Fascist like bush and hitler...... you are confused....
yes we think you are the root of all evil/selfishness.... or just brainwashed like a black KKK member
2007-01-18 19:30:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They're immoral, dishonest, proud, ignorant, arrogant and power-seeking fools who want to defy all of the incredible principles the country was built upon, and have succeeded at finding many naive people who wish to do the same. They couldn't care less about America, but instead care far more about doing whatever it takes to make their ridiculous party beat the Republicans. It's all just a competition to them.
In my eyes, they are the equivalent of Adolf Hitler. Deceit is the only explanation as to why people vote for them.
2007-01-19 03:42:57
answer #2
answered by Emma 6
I don't know that they actually seek to destroy the country. What I do believe is they have no intention of preserving this country. The only vision they have for this country is what feels good to them today, right now. They can claim all they want that they care about this country but I have never in all my years seen a sect of people undermine and bring about almost irreversible harm to our nation.
Look at Beavers answer. Beaver wants to love and trust everyone, our enemies included. The only people that he would probably admit to wanting to wiping out is conservatives.
2007-01-19 03:54:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Oh my gawd!!! I can't believe all the pseudo intellectualism I'm reading in this question and in some of these answers! To those who compare Hitler and Liberalism, or Stalin to Neo-Cons is laughable! You have your bias's, but at least get your comparisons correct. Back to the History Books!!
2007-01-19 04:15:33
answer #4
answered by Murphyboy 4
We seek to make this country fair and just for all. So we can have an intelligent and mentally stable country. With people from all walks of life living in harmony with each other. What about that is destroying. I find denying someone of there rights because your religious book says otherwise. Seems to me the best way to destroy a country. I dont see what hitler has to do with liberals.
Most of his followers were people of faith. So through that ideology I can say all religious republicans are nazi's. But that is just stupid and ignorant of all common logic.
2007-01-19 03:36:57
answer #5
answered by Beaverscanttalk 4
All I know is that the Dems have done a great job their first 84 hours in the majority. For all of you who are currently earning minimum wage or close to it, you just got a salary boost from those "liberals seeking to destroy this country". God Bless Liberals!!
2007-01-19 03:54:37
answer #6
answered by edaem 4
Liberal democrats or conservative republicans, both will sell out for $$$. Where I am from dems load up cronies at all the highest levels of state government and if it doesn't go through the right people it never happens. If you don't think so, it is most likely because you are either under the age of 18 and just know what your 60 IQ teacher told you or you work a job, come home and do it all over again and don't try to do anything political.
2007-01-19 03:49:48
answer #7
answered by Colt Seavers 3
Imagine a world where libs are in power and you ask that same question. Early in the morning you are rousted from you bed by Janet Reno's thugs ala Ilian Gonzalez. A hood is put over your head and you are taken from your home and driven hundreds of miles to the reeducation camp like in North Korea. Maybe they'll just burn your house down with your whole family still inside!
Make no mistakes, libs have done it before!
2007-01-19 07:12:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the real question is why do the conservatives want to destroy this country?
they disregard the constitution, spread propaganda and fear, try to take away privacy and freedom, and cannot do one thing without claiming you cannot argue with them because 9/11, you hate america 9/11, i am going to tap your phones 9/11, i am going to see what books you check from the library 9/11 ... they sound like they intended it to happen so they could do whatever they want. Why did they get Saddam first when they were suppose to go after Osama?
Bush is more like Hitler's image than Hitler was himself! That is pretty bad.
2007-01-19 03:49:20
answer #9
answered by just another guy 2
Your question is hyperbole and no one is going to be able to offer you a satisfactory answer.
We have a two party system because just one would be insane.
People are going to disagree with you and offer alternative viewpoints and solutions. The Republicans do not have ALL the answers.
2007-01-19 08:30:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Thank you...please read my questions...
It is a retro quasi guilt of a latent belief in altruism. That is to say, they feel guilty for being successful and having opportunity to succeed when so many others don't, so they are willing to crucify and martyr themselves in order to heal the breach between their ideals of Communism and the reality of Freedom.
In full, it is no different than the sick twisted push of the Mayan and Aztecs to ritually sacrifice human beings to the Gods to curry favor...
Totalitarianism/Slavery is the Altruistic Fallacy.
The Liberals just can't get it through their brains that Hitlers and Stalins rise because people believe in their ideals of civilization to slavery or death...A dictatorship is the only natural result in the power vaccuum created by the redistribution of wealth ad infinitum. When everyone is relinquishing rights in favor of protectionism, the first thing to leave is objectivity and reason...it is soon replaced with Protectorship and Security...it morphs into nationalism and war...or slavery and cultural purges based on the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"
The problem is the media elite and educational elite. Until they are defeated soundly in philosophy, psychology and ideal...until The hope for Equality is replaced with the Embrace of Inequality, Freedom will be sacrificed on the alter of Tyranny.
2007-01-19 03:37:49
answer #11
answered by Hammerhead 2