It started on new years day someone was drunk outside my house the time was 1:30am i was awake in my bed and my mum was awake downstairs only me my mum and my 6 years old sister who was asleep were at home. The drunk guy outside started baging on our neibours door we didnt know that he was drunk and all lights in the house were off he tried to break down our neibours door our neibours house is only 4cm away from our door he was baging he tried to break it but he couldent our neibours are 3 women they came outside and while he was
while the man was taliking to them he started punching our door he also started swearing and he said he was going to kill us at this point i had run downstairs and then the man went away I CANT TELL U ALL OFF THE STORY BCZ IM RUNNIG OUT OF CHARATERS so after that day im now scared that someone may come and break into my house and kill us EVEN THOUGH WEEK AFTER THE INCIDENT THE MAN DID SAY SORRY I CANT SLEEP AT NIGHTS IM SCARED HOW SHOULD I GET RID OF MY FEAR
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