Values have changed - selfishness and greed seem to get you by in life easier than the outdated compassion and sharing.
2007-01-19 05:30:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My personal belief is that the most visible people in the Christian community have let themselves stray from the core message of Jesus: compassion, mutual respect, and responsibility for each other. In these "conservative" times such beliefs are considered too "liberal". Indeed, one only need look at the recent militarization of the mainstream Christian message to understand how people can be turned off. The recent "Left Behind" video game is a great example.
From someone in my position (a Christian without a church), I see messages of fear, mistrust, and "us-versus-them" coming from local churches and thus their followers. Setting up this "we're being persecuted" mentality is a crutch which then leads to the logical conclusion of "well, if I'm being persecuted, then I need to fight back and retake my [city/state/country]!" If the premise of persecution is wrong, then the entire line of reasoning afterwards is not justifiable.
However, I have not recently seen a message that states the simple truth: Christians aren't being persecuted. From the "war on Christmas" to the "Islamo-fascism" frames, there is enough hype and hysteria to play on the emotions of those who do not think the matter through critically. Worse, when the premise of persecution is discovered by an individual to be completely without merit, the church loses its credibility with that person. This is a simple result of creating an "us-versus-the world" mentality: it is quite simply unsustainable, having no basis in fact.
This is why there are so many like myself: disturbed and dismayed by the mainstream preachers who attack gays, women, etc., and advocate for a theocratic America. My suggestion is to read the "red letters" of Christ's words by themselves, separating all the rest. What an amazingly different picture of what it means to be a Christian emerges!
In short, Christianity is losing members because it is failing to stay on message. That message is hope, peace, and compassion. In this post-9/11 world, it's not a popular message just the same as it wasn't popular during Christ's ministry. It takes a lot of courage to talk compassion to people who want to hurt you.
2007-01-19 13:48:42
answer #2
answered by Brandon F 3
All Faiths have lost followers, and gained followers, over the centuries, and will continue to do so until the end of time. Also, many people who have been taught as a child that God does not exist, have found their Faith in different ways during their life.
Christianity continues to grow at a rate of 2.3% per year,and Islam at 2.9% per year. Their are many many sincere God fearing Christians in your Area, District, Town, or Country, and then there are some who feel that they are better than the rest, however, you will meet them in all walks of life. As a Christian, or a seeker, do not be turned off by such people, nor be a judge of them, but Seek and you will find, and Join with a body of Christians and be a Witness. And if you feel you cannot believe in the Message that Jesus brought, fair enough, but do not close your Heart and Mind completely.
2007-01-22 07:26:59
answer #3
answered by The Questioner 5
I think this has much to do with cultural integration and increasing liberal values. This should not be seen as a bad thing, as religions must stand on faith alone and forcing faith on the people can only be seen as a political/power play. Often this is seen within the family, which is why Islam grows, whilst Christianity declines.
Beyond this, State enforced religion demands family capitulation - again, this can be seen in the Islamic world. But this can also be seen in many Catholic countries, such as Italy and Eastern European countries.
At the end of the day, religious choice should be just that, but this (mine) is a very Western view. It is not for us (Western people) to try and judge the relious organisation of other parts of the world.
I started out Christian (confirmed, church school etc), but like many others, I have grown and with the freedom afforded to me, have found my own view of the world, which can only make sense in the light of Buddhism. This is not a world view shared by all, but then I am not here to try and force my views on anyone else.
We must all find our own path - if we are free to do so.
Finally, whilst many people claim religious heritage, it is obvious that some (many in numbers) do not really have any faith or conviction in this. This can most easily be seen by looking at many younger Muslims and Christians alike.
2007-01-19 14:13:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No one who belongs to Jesus is ever going to be lost.
I think the reason why people don't attend church is because as a society in this western world, we only want something that we can manipulate into our own life style. We are also less educated and have devolved in thought, relying on others for our experience of faith and no longer want to live in the reality of that faith. In other words we are all talk and no trousers.
I may come back later and change this a bit.
2007-01-19 13:32:59
answer #5
answered by : 6
Actually still about 2 million people are Christians. Although in certain parts of Europe and the USA numbers are declining as a whole Christianity is still a growing religion.
2007-01-19 13:33:16
answer #6
answered by monkeymanelvis 7
Ok before I begin, just let me point out that yes, I am christian but I'm not the sorta christian who goes to church every week and all....
Christianity has lost a lot of people because if you haven't noticed these days, you'll find more and more christians who can't tolerate other peoples beliefs and they can't repect some peoples wishes to be homosexual. And then there's been news reports and the like of priests doing gay pedo acts and all.
2007-01-19 13:35:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The old Black & White view offered by religion does not fit into the Shades of Grey kind of life that we recognise in modern times. Also, intolerance of other religious groups & the obvious failing & corruption of many religious figures have been very damaging.
2007-01-19 13:28:59
answer #8
answered by Well, said Alberto 6
I feel that what is labeled in this world as "Christianty" is far from the truth exemplifed in the life of the person Jesus Christ.
In other words people don't see a living reality of His life in the church. Everything, but Jesus, is in the church.
2007-01-19 13:33:33
answer #9
answered by Daughter of a Coma Guy 7
you need to do as Jesus would do if still on earth. mix with people, love people, listen to them, go the extra mile.
instead of all this church, talking in tongues(which is ok if its translated) and jumping up and down to (come fill my lambs) if you don't know God IS that really going to help save someone from their sin.(i don't think so)
the church is a holy huddle of people that don't know how to mix. they are selfish white washed tombs. thank you i feel better now.
2007-01-19 13:37:07
answer #10
answered by jellybean 2