do no longer seem on Craigslist till you want to run into scams. As already suggested, google real resources brokers in Johnson city and phone various places of artwork. tell the realtor precisely what you're searching for in words of area, lease, type of community and so on. A realtor will tel you in case your funds or expectancies are life like or no longer, and which different elements try to be searching at. There may no longer be any 2-bedrooms in Johnson city for $six hundred/month yet they're going to be in a position to inform you the position the nearest cities are which have houses on your budget. communicate over with an certainly realtor - they are the experts on the realm, the costs, the sorts of houses accessible, what isn't listed yet yet may be arising for lease quickly, and so on
2016-10-15 10:45:47
answer #2
answered by serpa 4