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I always laugh when I read South Africans on this site going on about their consitution and how it is apparently one of the best in the world, and 'second only to Sweden's'.
Really? Then how come this 'great constitution' discriminates against the white minority? How come it has no answer for the murder, rape and mayhem engulfing the once prosperous country? How come it allows the theft of land from white farmers, then given to people that have no idea how to farm?
Where are the guiding principals that dictate that all men are created equal, without the crippling BEE doctrine and draconian affirmative action measures?
Why has this 'great constitution' (second only to Sweden's) reduced South African currency to something akin to toilet paper?
Why does it give criminals more rights than hard working citizens? Why does it allow politicians to steal taxpayer money with abandon, when they're not raping people and showering afterwards?

Just asking.

2007-01-18 20:17:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Absolute Deity - if criminals don't have more rights, why are they killing, raping and stealing with abandon in your streets?

2007-01-18 20:39:17 · update #1

Absolute Deity - you never really answered my question. Your constitution is a joke. If it worked in theory, it would work in practice. Criminals, like your rapist deputy president, have nothing to fear as they are guaranteed a wrist slap at any so-called trial.
And please, do not even attempt to liken your so-called constitution to a truly magnificent document like the USA's constitution.
The USA has managed to elevate itself to the greatest nation in the history of man in a very short time on the strength of that great document. People die to get into the States because of it, people cannot leave the hellhole that South Africa has become fast enough.

2007-01-18 21:40:16 · update #2

In short, your entire country has become a racist mess, presided over by Marxist clowns that hide behind the history of apartheid.

2007-01-18 21:43:53 · update #3

Moloi - got bad news for you, buddy, I hauled a s s sixteen years ago and now live very comfortably in the good old U.S. of A.
Oh, and trust me, the grass is a LOT greener on the other side.

2007-01-18 22:31:43 · update #4

Absolute Deity - how could 'African AMERICANS' be responsible for everything in South Africa, genius?

2007-01-19 07:29:45 · update #5

I'm not sure whether you're aware of this, but your sh*thole of a country is turning into Zimbabwe.

2007-01-19 07:31:14 · update #6

Moloi - so much wrong with everything you say - how is Bush a bad president? How is Cheney corrupt? Evidence?
What debate about the death penalty? As far as I'm concerned, it's a good thing, that isn't applied brutally enough in some cases. The Communist hellhole that South Africa has become is a country that needs the death penalty.
I have NEVER seen a black person discriminated against in the sixteen years I've lived in the States, so I have no idea what movies you've been watching.
Guantanamo Bay? as far as I'm concerned, the animals housed there are treated far better than they deserve. Those savages are fed religiously acceptable meals and have their nonsensical, backward religious needs catered to five times a day to pray to something that doesn't exist.. They can thank Allah that I'm not in charge of that place, because none of that sh*t would be going on, that's for sure. Those motherfu**ers would be suffering every second of what's left of their worthless lives.

2007-01-19 07:47:25 · update #7

Abu Ghraib? The only person who should've been prosecuted for that was the idiot that took the pictures.
However, you are correct about one thing; the USA is losing in Iraq. The reason? What should have simply been revenge for 9/11 has turned into a nursemaid operation, with the USA crippling its troops on the battlefield with strict rules of engagement, whilst the animals on the other side observe no such thing.
That is so illogical that it boggles the mind.
The USA is heading for another 9/11 with it's politically correct observance of the idiotic Geneva Convention. Hopefully, after that, attitudes in this country will change.

2007-01-19 07:59:21 · update #8

Moloi - what am I supposed to prove?

2007-01-19 08:58:38 · update #9

Vango - it's very much my business, pal. I still have family that lives in that sh*thole of a country.

2007-01-20 02:21:36 · update #10

Absolute Deity - I know exactly what's in your so-called constitution. The entire joke is posted on the internet.
It's really this simple, little one, if it was actually worth the paper it's written on, your third world mielie-meal republic would actually work like a civilized nation. The ANC has done a remarkable job of brainwashing you with mountains of white guilt.
Run along now and get your table scraps from your black masters.

2007-01-20 02:29:34 · update #11

Alf - on target again, my friend. I love it when people do the obvious and call me a racist, or say that what I say is all about race. Damn right it is. The ANC has seen to that.

2007-01-20 02:36:02 · update #12

Vango - no buddy, you haven't. My family has asked me to explore ways to get them out of that hellhole. Unfortunately, even though I'm a citizen, the only people I can sponsor are my kids.

2007-01-20 17:38:40 · update #13

Malan - let still my beating heart. So you DO have a brain and don't just parrot the ANC party line.

2007-01-20 18:45:56 · update #14

10 answers

While I don't agree with everything that Brad said, I agree that SA is by no means ready for such a constitution. We are not a first world country (although big areas are...)... and beside that I disagree with the allowance of abortion and the fact that criminals have more rights than citizens etc.

2007-01-20 17:02:55 · answer #1 · answered by Malan 3 · 0 0

Ja, Morris. I've never seen you saying anything on this forum other than trashing South Africa. My deduction from what you always post here is that if you are still in South Africa, you cannot afford a plane ticket out of the country. If you have already left, you have found that the grass is not really greener on the other side and you now spit your venom in the hope that you'd feel better.

Edit: So why are you so much into us. Why can't you debate with your fellow US citizens about the worst President since democracy. Why don't you tackle the issue of the most corrupt Vice President of US, Cheney? Why don't you discuss the stupidity of having gone to war that the US is losing? Why don't you discuss the debate on death sentence that is taking place in US? Why don't you talk about the fact that US discriminate agains non-whites? Why don't you talk about the horrible things at Guantanamo Bay - what about Abu Graib prison saga? You are sore loser, if you want to come, you are welocme!

Edit: You can't call for proof when you just made statements without proof. Prove yours first, then you'll have a moral ground to howl louder!

Brad: You wanted me to give you evidence. What's the purpose of evidence if not to prove. So give evidence (proof) of your claims before you expect me to do that.

Alf Garnett: Your heart can pump as much venom as it likes, Your allegations are just copy and paste. And you know that lies through your teeth as regards white being denied place at the universities. South Africa will never again be run by apartheid governors. If you don't like that, follow Brad.

TO BOTH OF YOU: Because this debate is based on race and not substance, my particpation in it is terminated. Feel free to rant till you die!

2007-01-18 21:47:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

We actually have a great Constitution, it's just that we struggle to execute it. There are things that contradict each other, but considering that we are a very young country (judiciary wise) it can't be expected to get everything right first time. Trial and error is the way to improve anything, and this will be the case for the Constitution too. The BEE is not recognized in the Constitution, it is part of a government policy, and yes you are very right, it is very discriminative, the Employment Equity Act (which is recognized) which regulates the appointment procedure among other things, is there to protect the rights of people who have been violated in the past, as you know women have always been second ranged citizens, so no they have to be considered first for available positions. Criminals don't have more rights. but they live on the money of tax payers, this is something I have a huge problem with as well, but their defense is that if they rehabilitate these people, they could leave as better people, which indirectly is an advantage to society as a whole. although statistics have proved them wrong an many occasions

Edit: That has nothing to do with the Constitution, in chapter 2 of the Constition (the Bill of Rights) section 35 you will find the rights of Arrested, detained and accused persons. This is the only time where it can be differenciated between "types of citizens" all the other Chapters refer to South African citizens as a whole, so I fail to see how they are treated better than someone who is not giulty of punishable crimes.

All you are doin is making South Africa's name a-s-s, things are tough, I know, bu if you want to make accusations, make sure you base them on legit information. The Constitution is very similar to America's Constitution, it promotes freedom and equality, as I said the problem lies in the execution.

Edit: I am a law student, I am Caucasian and I am very annoyed by your ignorance. People like you do not deserve to be South African (If that is what you are, which I doubt seeing as you have no idea what you are talking about). I SAID (this is the 3rd time I quote myself because you can't seem to read) that South Africa's law system is relatively young (9 years). If you have such a problem with SA stop bitching and do something about it... Move to Zimbabwe where it's cheaper to use money as toilet paper instead of using actual toilet paper.

Yes, I know South Africa is not perfect on the contrary, but we are not at war with half of the globe, we don't live in fear that the next building we go into is going to be blown up. You are racist in your way of insinuating that African Americans are to blame for everything in this country, should I remind you of Apartheid? There is so much hate as it is, we don't need people like you fanning the flame.

As for your accusation that Zuma is my vice-president, I have never voted for the ANC in my life, I don't support the Government, I support the Constitution, there is a major difference, one I am sure you will never get seeing as you are a complete bigot.

You are a very stupid man, and you don't deserve answers to this ignorant question. Why is it that you are talking about our Constitution when your entire question is based solely on our government? Do you not know the difference? You obviously have no idea what is even written in our Constitution, seeing as it is almost exactly the same as the American Constitution, since that is what it is based on. Now, let me make it clear to you (4th time I quote myself)


Since you are no longer in South Africa, you have a bit of catching up to do. You are still living in last decade.

2007-01-18 20:31:19 · answer #3 · answered by GMILF in training 1 · 5 1

If i glance at your call then quite a few innovations are evoked on your question you asked. i've got faith you haven't any longer return and forth too lots into Africa in any respect to income what certainly replaced into meant, no longer interior the context with assessment to uk and usa mate, yet with regard to Africa the continent the place South Africa is in. may be able to get out little greater and detect in the previous assuming the whites have finished something back to somebody. Apartheid lifeless 2 a protracted time now, why is it nevertheless no longer a general international us of a may be the question?

2016-10-31 12:28:25 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

And the "BAD BRAD" strikes again. How sad my friend!!!!!

You are behaving like such a **** mate. What does your relatives that still live in that s***hole think of everything that you are saying? Maybe you should leave the slander up to them??? Seeing that you are living in the wonderful USA, keep your nose out of our business!!!!

2007-01-19 04:47:26 · answer #5 · answered by stevieboy69 3 · 1 0

Much of what you say is true, Brad. However, since you are now part of the "truely magnificent" USA, I guess it's none of your bussiness, pal.

So why don't you lure them away to your utopia then, Brad? Maybe they don't want to go. Ooooh...did I hit a nerve there...pal?

Just asking.

2007-01-19 22:21:37 · answer #6 · answered by Vango 5 · 0 0

DENIAL IS AN UGLY THING...The constittution may not be bad....but no one is uncorrupted enough to keep to it. They should hang criminals along Louis Botha - my friend was raped and two ex-neighbours were held up and robbed....in 2 weeks.
no wonder I don`t live there anymore. When i go home to my parents for visits I`m too scared to sleep at night.

2007-01-20 04:54:20 · answer #7 · answered by ahem 2 · 0 1

Delusion still reigns amongst the few South Africans who have not yet accepted that the ANC are little more than a bunch of criminal thugs masquerading as a legitimate Government. A simple scan of their ANC manipulated news sites lays bare the horror of the New South Africa. Google "crime South Africa" and the last time I looked you get 22 million references but still they are in denial.In the last week 3 Farmers were murdered, most of their Country was without electricity for a few days and Police pimps crudely beat one of their prositutes to pulp but still they are in denial. They suggest that crime is restricted to Johannesburg yet their own Institute of Race Relations statistics show the Western Cape to be the most unsafe place in South Africa. Cape Town is run by various Mafia Groups in conjunction with the ANC including the Gay Community who control the Tourist Industry. Foreign Tourists are assaulted,raped and murdered on a regular basis on their beaches,streets,restaurants,Table Mountain etc but still they are in denial saying"crime is everywhere." South Africa is not only the crime capital of the World but is inhabited by some of the worst immoral denialists one can imagine.
They can have the best written Constitution in the World but the ANC have no intention of walking the talk unless it suits them and their agenda so conveniently other acceptable human rights norms are ignored. Absolute Deity who claims to be a Law student should attempt to look beyond the written Law and look at the rationale behind it. Employment Equity is an Act designed to do no more than oust White Males from employment thus forcing the traditional breadwinner of the Family to seek employment in another Country. ( Never forget the ANC promised to drive Whites into the sea off Cape Town). The inclusion of white females as part of " the previously disadvantaged" is no more than a sop to appease those who may suspect reverse discrimination. The true test however is to try and gain employment in any South African corporate if you are of the White hue regardless of gender. Only if you have a skill that cannot be easily or readily acquired will you be considered for a position. ( look at your Newspaper advertisements and the reference to previously disadvantaged persons in every advert). Ask the newly disadvantaged South Africans- the White version of the so called Mandela's children. They are being denied University places despite better marks and jobs despite better qualifications in favour of the Black version of Mandela's children. And the ANC's position - a deafening silence! BEE is simply a process to transfer White wealth into the hands of the ANC elite and the simple truth is that Blacks are economically worse off under the ANC than they were under colonialism. One can only see this get worse and worse until South Africa takes on the typical profile of all African countries to the North of them - but still they are in denial. I will leave you with this question and answer- What did South Africa have prior to wood fires and paraffin lamps? Answer- Electricity.
Moloi - You are out of touch and/or completely deluded. White applicants to University for Medecine studies with far superior qualifications to Blacks were turned down so that the " previously disadvantaged" could be accommodated. Students in Pretoria have started a Group to challenge the ANC and it's discriminatory practices against Whites and were removed from Jhb International Airport a few weeks ago for voicing their concerns about the Hellhole to incoming Tourists. I wouldn't live in that sh it hole if you paid me to so your advice is wasted.

2007-01-19 20:48:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

they might be high

2007-01-18 20:20:40 · answer #9 · answered by tony r 4 · 0 2

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