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This is to all the people who hide behind the computer and try to hide your insecurities but let me tell you now we (meaning human beings) are not stupid, your sad views speak volumes,
I feel for you it must be lonely out there, in your world of hate.
I have read some fantastic things in here by people of all colours showing real humanity and respect for the fellow human beings, to all of you respect.
And to the people who can't say even why they hate.
Let’s try an experiment say your view’s but tell me why I mean a real educated reason why you hate and I’ll tell you now the more educated people will tell you why not to hate.

2007-01-19 08:56:39 · 6 answers · asked by london2007 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

6 answers

I don't think that it is only a matter of intellect--although I believe that intelligent people may question themselves more.But I also feel that people have to be taught to be like that..you really don't see racially mixed children playing together who have any idea of racial stereotypes or such.They just play together.Period.
And hate is such a negative, self-destructive emotion. It is sad.

2007-01-19 09:25:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hating isn't all bad. As crazy as a comment as that is I believe it to be true. It is a natural human response to given stressful situations or people. Hating is useful to a person in the same way stereotyping is. It might be considered socially wrong, but stereotypes are the brains way to make quick decisions or opinions about an object or person.

Hate also has its reasons for existing. Survival in the past and even in present day sometimes depends on hate. You may not realize it in your glass tower(I you live in the US like me this is mostly true), but the outside world is harsh. An example of useful hate would be when a nation fights another. If is an actual war then you will obviously find people who hate the other side. Note that you only have people who hate their own government causing the war if that nation gives its citizen the luxery to. It is also a strong motivator. If your father was killed by the other side you hate them and fight harder, worker harder, and work longer. There are also reasons for hate in a peaceful nation like the US. If you have an interview for an important job and someone less talented gets it, it acts as a motivator. This motivation could be working harder, learning new skills, or even pursueing alternative routes to the top.

I also think that hate is useful in that it rewires your brain. Ever noticed how when a person whom you hate is slighted in any way it feels good? I think that the pleasure centers in your brain begin to respond to any stimuli that might negatively affect the target of your hate. Because of this everything including from your opinions to the way you think changes because of this.

When it comes down to it I think Hate is a stronger motivator than greed, fear, or pain. Of course I doubt you will this to or read any of this since I think that you might hate, hate itself.

2007-01-19 17:18:02 · answer #2 · answered by Annonymas 3 · 0 0

I think it is a lack of common sense. I mean there are so many things going on out in the world and no one really chooses to realize it. Instead people join gangs and whatnot becuase they think it is cool. And at first it is until you do something wrong and get caught. However before that time happens, you continue to do "cool bad" things becuase you believe you are invincible. So if people actually THOUGHT, about what they were getting into they would realize that it is a bad thing and there would not be as much badness out there in the world.

2007-01-19 17:08:18 · answer #3 · answered by Alex 2 · 1 0

Some people (the ones you talk of) on here might not actually have a problem or be insecure. Has it ever occured to you that they may just be bored (and not idiotic losers) and get a kick out of causing a row on here? Also their "questions" get the most answers and so answering only provokes them to "ask" more racist "questions". Who is the unintelligent one here?

I don't support it and hardly ever answer them so don't think I am a supporter of them. I just have a brain to see through it all.

2007-01-19 17:07:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think it's because mtv said that it's not cool to be intelligent anymore. they also said it's also not cool to get your information from books or school, to spell things correctly, to listen and think before speaking (or typing), and to try to understand things outside of quick catch-phrases and generalizations. and the masses mooed and proceeded into the slaughter house.

2007-01-19 17:02:11 · answer #5 · answered by ms. g 3 · 1 0

I'm pretty sure I've already got one.

[checks pulse]

Yup, already got one.

2007-01-19 17:07:19 · answer #6 · answered by lcraesharbor 7 · 1 1

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