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What for? What brand? What color ... and are you embarassed or no

2007-01-18 15:20:05 · 12 answers · asked by Razor 2 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

12 answers

Yes I wear them. On days when I'm not feeling well, or not in the mood for any sex, or if I'm on my period. I don't get down while I'm on the rag so hell with it. My man aint gonna see him lol. What brand? I dunno...lol. What color? I have many differenct colored pairs. Embarassed? Not really. They're comfy and on the days that I'm usually wearing them no one is going to know or see them.

My man has seen me in them...and he teased me and I just told him that if he keeps on teasing me about it he'd not gonna be able to take them off of me. :P

2007-01-18 15:34:12 · answer #1 · answered by Danielle 4 · 5 0

A lot of male or female dress to be comfortable and sometimes dress to impress their partners or to feel sexy. Underwears that are full briefs "granny or grampa panties" are actually comfortable. There's nothing embarrassing on being yourself and being comfortable when you just want to be yourself. Doesn't matter what shape, size or colour. It depends on the person and how they feel. Who cares what others think or say.

2007-01-18 15:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i dont wear granny panties but sometimes with certain clothes you do need to wear high cut bikinis or high cut briefs, they just look better

2007-01-18 15:24:57 · answer #3 · answered by whateverbabe 6 · 0 0

I only wear granny panties when im on my period, Otherwise usually lacy,or fancy thongs or tanga's

2007-01-18 15:45:22 · answer #4 · answered by Susy_Q 3 · 2 0

i dont wear granny's but i dont wear butt floss either! i wear the hipsters if i care what my underwear are like, and boyshort or bikinis most of the time.. i mean.. the hipsters only really cover the top of your butt.. they go up a little... not being gross or anthing..

2007-01-18 15:33:44 · answer #5 · answered by janna w 2 · 0 0

yeah...alot. Rios. They are much more comfortable for things like sleeping in, and work. Nothing worse then wedgies when you are working!! Colours...all sorts. White with purple hearts, black and white stripe, blue with yellow flowers. They are also easier when it comes to washing...just throw them in with everything else

2007-01-18 15:29:43 · answer #6 · answered by sharkgirl 7 · 0 0

well i don't know about most girls, but i do know that i get tired of having floss up my butt every once in a while. usually i wear them when i'm having a day when i just don't give a f*** what anyone thinks about me and i'm just being comfy

2007-01-18 15:24:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course who doesn't. sometimes u just feel like being comfortable and dress it down a little! and on laundry days too!

2007-01-18 15:39:14 · answer #8 · answered by SuZieQ 2 · 0 0

absolutely love them...made for comfort...i get extremely irritated w/ small panties that always find half of themselves "tucked" somewhere..

2007-01-18 16:52:07 · answer #9 · answered by michelle 1 · 0 0

heck yes I do! Who cares! I mean sexy underwear sometimes ride up plus it is either that or do the laundry...

2007-01-18 15:25:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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