Personally, I support gay marriage because I think it's illogical to support committed relationships and families formed by some groups of persons (heterosexuals) but not others. There are myriad rights afforded to married persons that are not afforded to non-married persons, effecting areas such as taxation, inheritance, property ownership, health insurance, child custody and visitation, child support obligations, the right to make health care decisions (for your partner, for your child), the right to hospital visitation...and so on.
I can't pretend to agree with or even understand why people oppose the very notion of homosexuality and/or homosexual relationships. And I am really baffled by the fact that people, regardless of what they think of the morality of the underlying relationships, want to discriminate against other people in areas that have absolutely nothing to do with that "morality." Taxation? Hospital visitation? What's the issue here?
I also have great difficulty understanding the logic of withholding rights that concern children -- although I suppose the logic is that if we don't provide the rights for gay people concerning their children, then they won't have any. Right? Sure. That's how it works. In any event, removing the parental obligation to pay child support in the event the parent walks out of the relationship...structuring things so that, as a practical matter, a child who has a bond with her/his parent is denied the right to live with or visit that parent (at the whim of the other parent, or third party)...none of this makes sense to me.
Why the "right to marry" rather than the right to "domestic partnership" (or some other legally recognized relationship that brings with it all of the rights afforded to married persons)? Simple: Brown v. Board of Education. Separate But Equal doesn't work and isn't legit. Domestic partnership laws (as a substitute for "marriage" rights) are arguably like something George Orwell would think up: "All Animals Are Equal. But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others."
I also have an issue with denying homosexuals of the right to "marriage" on grounds of separation of church and state. But that's a problem that goes much further than this single issue. (And no, I don't have a problem with God, religion, prayer, etc. People who think we should actually *have* separation of church and state in this country are not antireligious God bashers. But that's a topic for another day.)
Finally, as a practical matter, it baffles me why, as a society, we wouldn't just support, encourage, and LAUD committed relationships whenever and wherever we can. It's crazy. On the one hand, people point to the divorce rate, cohabitation, sex outside of marriage, children outside of marriage, and so forth and shake their heads in disgust at the downfall of humanity....and then in the next moment turn around (shaking heads in disgust at the downfall of humanity) because there are people who are committed to loving, supportive, long-term relationships who are clamoring to have those relationships recognized and sanctioned.
Incidentally, if we don't want to be such bloody hypocrites, why don't we deny the right to marry -- and all the consequent rights and obligations -- to individuals who are unfaithful, to individuals who are actually not heterosexuals but are "pretending" for whatever reason, to couples who use birth control or who don't want children (because procreation, after all, is the whole reason for marriage, right? Right?) Etc.
I'll stop now.
(I lied. I won't stop now.
First, I don't think most people realize that marriage was a civil union for hundreds of years before religion got involved, and wasn't defined by the RC Church (and others) as a sacrament until the 12th century.
Second, for everyone arguing that it shouldn't be permitted "because marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman," or better still, because that's how a particular *dictionary* defines marriage....marriage is defined HOW WE DEFINE IT. Let's not have the tail wagging the dog, eh? And, as someone here intelligently pointed out, marriage -- like virtually every other word on the planet -- has more than one definition.
Merriam Webster was not written by God.
And even if it had been: is God so static and frozen in time and place that he or she can't allow change? Well then, take my shoes and knock me up....don't allow me to attend school...don't allow me to mingle with others when I'm menstruating....I am, after all, female, so I've no business being educated, owning property, speaking my mind, etc.)
2007-01-19 03:25:34
answer #1
answered by ljb 6
YES Gay Marriage is ok if you are gay Answers to your list 1. it is if you are gay 2. only if they are gay in the first place 2.hanging around tall people will make you tall.-- So why are there dwarfs to tall parents etc 3.crazy behavior is not just for gay folks--crazy is ever where 4. So have gays, Women are only property if they want to be, Black and whites marry in most places ,divorce is legal in most places 5.Only if they marry a same sex partner also 6.Many straight marriages don`t end with children ,and every one has the right to marry any one they want regardless of the reason. 7. So why are there gay kids to straight parents, if straight parents only raise straight children then there are no gays around. Or are gays from gay parents whom you say can`t produce kids. 8. No because the churches spend so much time covering up the gay relationships the preists are having. 9. There are millions of kids from one parent familes that do very well for them selves ,and why then do more gays seem to have higher paying jobs and more money than a lot of straight folks 10.Gays have been around a very long time ans society foundations are still solid What will change the society foundations will be bigots, racists, And the un informed like your self. And i think one day get out of your ego and go out side and see that the world is changed alot since you know very little of the world and the modern chages that have happened while you were so busy finding ways to rubbish others that live their lives differently
2016-05-24 06:54:04
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Basic human rights, it's good for the economy, it's just the decent thing to do. It's time we get out of the dark ages and accept the fact that homosexuality is a very natural part of life. With all the hate in this world, what the hell is wrong with two people who are committed? And I'm very tired of people using the bible to promote hatred of homosexuals. In the original Greek and Hebrew, the bible doesn't mention homosexuality. Those were either mistranslations or intentional changes from someone who wanted to promote hate. Trust me, I'm very educated in Biblical studies. In fact I happen to know several gay Christians who are better Christians than most. We also have to accept the fact that marriage is not just a Christian thing and not just a religious thing for that matter.
2007-01-19 02:58:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't see anything wrong with being able to commit yourself legally to someone you care about and love. Why shouldn't you be able to provide medical care for someone you regard as a spouse and want to spend your life with? People act like being gay is some sort of crime. It isn't. I'm not gay, but I have a lot of gay friends with relationships every bit as deserving as that next step of marriage provides heterosexuals.
2007-01-19 03:02:58
answer #4
answered by Destiny 3
What sort of computer is a Gay Marriage?
And do they need drivers? Or hard disks?
2007-01-19 03:01:41
answer #5
answered by bambamitsdead 6
Because love is love. Doesn't matter the gender, if you support love you should support any type of marrige. My best friend is gay, and she's the best person I know, she may be different than me but that doesn't mean her rights for marrige should be taken away. It's not right.
2007-01-19 02:59:49
answer #6
answered by blonde_bubbles89 1
because GOD judges all sins the same, so just because I am not homosexual doesnt mean I am not a liar, adulterer, etc. They are still humans and that is all that matters, they love just as heterosexual people do. And they deserve to have a companion, they are already facing many challenges. Love should be their retreat from the world of Judgemental stuck up people who are probably going to hell themself.
2007-01-19 03:00:00
answer #7
answered by Miss Green 2
for a start its not a marriage because a marriage by definition is a man and woman. so stop calling it that and second i dont think we should support it because it has lead to gay adoption which i think is the worst thing yet
2007-01-19 02:59:39
answer #8
answered by james s 3
Because everyone is entitled to equal rights. I think its ok because they are people too and shouldn't be judged. Just because they are gay doesn't make them any less of a person.
2007-01-19 03:02:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
because marriage is not only about physical relationship but its also about 2 people living together and more importantly living for each other.
2007-01-19 02:59:35
answer #10
answered by Michael 3