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I predict more jobs, a stronger economy, plans for working off the Bush deficit debacle, lower gas prices, less world confrontation, troops reduced, and, best of all, the American people infused with hope as they haven't been in 6 years now.

Clinton was an inspirational leader first class, but this Miss Pilosi... WOW! Hats off to this great lady! America really loves you!

2007-01-19 01:20:18 · 11 answers · asked by Falstaff 7 in News & Events Current Events

11 answers

Stone Fox in the State House WEEE-OOH!!! I LOVE Nancy.

2007-01-19 12:42:06 · answer #1 · answered by American Splendor 5 · 0 0

Yeah. You're absolutely right. Troop reductions in this case meaning MASS CASUALTIES as a result of cut funding for equipment the troops they need to wipe the terrorists off the face of the Earth. In turn, there may be less world confrontation because of the aforementioned cut funding, which means the inability to confront enemies which will lead to attacks on our own soil.

With all due respect, get your nose out of her backside, wipe the brown stains off your face and WAKE UP! WE ARE AT WAR! The terrorists MUST be defeated and I don't see that happening with democrats running the show.

Clinton inspired us to believe that we all can have an intern under our desks instead of doing our jobs effectively. If that's what an inspirational leader is to you, then I feel sorry for you.

2007-01-19 10:41:38 · answer #2 · answered by Tiberius 4 · 1 0

Well. For one thing. Pelosi has basically crashed our economy for the next 5 years by rescinding nearly a billion dollars in tax relief (actually uncollected royalties) to US oil companies. That is going to drive energy costs through the roof, almost overnight. Expect gasoline to become very expensive, very soon, as well as heating oil. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that energy costs are pretty much the deciding factor in economic growth these days. With them artificially driven through the roof, this is going to cause our economy to come to a grinding halt (which is pretty much the point of what she did). And that's just in the first 100 hours....sheesh.

Don't cry when that means YOU lose YOUR job. You voted her into office and think she is just the greatest thing. Her policies. Policies like trying to put a judge removed from the bench for taking mafia bribes in charge of basically the most sensitive national security post in the government. Are EXTREMELY damaging and downright insane.

Take her plan to block funding for our troops in Iraq. Do you think this will bring the troops home or will prevent escalation in Iraq? Hell no, it won't. What it WILL do however, is make sure our troops don't have the equipment and resources they need. The result will be massive american troop casualties. This is ALSO very much the point. The democrats have a history of such policies....purposefully causing such casualties and then using them as a political tool.

That's sick and evil.

2007-01-19 09:31:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I worked for her when I was in college, and I can tell you she is all about money (hence she is a billionaire) not about you or me.. More jobs, hey unemployment is the the lowest now (so what are you talking about), gas prices (what the heck does she have to do with gas prices?) does she own some land in Saudi Arabia, OPEC controls gas prices. Less world confrontation, wow, you must live in Anaheim or Orlando (Disneyland, Fantasyland) '

2007-01-19 09:40:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wow - we sincerely hope you are being facetious or you are in for one big rude awakening. This is the woman who was bringing ethics to the con-gress on her first day as chief biotch and then on her second day exempted her friends from payment of minimum wage. Talk about screwing the poor. this biotch has that down pat. She and the Clin-TOONS will be laughed at for all eternity by people or reason and intelligence (Read NOT demon-cratic or liberal).

2007-01-19 09:34:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I predict rising unemployment, higher inflation, more taxes, real and hidden, big cuts in the defense and intelligence budgets, more terrorism at home and abroad, and an electorate in 2008 mad as hell at the dems for making a hash out of things.

2007-01-19 15:29:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I assure you no worse than what my life was affected up to now by the genius that governed before Pilosi, remember that all politicians fall out from the same basket!!!

2007-01-19 09:25:35 · answer #7 · answered by markos m 6 · 1 0

Oh absolutely, Hillary had better watch out or she could have some REAL competition in 2008.

2007-01-19 09:27:54 · answer #8 · answered by Evita Rodham Clinton 5 · 0 0

I hated Clinton and most of his policies. If in your opinion, Pelosi will be better then I fear her even more if she were to gain any real power.

2007-01-19 09:46:52 · answer #9 · answered by rbarc 4 · 0 0

Your ability to predict the future is only outshined by your spelling abilities.
Its "Pelosi", Einstein.

2007-01-19 09:24:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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