Talk to your HR department - I was signed off for depression/anxiety, and I just asked them, and they allowed me to leave without working my notice. I think that if your doctor continues to give you sick notes, there is nothing they can do - if you can't work, you can't work. Have you had a occupational health interview? Work should do one of these, so they can discuss why you are having problems and try to fix them. If the job is causing you problems, I would fight and not just hand your notice in.
Good luck
If you need any more help, contact your lock Citizens Advice Bureau.
ACAS may also be able to help -
Don't make any rash descisions, remember that you are ill, and you should take your time. I regretted being pushed out of my job - I wish I'd have fought to keep it.
2007-01-19 00:22:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no reason why you can't stay signed off during your notice as long as you follow your organistaion's polcies around sick leave etc.
Before doing anything though, you should contact the HR department and ask to speak to someone in confidence about the situation. They'll be able to explain the company's procedures and processes clearly as these do vary from one to another.
DO NOT contact your line manager under any circumstances without having spoken to your HR dept. first and had a senior HR manager assigned to your case. This type of situation is best dealt with by an HR professional and NOT your line manager.
My partner went through something similar and by following the above, was able to resolve the issues/reasons that were causing the stress-illness and return to his original job etc.
Also agree that you must engage actively with your healthcare professional/Dr. and seek all the very good treatment that is available to you.
Above all, do not be pressured into returning to work, resigning before you've given yourself enough time to get over what's caused the initial issues.
2007-01-19 09:42:17
answer #2
answered by MPatrinos 3
I am in exactly the same positon at the moment, so I know how you feel. I have decided to remain signed off until I get another job, then I will resign without working my notice. I have also been ill because of work, but I will never let it happen again. Good luck to you, we will both feel better once we finally leave the jobs we are in. x
2007-01-19 08:45:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No Siobhan, you can hand your notice in at any time, and provided the doctor continues to sign you off as sick then there is no need to work the notice period. Your employer might even talk to you and between you, you may decide to waive the notice period (it means you won't get paid but it will be straight away).
2007-01-19 08:22:51
answer #4
answered by mark 7
Stay signed off until you get another job. They made you ill they should pay. Find another job before handing in your notice.
Don;t go back, I tried it, a bad idea it made me worse
And get all the treatment you can, I tried CBT it was a help
Get Well Soon
If you need to talk IM me
2007-01-19 08:33:04
answer #5
answered by quartzstar 4
I know someone who was signed off with depression due to their work. They phoned the manager and asked to see them while they were off sick and they both managed to sort something out in that meeting so she didn't have to work her notice. I don't know if they sorted any money out but at least you wouldn't have to go back in there. But strictly speaking yes you can hand your notice in if you are signed off as you are still an employee of that company. I'd go for it.
2007-01-19 08:28:17
answer #6
answered by JoJi 4
Keep getting signed off until they let you go it's much the better way trust me. I've been in the same situation before and it's hell!
You're ill so keep under the doctor
If you have another job to go to then yes send in your notice and stay on the sick
2007-01-19 08:21:48
answer #7
answered by Sir Sidney Snot 6
1. the CAB would be a good place for advice, but in my opinion the answer would yes you can hand in your notice whilst off sick and if your sick note if for the same time - or more - than your notice period then no, I dont think you need to work it, but if your sick note is shorter than your notice period technically you'd be expected to go in for the remainder. If you have a sympathetic docotor he might sign you off for yoru notice period. But be prepared, if you do not go in your boss might not pay you. If you hate it, sod it, hand in your notice and dont give them another thought
2007-01-19 08:30:38
answer #8
answered by Helen C 4
No you do not - as long as you have a line from your doctor to cover you for the period of your notice. i.e. if you need to give one month notice, hand in your letter of resignation along with a line from your doctor for one month.
2007-01-19 08:22:38
answer #9
answered by gixerbry 3