I'm 20, married and pregnant. Yes, it was planned and I was married before I got pregnant.
2007-01-19 04:11:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First let me say Stephen R must want someone to see that Utube video pretty bad. This is the third question I have seen him answer withthat dumb link.
But no 20 is not too young. IF you are prepared. Financially and emotionally. Are you married? Or do you at least have a father who is going to be supportive to the child AND you??
I got pregnant (not purposley) at 19 and delivered at 20. Although I love my daughter more than lifeitself it is VERY hard raising a child at 20. I am 22 now. Sometimes I see my friends going out to the bar and what not and I dont get to go because I am a single mother and I have my baby all the time. Although she is my life, I wish I had been a little more cautious so that right now at this age in my life I would have only me to worry about. It gets very hard sometimes, I get very depressed sometimes. BUT if you are married, or comitted to someone and you have a good job and can financially support the baby as well as yourself then I dont see why not. Just remeber, once that baby is here, they never go away. They are forever.
2007-01-19 04:15:03
answer #2
answered by Kamryn's Mommie 2
Well, that is for you to decide. Do you feel mature and capable enough to take on such a huge responsibility? You need to be able to dedicate your life to this child. Are you prepared to be there 24 hours a day? Dou you feel you have the maturity and intelligence to give your child the critical attention and care he or she will need?
There is a lot of mental and emotional pressure involved with raising a baby and then an active toddler. This little person will be totally dependant upon you for the first several years. You need to watch small children constantly. How is that going to affect your personal life? What about school and work? Hopefully, you won't take advantage of your parents. Your child is your responsibility. You won't be hanging out with your friends any longer.
No matter what anyone says, a child needs a mother and father. Is there one involved in your decision? It is a huge responsibility for both the mother and the father, but very rewarding. It takes total commitment. Good luck what ever your decision. At least you are thinking and asking for advice. You must be a smart girl! And, probably a caring person.
2007-01-19 04:26:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was 19 when I got pregnant with my daughter and 20 when I delivered her. I had no job and neither did my boyfriends of 3 months. Yeah so we screwed up, but we toughed it out. He got a job and after about 6 months so did I. Then we moved to Alberta and have made a real life for our family. I am now 27 and am due today with baby number 2. We have come so far, having a baby is a real eye opener for some. You learn that you aren't the most important one. And for those of you who are wondering no we have not gotten married but we are still together 8 years later. So I think that if you are pregnant, and even if you are on your own you have to think about what you can give this child. If you are pregnant and don't think that you can give this child a good loving life then you need to give it up for adoption. A baby is a big responsibility, but raising a child that is the tough part. Hope all goes well and good luck.
2007-01-19 04:19:05
answer #4
answered by kath2 2
I had a child at the age of 20 and at the age of 38 I don't think there is a magical number it is how you can deal with things in life and if you are willing to give up a few things to raise this child. There are so many different avenues one can take it just depends on the individual and what they want for themselves and the child. Without knowing ones circumstances it is hard to say yes or no.. But I will say that I do think I am enjoying my child that I had when I was older, Just because I am more relaxed in life and more secure with my finances and have a great husband. Good luck and remember any child is a precious gift!!!
2007-01-19 04:17:06
answer #5
answered by mchllstobbe 1
Not at all in my opinion. I am 18 and 9 weeks pregnant. Some girls have a baby at 14. It's sad really. But your age is around the time most women become pregnant. 20-21. Good luck.
2007-01-19 05:06:26
answer #6
answered by Trying to conceive 08 2
Age is not the important thing. Maturity, social support, finances and security are the important things. If you and your partner can provide a safe and loving home for the baby then you should go for it. My mother had me when she was only 20 and it's been wonderful to have such a young mom.
These days, a lot of women wait to have kids until a later age because they want to concentrate on school or career first, but this is not always the #1 priority for every woman. For many, FAMILY is their first priority, and in that case, having kids at age 20 would make sense for them.
2007-01-19 04:24:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Depends on your situation. Are you financially secure? Do you have a supportive partner? No one can really tell you if you are ready or not to be a mother. You are the one that makes the decision. There are plenty of great young mothers. At the same time there are ones who didn't want to get pregnant so early and it makes their life difficult. Just remember it's a lifetime commitment. If you're not ready for that then maybe you can volunteer somewhere with children so you can get the love from the children and decide if you are ready.
2007-01-19 04:16:21
answer #8
answered by curious 2
I am assuming you would like to know whether or not a twenty year old would be a good mother and I would say it depends on the person. A child needs a mother that can provide for them and offer them the things they need such as adequate food and shelter. They need a loving mother that will selflessly care for them no matter what the circumstances. I believe it has more to do with maturity than age. Some 40 year old women cant even do that.
2007-01-19 04:17:34
answer #9
answered by Charlee's Mama 3
i can honestly say no. i am 19 and i am gonna be having my second child on monday by csection. if you like to party or have a lot of freedom then id say yes. but if you are fine with partying every once in awhile then no i dont think 20 is too young. if you can financially support a child at age 20 and be happy with the money you have then its okay. i dont want to be old when i have to see my children get married. i want to stay hip if ya know what i mean!! lol!
2007-01-19 04:15:59
answer #10
answered by malibu 3
Not if your ready and responsible. If you're still working McDonalds and living in your parents house then yes! I lived on my own and had a great job when I got pregnant at 19. I knew the consequences, so I wasn't as "safe" as I could have been. Oh well! I have a BEAUTIFUL baby girl and a great husband. Expecting my 2 now (we tried for this one lol) and I am only 21! Good Luck!
2007-01-19 04:14:50
answer #11
answered by angie_laffin927 4