Um, I'm guessing divorce would be appropriate.
2007-01-19 05:27:15
answer #1
answered by INDRAG? 6
I absolutely hate secrets in a relationship because relationships should be built on trust. On the other hand, if the person doesn't already know about it and it will NEVER happen again, maybe it should stay a secret. Some people would rather not know.
If the truth is already out, then if forgiveness is possible, ikt can still work. But if there is not total forgiveness, then forget it and move on. Nothing is worse, for either person, than to be in a relationship where one person has any unforgiveness toward the other. The relationship will always be lacking.
2007-01-19 13:39:29
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Not sure who cheated? You or your partner? However, it is said that a person cheats because of how the other person makes them feel about themself. The basis of every healthy relationship is communication, respect, and honesty. All of these attributes leads to a healthy affection and relationship. However since the trust has been violated, it is important to consider your options. If you still love the person, or they still love you, I would suggest getting an unbiased opinion and assistance to repair the communication and relationship. Therapy does one of three things: either you stay together and improve the relationship. You break-up. Or continue in the same vicious cycle, which will inevitably lead to more cheating. However if you break up I guarantee you will probably have to confront the same issues in another relationship. Life it like that. It is all about working through patterns, and learning. Good luck
2007-01-19 13:31:27
answer #3
answered by Suzanne 4
Did you cheat or did the person you're with cheat?
Anyway, I won't give you a long winded answer but you need to analyze your relationship. Cheating doesn't just happen. There most likely is another reason behind it. So there's a problem somewhere in your relationship and the cheating is just the manifestation of that problem.
2007-01-19 13:29:37
answer #4
answered by Slicer__ 2
Unfortunately, the relationship will never be the same whether you stay or ,of course, leave. Eventually, if you stay, it will eat the relationship away little at a time. If you leave, you'll be heart broken but at least you can spend some time looking into who you are again and start fresh with someone new when you are truly ready to get into a committed relationship.
2007-01-19 14:15:07
answer #5
answered by Susan 2
what do u want done? if u want to restore the marriage, and stop cheating u need to go to the one u hurt and ask for forgiveness, and show some remorse, if u seek to continue cheating get a divorce and let the person go so they can find peace and have a life.
2007-01-19 13:35:37
answer #6
answered by jude 7
I have always said that If I am even just THINKING of cheating.... it is time to re-evaluate my relationship and figure out what is making me so unhappy that I feel like I need to go see elsewhere. If I can't seem to find it out.... and if it's done and you don't feel guilty about it...just get out and leave the other person get on with their life.
2007-01-19 13:35:29
answer #7
answered by MomOf2Girls 4
Does he or she know? If you really want it to work out and the other person knows about it, go to counseling. That way the other person knows that you are serious about fixing the relationship. If you try and fix it yourself it may just end in a yelling match and one of you leaving.
2007-01-19 13:40:19
answer #8
answered by Jacuzzi Lover 6
STuff happens. There are many relationships which survive affairs and some even grow stronger. It all depends on why one partner strayed in the first place, and how understanding (and forgiving) the injured partner is.
2007-01-19 13:31:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't think anything can be done.
It's a lot harder to cheat on someone then it is to be faithful. Something is obviously wrong and one person acted on that.
People are presented with opportunities to cheat everyday, doesn't mean you have to!!!
2007-01-19 13:29:26
answer #10
answered by SpaceyLacey 2
End the relationship. If you love some one you would not cheat.
2007-01-19 14:08:06
answer #11
answered by Emmit 2