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to get a decent paying job, desired not to make myself employable other than minimum wage jobs, would that be President Bush's fault?

Would it be a good idea for me to want to have the wealth of those who do redistributed to me? Would it be fair?

Would it be ok for me to try to raise a large family on minimum wage?

Should I take personal responsibility for my own actions, or should I blame society for my problems and call myself a victim?

2007-01-18 15:18:05 · 11 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics & Government Politics

Not as dumb as a person who doesn't put a "b" at the end of the word, Halo...he he he

2007-01-18 15:22:20 · update #1

Just Me...thanks for amplifying my point...you're a front runner for the best answer.

2007-01-18 15:32:56 · update #2

11 answers

It would be your own fault; it would be a 'good idea' for you, but not fair for those who had the skills; you can try, but don't expect sympathy from me; and you should take responsibility for your own actions, but you probably won't, and will likely run crying to the most outspoken liberal you can find to demand that they help you pay for your lifestyle because the rich won't give you $30 an hour to clean toilets and flip burgers.

I know that wasn't very politically correct, but I'm sick and tired of my hard-earned money going to support lazy bums on welfare who don't even try to better themselves. I have no problem giving someone a helping hand up, I have a problem with giving them a hand-out.

2007-01-18 15:30:09 · answer #1 · answered by Just Me 2 · 1 1

Wow...socko-bingo!! What a list! :>) Well if you lack skills to get a decent paying job, and desire not to make yourself employable other than the minimum wage jobs, the answer is NO, absolutely not. Why would our President be a fault? We all have the free will do go as far as we desire...and if we feel that sitting home collecting a welfare check is good, then there is something definitely WRONG with that thought.

Next, wanting wealth is a feeling of need, or desire to have the same things, primarily money, that the wealthy people have acquired some, by hard work, some by education, so by inheritence, but NO, it wouldn't be fair to expect to have the same as them. That isn't logical; however, everyone does have the right to dream; but nobody owes them anything.

If someone already has a large family, and they've gotten 'caught up in a low pay job' sometimes it isn't their fault. Opportunities are out there, but being fortunate enough to have the doors open when you plop down a good resume are few and far between these days. I have a college education as well, but I've been out of work for 4 years now, with the exception of my federal/work study grant while attending college...and I'm 57 years old. There aren't many opportunities for me. I believe that people raising a family on a minimum wage should have to tighten the belt, try to work an additional job and make ends meeth the best they can. Also, if they have small children, maybe the state can help them a little. As long as they are trying...that is all a family can do. The state will not help me with food at all because I live with my ex and have a free roof, and they said because I don't have little children at home, I can't have food stamps. Therefore I have to live off of change the ex leaves scattered about. I've put in over 950 applications with resumes and with the 951st, I finally got called for an interview opportunity; however, I had to turn it down because I had to way to leave the state...not enough gas in my car and no money to buy it with.

Victim...no you wouldn't be. There isn't one thing that keeps you in that catagory except your own thoughts of how things should be. You cannot say that of society because everyone makes choices. I made a choice to leave my full time job to take care of my mother before she died a horribly long death, which she didn't deserve. When I went back, my job was gone, which was the reason I returned to college on Pell Grants.

There isn't many excuses that I can think of that would right that mode of thinking. However, I would suppose that someone would have to walk a mile in my shoes before they could understand.

2007-01-18 23:40:11 · answer #2 · answered by chole_24 5 · 1 0

you seem to have answered your everyday normal Americans way of life. If this is truly the ways, i'd say go ahead just be a red blooded American and do your last point on this question. the blaming game. But you know waht some of us when we think about taking responsibilities, it just means cover yourself but point fingers at others. And you're done. Good enough, yes?

2007-01-18 23:29:13 · answer #3 · answered by FILO 6 · 1 0

People are paid based on their relative worth to their employer. If you don't have marketable skills, and you refuse to obtain them, it's your own fault. Companies employ people, they don't adopt them.

The government is under no obligation to make life "fair" for those who don't uphold their end of the social bargain.

Most people in that situation tend to want something for nothing, and they tend to want to take that something from those who are actually contributing to society. It's easy to say, "soak the rich", but the rich are the ones who are actually making it possible for the rest of us to continue to live indoors and eat food by employing them.

There are copious programs to help people with tuition, both public and private. If a person doesn't take advantage of those programs and elects to continue as a slug, it's his own fault, not that of the government, the employer, the rich, society, or anyone else.

2007-01-19 00:00:02 · answer #4 · answered by Rick N 3 · 1 1

you don't live in the really world or your mentally deficient, your uninformed clap trap show a complete lack of understanding of people less fortunate then yourself,if you come from working class parents the chances of you actually escaping poverty are minimal at best,as for redistributing wealth that's how you got it in the first place by living of the backs of good honest worker and steeling ever penny you could to for fill your greed for more, what kind of supremest Nazi are you to dare imply how other have children i can bet the low educated low payed love there kids far more than than some rich butt who send there evil spawn to some elites school to train them how to treat people like crap.yes you should take personal responsibility for your own actions and not blame the down trodden who are victims of people like yourself. oh one last word for all your money you still can buy a soul,remember death the great equalizer
ps all hypothetically of course.

2007-01-18 23:38:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

In America we all have the same opportunity to be successful and it is our personal responsibility and not a government social program to achieve that goal.

2007-01-18 23:50:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

why are you asking these questions.? are you planning on being a bum?

the answer of course is you should do whatever is in your best interest. isnt that just human nature anyway?

2007-01-18 23:25:34 · answer #7 · answered by tom 1 · 1 2

Run for president. You obviously have the qualifications.

2007-01-18 23:26:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

born in a ghetto with all the money spent in Irak

2007-01-18 23:23:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

here you go, you don't have to work if you don't want to. just take half of mine and we'll call it even!

2007-01-18 23:34:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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