you wanted to be pregnant). I was really really tired for about 2 months and I would take naps in my car/office/wherever.....I would confide in a close friend and relative to talk to about your feelings either way, and get to a doctors office- they will have a lot of free info for you. ALSO TAKE PRENATAL vitamins, they help protect your little bundle from birth defects.
Best wishes!!

2007-01-19 17:45:53 · answer #10 · answered by quirky 5 · 0 0

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