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Well im going to be 16 but im Pregnant. Im 4 month's and I dont know what to do? the guy I did it with is my friend and he doesnt know that im pregnant. i dont know if I should tell him or not. Hes a Senior at my School and im only a sophmore.

2007-01-19 06:52:00 · 27 answers · asked by **L¡Z 88** 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Well im going to be 16 but im Pregnant. Im 4 month's and I dont know what to do? the guy I did it with is my friend and he doesnt know that im pregnant. i dont know if I should tell him or not. Hes a Senior at my School and im only a sophmore. I already told my parents. They didnt take it that well. And plus the guy I did it with is not my Boyfriend hes just my friend. this was all a game. I do want to have my baby but why have a baby that everybody is going to feel sorry for.or why have a mistake???

2007-01-22 11:56:41 · update #1

I already told my parents. They didnt take it that well. And plus the guy I did it with is not my Boyfriend hes just my friend. this was all a game. I do want to have my baby but why have a baby that everybody is going to feel sorry for.or why have a mistake???

2007-01-22 11:57:08 · update #2

27 answers

give that baby up for adoption. you are way tooooo young to young to be raising a baby.

2007-01-19 07:01:02 · answer #1 · answered by proud_mom 5 · 1 1

Okay, I can pull out all the handbooks on 'why you shouldn't get pregnant @ 15', but I'm not going to - you already know the consequences. You didn't come here to ask this question to be given stupid answers. First of all: if you haven't told your parents yet, it's now the time to do so. Yes, they'll be furious (I'm a mom too - I know I would be), but once they've cooled down, they'll know what to do. Unfortunately you'll have to tell your friend about the pregnancy (he's bound to find out sooner or later, and it's better if he hears it from you). But for now, you'll have to think about yourself (your health) and especially about your baby. You're not the first, nor will you be the last 16 year old who have become pregnant, had their babies and completed their schooling. You just need to really have determination to make it all work. Good luck girl - remember that, after it will initially be a shock to all, they'll soon find something else to talk about.

2007-01-19 16:46:01 · answer #2 · answered by Gixy123 2 · 0 0

Ok, this is what you really need to do. #1 you need to tell your parents if you havent. #2 then you and your parents need to go sit down and talk to your friend and his parents. The two of you made this baby and it is now the TWO of YOURS RESPONSIBILITY to take care of the baby---------NO ONE ELSES'. There is nothing wrong with the soon to be grandparents pitching in and helping you kids with the baby, but it IS NOT the grandparents' responsibility to raise the child. If the two of you are old enough to make a baby then you are old enough to take the responsibility for the care of the child. You both need to finish school, find a job,or jobs (2) and do the BEST you can raising the baby. So you were foolish enough to make a mistake, a big mistake, but you kids are not alone, and there are alot of kids your age that have given up their"playtime/social life" to accept the responsibility. It is not nearly as easy to take care of another human being as it is to make one. Think about it. I am sure the two of you will do fine, just remember your wants and needs are now going to have to be put on the back burner for quite some time.

2007-01-19 15:50:33 · answer #3 · answered by nickle 5 · 0 0

U need to let him no but u most def need to tell your parents that was the hardest thing for me to do im 16 and i have my baby next month i been with my boyfriend for a year tho so we found out together. But if its easier for u to tell your parents then u and your parents go talk to the babies father together thats what u should do or vise versa. And whoever the lady is talkin bout bein slutty and all that other junk dont listen to that non sence everybody makes bad decisions she just makin herself sound ignorant talkin to a child like that but hey people do and say things on the internet they wouldn dare do in person!

2007-01-19 15:04:54 · answer #4 · answered by Jus_curious 2 · 0 0

whoa! i'm only 14 and i would never go off and get pregnant! on offence but that was a big mistake! anyway i think u should tell the guy u r pregnant! and if he doesn't want to help u take care of the baby then u should get an abortion. but don't get one if u r religious it's a sin. DO UR PARENTS KNOW? this is just my opinion good luck with the baby and thanks for the 2 points.

2007-01-19 14:57:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well you better figure out what you are going to do fast considereing you are 4 months pregnant. Are you seeing a dr? Does anyone know that you are pregnant, like you family? You need to find a clinic and takl to someone who can guide you through your options, dont put it off any longer. AS for the guy, you need to tell him he took part and this is just as much his responsibility as yours...you dont have to be the only one worrying. you cant go on hiding you pregnancy...please get some help!

2007-01-19 14:59:03 · answer #6 · answered by estkijedsco 4 · 0 0

TELL HIM! If you don't you'll seriously regret it. And as awful as it sounds you must tell your parents! Unless you will get physically abused or something like that, tell them! Also, think about getting an abortion or talk over the options with your parents and if you want, with the idiot that got u pregnant. Good Luck, and the next time that you think of having sex, keep your legs shut unless you are ready to have a child and the responsibilities that come with it!

2007-01-19 19:09:08 · answer #7 · answered by purplephanatic 2 · 0 0

Do your parents know that you are pregnant? Are you getting prenatal care? That's what you should be worried about right now. It's up to you if you want to tell him or not. If I were you, I would at least tell him to see if he wants to be a part of his child's life. If he doesn't want anything to do with it, you may want or need child support from him. You both made this baby and you should both take responsibility and do what's right.

Please just make sure that your baby is healthy and safe!

2007-01-19 15:55:26 · answer #8 · answered by New*Mommy 1 · 0 0

It could be my bad mood talking, but Im SO tired of coming under the pregnancy Q&A and seeing 'Am I pregnant'? or 'Im a teen and pregnant'. Im gonna be 100% honest with everyone and you might not like the truth but here goes.

You need to take responsibilty for your actions. Like my teenage brother says ' I dont want to end up on the Maury show', or ' If I dont put anything in, then nothing will come out'.
Sex is a wonderful thing but it comes with alot of responsibilty. You have to be careful with whom you have sex with. The person you sleep with could have HIV/AIDS or some sort of STD. Once you have HIV theres no going back. Once people find out you have and STD or HIV they do treat you differently. Its sad, but true.

The friend whom you slept with needs to know that your pregnant. Your having his child and he has the right to the child.

2007-01-19 15:16:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

He'll probably figure it out soon enough. I think you should worry more about the baby and less about him. I'm sorry to say that. I think you should tell him, it's his child too. What are you going to do with the baby? Are you going to keep it? Give it up? I think you need to get to the doctor [if you haven't already that is] and speak with your parents. If they don't already know, they will very soon.

2007-01-19 14:56:51 · answer #10 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 0 0

well i think you need to tell someone, you got the hardest part out of the way, granted its online, but you still did it. second speaking from experiance your going to tell him something he possibly isnt going to want to handle. so you need to prepair yourself for that and the things that may come from his mouth. I say build up a strong support system, mom, dad, any family member you will need it. i had my first child when i was 18 and i remember going thru this all to well. You need to be strong, and not listen to the negitive things people will say. you need to do it soon, because theres only so much time left in wearing baggy clothes to where no one will notice. good luck

having posted this and going back, i have to admit that i am disgusted by some of the remarks left by people. she has asked for help and all she gets is rude remarks about what she has done...let it go whats done is done, help the poor girl out...geeze

2007-01-19 14:59:55 · answer #11 · answered by love_fool_87111 2 · 0 0

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