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14 answers

No.If there are I haven't found it.

2007-01-19 05:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by Jo 4 · 0 0

How about a real investment that pays off within weeks? you don't have to do much work, you just get 6 or 7 people that you know and you will get a check every couple of months for maybe $500 and a year later, it may be $30,000, but ultimately it's a jackpot of $2,000,000 .


This is not a gamble, but a pyramid scheme. You only pay once and never pay again, something like $40 .


Really easy to get 5 people under you:
Father, GrandFather, Mother, GrandMother, Brother, Sister, Cousin 1, Cousin 2, Uncle 1, Uncle 2, Friend 1, Friend 2, Co-worker. That's 13 people right there, that's more than enough

go to their website and check them out. http://www.5x9program.com

2007-01-22 16:54:50 · answer #2 · answered by princemo4 2 · 0 0

Of course!

In the beginning of the 1990's, the introduction of the WorldWideWeb (www) changed the face of business for everyone. Virtually all consumer goods can be purchased over the internet. In fact, many services (intangible products) can be found over the internet. In fact, many people have made vast fortunes by using the different elements of the internet (Google.com, Yahoo.com, Microsoft.com).

Refer to th New York Stock Exchange charts and look at the increase in company values around 1991. This HUGE increase in stock values is primarily do to the development of the internet.

The question that you must ask yourself isn't , "what ways are there to make money?", instead, ask yourself, "what do people need?" The latter question will enable you to find a weakness in a market, thus prompting your imagination to develop a way to contribute a solution to this need; and bringing you the fortune that you seek.

2007-01-19 13:50:33 · answer #3 · answered by Sammy D 1 · 0 2

There are numerous legitimate opportunities on the Internet, and to try to be helpful, (I have been making money from the net for over a year now) I will share a link with you that I found from reading a previous similar question on Yahoo Answer that helped me to make extra money in my free time ...From this site (free) I received a few pointers on making money from doing surveys, data entry,what to sell (not to sell) on "Auction sites", setting up my own web page/blog, "reading" emails etc..

2007-01-21 16:26:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi, I have found a Genuine website which provides you own website and gives an opportunity to earn Rs.25600 and more every month, first time in the world. I have joined and getting regular income for life. This is Trusted, Reliable website which offers earning opportunity to everyone. Already many people have joined and living a wealthy life.
Please visit http://www.castindiahost.com?id=A180700002 for more details.

2007-01-20 08:10:58 · answer #5 · answered by Sakthivel M 1 · 0 0

To make money on the Internet, study E-commerce business models such as Amazon's, Yahoo!, NetFlix, etc..

2007-01-19 13:44:26 · answer #6 · answered by Q 6 · 0 0

Not unless you have your own business and sell your product on the net. Companies like Wal-mart, GEICO, UPS among others built their business before going on the Internet.

2007-01-19 13:45:44 · answer #7 · answered by c.s. 4 · 1 0

try to search for jobs on the net ( work on your computer) i once got an offer or you could also cell some of your stuff on ebay

2007-01-19 13:44:59 · answer #8 · answered by ? 1 · 0 1

start a website that people want to visit and be associates with companys let them put ads up.

2007-01-19 13:42:43 · answer #9 · answered by d0wnward.spiral 4 · 0 1

My sister started working with Mellaluca and seems to be having some success with it.

2007-01-19 13:46:20 · answer #10 · answered by Fun2010 4 · 0 2

E-Bay, Craigslist & Golden palace to name 3.
Oh... and porno. So there's four ways for ya.

2007-01-19 13:41:57 · answer #11 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 1 1

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