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Years ago I woke up in the night and saw the outline of a person sort of illuminated in the dark room where I was sleeping. I spoke to the figure and fell asleep again. The memory was very real and I do not believe I was asleep. I am really uncertain about all the issues and do not know if there is life after death etc - anybody know anything?

2007-01-19 01:14:40 · 19 answers · asked by rosebud 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

19 answers

People who believe strongly in ghosts are more likely to "see" them than people who do not. The mind sees what it wants to see; what it already believes in. The believer is willing to discount any rational explanation for their apparition and call it a ghost, or "a manifestation of spiritual energies" or my personal favorite, "the vibrations" of the departed.

To answer your question personally; I have had many dreams that were very realistic and I was quite sure that I wasn't asleep until I verified it with my wife or someone nearby. You were asleep and dreaming.

I have been on "ghost hunts" before with otherwise rational people who strongly believe in ghosts and strongly believe that their site is haunted, and strongly believe that they will find something. They had gone to the point of purchasing special equipment such as infrared thermometers, EMF detectors, and voice recorders. We split into two teams. There was no anomalous data on any of the equipment from either team, but the "eager believer" team found a number of items to report. Someone bumped a rickety table and a dustpan fell onto the floor. They reported it as "the dustpan flew across the room at us".

They know that flash photography produces balls of light from the flash reflecting off dust, yet they won't take exterior lighted, non-flash pictures. Then they use their pictures of glowing dustballs and say they are "orbs". The local ghost-hunters believe ghosts show up as these "orbs" instead of cape wearing, chain rattling apparitions, so orbs are what they see.

Any subaudible noise picked up on a voice recorder is scrutinized for meaning. Such phrases as "help me" and "I've been here a long time" are common interpretations of the blips and static they pick up. The most amusing was when one of their recorders picked up a CB radion transmission from a nearby highway. A very clear, AM quality "the bitches are hot in California" had them studying the history of the site to see if any of the former owners had been from California.

My point is, lots of people believe in ghosts. These people will see ghosts if they want to badly enough. Some of them will see things on a daily basis that they interpret as ghosts. They are simply wrong.

2007-01-21 05:27:20 · answer #1 · answered by uncle_beer78 3 · 0 0

Ghosts are interesting. If you're into Ghost videos, you'll find quite a few around the internet worth watching. Most are fake, but there are a handful worth watching. These videos are the ones that you can't just explain away and so, they hold a reputation for being claimed as fact.

I have only ever seen two things truly paranormal in my life. Meaning, it's something I could not explain at all, not even with science. One of these experiences was when I saw some sort of weird bright/floating ball of light (the other experience I had is similar to yours). Anyway, At the time, I was sharing a room with my sister, and it was really dark. Everyone one was asleep, when I was woken up. I noticed the light in the room, and just went back to sleep. Minutes later, I had a dream where I was flying or being sucked up and through the same light (this may possibly be mistaken for Alien Abduction experiences to others). Turns out, it was a tunnel. When I did wake up in the morning, I wasn't sure if that was a dream or what. I'm still not too sure what to make of it. When I asked around, I was told it was a Near Death Experience (back then, I thought to have a Near Death Experience you had to actually be close to death - apparently not). Anyway, I'm still not convinced - but it DOES leave you wondering.

The thing about death is, no human can tell you if there IS a life after death - (hey its obvious isn't it? If you die, you can't come back and tell people about it). I guess, if you believe in science - then science will tell you that there is no life after death- you are just dead and left to be (evidence, your dead remains). If you are religious or into spiritualism, then it'll usually tell you otherwise. Some cultures will tell you, that after death there is life - or perhaps another life (reincarnation). But, in the words of the bible - "From dust you are, and to dust you shall return" - we humans are not meant to live forever on an Earth like this...

2007-01-19 14:43:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

they certainly are not optical illusions. Anyone who says this just has not had anything happen. I once saw a weird shadow figure on my wall, going up to the ceiling and hung there for a while. I hid under my blankets and I was so scared I really dont even remember what I did. What I DO remember is that I watched 20/20 show the next day, and there was a show on ghosts and how they show themselves as shadows, which I did not know until then. Coincidence? I think not.

2007-01-21 10:39:20 · answer #3 · answered by Jay Jay 5 · 0 0

I have never seen a ghost but my father thinks he might have. It is back in 1930s. He said him and some other children saw this very strange man in a black cape and cane. He walked into a small patch of trees. He stayed to watch him while the other kids got the grown ups. When they arrived the mysterious man disappeared. This may not seem like much of a story but it greatly disturbed my father. I wouldn't have mentioned it except that I heard another story by a Lakota (Sioux) woman that I worked with. When discussing ghosts one night she told me of the very strange story. It involved this tall man in a black cape with cane. She and some other children saw this man walk under a bridge (probably around 1965) on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Some of the kids went to get their parents and some watched the bridge and when they arrived, the mysterious man just disappeared. I can tell you the hair on the back of my head was standing up.

2007-01-19 04:05:51 · answer #4 · answered by JimZ 7 · 0 0

don't know if ghost exist but i have had several unexplained circumstances such as missing items and being upset asked for the return closed the door and opened it and found the items requested on the centre of the floor and i seem to have a sense when people in my family have pasted at the moment they cross it freaks my mother out every time. so not to sure if they exist or if the mind has a will of its own but i do think we are all connected in one way or another like an energy life line

2007-01-19 16:38:13 · answer #5 · answered by james l 1 · 0 0

i have seen many ghosts and spirit
but there is an alternative to what you may have experienced ( although i am not saying it was not a ghost )
but there is a thing called sleep paralysis which is a hormone released at the point of sleep to prevent us acting out our dreams
if we awake during this or it is released to soon then we may experience our bodies being numb and strange sensations accompanying it
we may also have what appears to be a waking dream
this is called hypnagogic imagery and many people report a pressence in the room , demons , ghosts etc ... and also noises

i just thought you may like another explaination of what you may have experienced xx

2007-01-19 05:24:36 · answer #6 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

I see them all the time. Also been dead and brought back to life (on the operating table during operation in hospital). Gives me a unique perspective on it all. So, yes, ghosts do exist, as do spirits in general. It is better to think of them as beings consisting of energy that are attracted to similar energies and also sometimes take the form of residual energies both past and present. So the ghost could be an actual living person or just the reflection of one who has passed on already.

2007-01-19 01:25:58 · answer #7 · answered by MrKnowItAll 6 · 0 0

The house I was raised in had a ghost in it. We believe it was the ghost of the previous owners wife who passed away in the house. We would see her walking down the hallway quite frequently. The first time we saw her it scared the heck out of us but to this day I'm sure there are still spirits who walk among us.

2007-01-19 01:27:14 · answer #8 · answered by bootch 2 · 0 0

No much idea about ghost - but there was a recording show about gods light . The video was taken to forensic experts of reputed institution and proved genuine . It was in some Hindu temple . It was said it is a Naga Jyothi .

This proves about positive energy .

2013-09-30 21:25:42 · answer #9 · answered by Sunny 1 · 0 0

My Aunt use to read a book called Hunted Wisconsin...it was pretty scary. I have never seen a ghost...let's not call them ghost, but spirits. I would hear a baby crying sometime.....I thought I was just hearing things but other people in my family would describe the same thing
One by one we all heard it...The strange part was that we only heard it during a certain time. My distant cousin told us that his Aunt and Uncle have children in their house.... They make a lot of noise at night. Strange uh?

2007-01-20 08:35:23 · answer #10 · answered by Sunnie 1 · 0 0

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