Escorts are prostitutes by another name. By definition, they both are prostitutes ... have sex for money with men. A prostitute is a prostitute and an escort is a prostitute.
A prostitute is a prostitute.
Call them like you may ... comfort ladies, escorts, street whores, bar girls, mistresses, take out girls ... same same.
Escorts tend to believe that they are a class above ... they generally charge more money and only have sex by appointment. They are generally more attractive than street whores but many escorts end up being street whores when they get older, are no longer in demand and have developed hard core alcohol and/or drug habits induced by their life styles.
Escorts are classy whores who usually wind up later in life as pathetic has beens struggling to turn the next trick to exist for the next day.
Escorts are glamorous. Every mother/father aspires that her/his daughter is worthy to become an escort.
2007-01-19 06:12:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Difference Between Escort And Prostitute
2017-01-12 13:15:54
answer #2
answered by ? 3
An escort is a better prostitute and shes paid way better.SO the difference is the price
2007-01-20 04:59:20
answer #3
answered by Zbenguici 2
Well, in people's mind an escort just seems to be a classy prostitute.....but in general terms, an escort does not promise sex (though in reality, well....)
2007-01-19 05:44:00
answer #4
answered by trinigal77 2
Yes, that is true! But, escort they go on dates first wine and dine and they are company for the other sex, as for prostitutes, they go to the nearest motel.
2007-01-19 07:59:37
answer #5
answered by ? 4
You pay Prostitutes for sex. You pay escorts for dates that end in sex. It's a touchy definition, since some people would still call it prostitution if a man bought a woman dinner and it got them laid.
2014-09-06 15:41:17
answer #6
answered by Tommy S 1
prostitutes are usually known to sell sex for money, nothing else, where as an escort is more like a hired date, they can hold a decent conversation, act right in public, etc., and there may or may not be any sex afterward.
2007-01-19 15:44:07
answer #7
answered by berkly m 2
You meet a prostitute for quick sex in and out. An escort you take to social events to show your friends aging ex gf and buisness partners what great catch you landed.
2007-01-19 05:57:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
an escort shows up with you for a date or at a party and pretend to be your partner- they are not suppose to sleep with you. thats illegal.
escorts are good for people who may have a hard time getting people to go out with them, for singles who don't want to go out alone, and for someone who doesn't just want a date- they want a profession date (good looking, good with words, used to being around people, ect)
2007-01-19 10:45:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
What is the difference between an escort and a prostitute?
Several hundred bucks.
2007-01-19 05:41:09
answer #10
answered by typewithnospaces 3