Identical Twins- They grow form one egg that splits into babys, they look idetical to each other.
Paternal Twins- Or Faternal Twins are created when the mother has two eggs instead of one for that menstral cycle and both eggs grow to be babys. These twins don't look alike because they were like two singles born on the same day.
2007-01-19 06:30:04
answer #1
answered by Ramona T 2
They answered your question but I just wanted to point out that paternal twins are from two seperate eggs that the woman released. The man has nothing to do with causing the twins other then fertelizing both eggs. Scientists believe that identical twins who are one egg that has split into two, are because of the father.
Also, some twins do look so much alike you can't tell them apart but they're not identicals, the same way you could look exactly like your uncle. They have similar genetics but not the same. Identical twins have the exact same genetic makeup.. they're clones. They have to be tested to know for sure if they're identicals.
Rather or not twins are identicals, they will normally remain close throughout their lives.
2007-01-19 14:23:28
answer #2
answered by sassydontpm 4
Identical twins come from the same egg that splits after fertilization. This is luck of the draw and contrary to popular belief is not inherited. Identical twins have the same DNA and the only genetic diff. is fingerprints. Fraternal twins are two seperate eggs fertilized. They can look completely differently or very closely. Fraternal twins can be inherited from the MOTHER's side.
2007-01-19 14:21:58
answer #3
answered by zinntwinnies 6
okay a identical twin is when the a egg splits after being implanted with the sperm. Thus the two babies share the same genetic code since they came frome the same egg and sperm. A Fertenal twin is when the woman releases two eggs and two different sperm enter each egg. That is how you can have a boy and a girl for twins. they didn't share the same egg and sperm.
2007-01-19 14:24:49
answer #4
answered by diana h 3
Identical twins came from one fertilized egg that split into two seperate, yet identical people. Think of it like natures clone (they even share finger prints) in a way. Over simplified I am sure.
You can also have twins that occur when two seperate eggs are released during ovulation (vs the normal one egg) and both are fetilized and develop. They are no more alike than any other siblings-they just had to share a room longer:)
2007-01-19 14:22:19
answer #5
answered by VAgirl 5
usually twins will come from two seperate eggs and have no more in common other then sharing a birthday then regular brother and sisters thus is called a Fraternial twin i think, they are fertulized by two sperm...
identical twins, come from one egg, and fertilized by one sperm, then the egg splits, creating an identical twin set
2007-01-19 14:21:33
answer #6
answered by ruspecialenuf 3
Identical are one egg that split into two and fraternal are 2 eggs that are each fertilized by a different sperm
2007-01-19 14:21:11
answer #7
answered by justme 6
identical twins are of the same sex and are from one egg that seperates into two.
paternal twins is when two eggs ares released and both get fertilized, they can be both boys or girls or one of each.
2007-01-19 14:20:44
answer #8
answered by sknymnie 6
Identical twins come from ONE egg that has split. Fraternal twins come from two DIFFERENT eggs.
Hope that helps!
For more information, click on the site listed in the source section. :)
2007-01-19 14:19:47
answer #9
answered by Meg M 5
-look alike
-same egg, it just split into 2 babies
-look different, can be boy and girl or girl/girl etc..
-2 eggs and 2 sacks inside mom's uterus.
-2 umbilical chords, 2 placentas....2 of everything
hope that helps!
2007-01-19 14:26:20
answer #10
answered by joey322 6