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I often visit Malaysia and hear all kinds of complaints against Malay people coming from the Chinese. Is it so difficult for the Chinese to understand that they're migrants and that they live in Malay country and as a guest they have to accept the rules of the host (if they don't want to assimilate)? Also, I wonder why the Chinese aren't leaving Malaysia if it is so bad for them there as they always say. After all - they still have their mother country: China, and can freely move there back. Can someone please answer this question for me.

2007-01-19 03:03:45 · 4 answers · asked by Niu Su Hao 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

I can simply blame the Chinese fundamentalist in Malaysia for trying to play this issue and lame propaganda to break Malaysia passing from generation to the next i.e the opposition party in Malaysia.
Since the Governement is trying hard to assimilate these 3 different races, most Chinese doesnt want to give up Chinese schools, hired Malays/Indians to work in the private sector belong to Chinese and to make it worst fail to speak Bahasa fluently- the national language. Yet, they have taken for granted by asking for more and more. Often think they have been subjected of discrimination and marginalized by the system. In any cases and places like in the US, Europe, Australia or even Singapore, minority group like African- American or Malays in Singapore feel the same way in their country.
However, they just cant simply go to China because many Chinese are belonged in the 2nd generations who born and bred in Malaysia. Younger generations of Chinese- born- Malaysian have no ties/relations whatsover with the Rep of China. They know that standard of living is much better off in Malaysia than China.
However, they should try to improve relations with other races and follow the system accepting the fact that they cant change history (first group of immigrants brought by British to work in Malaya during WW II). They should cooperate with Malays and Indians to become a great nation in the 21th Century. Chinese should not ask what Malaysia could do instead ask themselves what they can do to Malaysia!

2007-01-19 04:24:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

many Chinese was born their. the immigrant Chinese generation probably old or dead by now. the remain Chinese you see today can not just move back to where their parent were from any more. (if they could, don't you think they would do it long before you start to ask this question?)

unfortunately for them, their ancestor either moved way too far south or they fell to move out when the Singaporeans split from Malaysia.

read some more, why the Chinese Singaporean split from Malaysia. it might give you a clue.

the first person, said some thing interesting.
"However, they should try to improve relations with other races and follow the system accepting the fact that they cant change history"

i don't know if you are muslim or not, if so this idea is going to be the first thoughtful idea i ever heard from a muslim.
i wish every Muslim thing like you "if they are happened to be a minority in some other country."
look at some of the muslim in southern thailand, or the same Muslim but difference type in Iraq today and the muslim from diffrence political party in Lebanon.
they are doing a very bad job to get along with one another.
the world today is going to be a lot lest violence, killing, and bombing if all the muslim have a thoughtful idea as you.

surly, everyone should learn to live with one another, but can the majority of the Muslim in the world today lean to live with another race too?

2007-01-20 21:43:27 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

I am an expatriate working in Malaysia and I am Uruguayan. The 1st thing which makes me fall in love with this country is the harmonious relations among all races in this country. In fact i love it and it is something we could not even see in other country with this such tolerancies among races.. I'm proud to be part of it and witnessing this situations.. But if the asker need the answer for his question here I shall say with my experience and thoughts in the moslem countries. Look at Saudi Arabia.. It might happen like that..During the prayer call i'd witnessed they all leave their shop opened and there are no stolen or robbery.. The only thing they do is going to the mosque.. Not even in my home country have that kind of situation. Thus, if this would happen then there will be different people who will run this country. Of course the country will progress. Look at the halal product market. Its such a huge market.. Without doubt moslem country especially from the Middle East will come to Malaysia for the purposes. By the way this might end the capitalism which had been so long in this country. The ringgit will probably become dinars and probably the big brothers from the west might feel uneasy with this situation.

2016-05-24 06:54:56 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm a Malay,
I have best buddies from races of Chinese & Indian & Bangali & others.
We live in harmony despite some complain especially from opposition chinese community (DAP) & some complain by singaporean Lee kuan yew.
Sometime i do have complains from my buddies especilly from chinese. They often compare Malaysia to Singapore. My answer to them is simple.. why dont u go work in singapore or china instate..
To my surprise, their answer is this..
I can't survive in singapore or china.. I just smile to the answer & tell them Why complain then??..
I believe nowdays chinese 2nd generation born in malaysia understands this situation & we can live in harmony & make malaysia a better place

2007-01-19 21:32:43 · answer #4 · answered by azayi1 5 · 0 4

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