well if you're in that kind of predicament, your adrenaline is going, and all you can think is safety.
since you'r already in your home, you assume your home is safety, and you want to run to a different part inside your home. and since it's YOUR home, you 'know where to hide' where he can't find you.
in the heat of the moment, you want to stay in your comfort zone and you're scared shipless.
and 'normally' serial killers attack at night, and if you hear someone pounding on your front door at midnight, are YOU going to answer it??
2007-01-19 07:54:50
answer #1
answered by Chrissy 4
because women in scary movies are stupid and panicky. also they dont know that of course, the killer is on top of the stairs or right behind u waiting for u to trip. my question is, why are women in horror films portrayed as stupid panicky people? there are some exceptions, but this is what it usually is.
2007-01-19 07:47:14
answer #2
answered by nybabyblu 6
You can hate it all you want too, but I can't stand to argue, and would rather leave then to have to do so. If I cannot discuss things reasonably with a man, and he wants to argue, get loud and abusive, then he can do so by himself. I would consider this a way of him chasing me off, rather than running away. Either way, I'm gone!
2016-05-23 22:15:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Cause they're stoooopid just like the ones who go and hide in a closet instead of getting OUT of the house. But i suppose if they were smarter we wouldn't get to see them die and that wouldn't be any fun for a horror movie.
2007-01-19 07:48:07
answer #4
answered by ♪ ♫Jin_Jur♫ ♥ 7
Perhaps they feel that if they make it to the roof there will be someone who can see or hear them, and they will call for help. It is a rather dumb idea to trap yourself upstairs, but it makes for a good movie.
2007-01-19 07:49:24
answer #5
answered by Jay M 4
I don't have the answer to that but I think it is so funny you asked that because I actually yell at them like they can hear me..lol
maybe to cause suspense because you know she's going to have to kick some butt or get killed.lol
2007-01-19 07:48:31
answer #6
answered by Mikentab R 3
So they can be trapped in a room with the killer breaking down the door to get in it's good cinema
2007-01-19 07:47:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They mainly do this because it is written in the script. I blame the script writers not the women.
2007-01-19 11:33:10
answer #8
answered by Andrew W 2
The same reason someone goes to check the basement when he/she hear noices and the lights are out.
2007-01-19 07:49:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They always keep the loaded revolver in a plant pot on the roof!
2007-01-19 07:47:11
answer #10
answered by sleakitweasel1 5