Butterflies life span is 1 week.
2007-01-18 15:08:19
answer #1
answered by Evil Atheist Conspirator 4
John Strauss invented the blue jeans The statue of liberty is in NY If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar. The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute. In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had. In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use the phrase, "Well, are you there?". It wasn't until 1895 that someone suggested answering the phone with the phrase "number please?" The surface area of an average-sized brick is 79 cm squared. According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. The most common name in the world is Mohammed. It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear. Karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese. The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
2016-05-24 05:41:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You will hear people talk about the monarch butterfly migrating from the northern us to Mexico and back. But they actually have a complex migration pattern.
Spring summer and fall monarchs are very different from each other. The fall monarchs don't mate in fall, instead they fly south and winter in Mexico. Then in spring they come to southern US and mate. These spring butterflies migrate back to where their parents came from. They then mate. The summer butterflies only live a few weeks, but mate and lay 100 eggs before they die. So a number a generations are born in the summer. Each generation increases the population 100x. So by fall millions of butterflies (who are the great-great granchildren of last fall's butterflies) are ready to migrate again.
There are groups that track their migration on their website. I have their link below.
Also butterflies were the symbol of Psyche, of Psyche and Cupid. She became the goddess of the mind and soul and so butterflies became the symbol of the soul.
An Irish tale tells of a fallen priest whose soul takes the form of a white butterfly after he dies. Thus it was felt that butterflies were souls who were in purgatory.
2007-01-18 15:47:40
answer #3
answered by Janice M 2
* Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches.
* Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.
* Some people say that when the black bands on the Woolybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming.
* The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!
* Monarch butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of about 2,000 miles, and return to the north again in the spring.
* Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
* Representations of butterflies are seen in Egyptian frescoes at Thebes, which are 3,500 years old.
* Antarctica is the only continent on which no Lepidoptera have been found.
* There are about 24,000 species of butterflies. The moths are even more numerous: about 140,000 species of them were counted all over the world.
* The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepterix rhamni) has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies: 9-10 months.
* Some Case Moth caterpillars (Psychidae) build a case around themselves that they always carry with them. It is made of silk and pieces of plants or soil.
* The caterpillars of some Snout Moths (Pyralididae) live in or on water-plants.
* The females of some moth species lack wings, all they can do to move is crawl.
* The Morgan's Sphinx Moth from Madagascar has a proboscis (tube mouth) that is 12 to 14 inches long to get the nectar from the bottom of a 12 inch deep orchid discovered by Charles Darwin.
* Some moths never eat anything as adults because they don't have mouths. They must live on the energy they stored as caterpillars.
* Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars' food or not.
* There are more types of insects in one tropical rain forest tree than there are in the entire state of Vermont.
* In 1958 Entomologist W.G. Bruce published a list of Arthropod references in the Bible. The most frequently named bugs from the Bible are: Locust: 24, Moth: 11, Grasshopper: 10, Scorpion: 10, Caterpillar: 9, and Bee: 4.
* People eat insects – called "Entomophagy"(people eating bugs) – it has been practiced for centuries throughout Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America. Why? Because many bugs are both protein-rich and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fats.
* YOU can eat bugs! Try the "Eat-A-Bug Cookbook" by David George Gordon , 10 Speed Press. Don’t want to cook them yourself? Go to HotLix for all sorts of insect goodies! My favorites are "Cricket-lickit’s" – a flavored sucker with a real edible cricket inside.
* Many insects can carry 50 times their own body weight. This would be like an adult person lifting two heavy cars full of people.
* There are over a million described species of insects. Some people estimate there are actually between 15 and 30 million species.
* Most insects are beneficial to people because they eat other insects, pollinate crops, are food for other animals, make products we use (like honey and silk) or have medical uses.
* Butterflies and insects have their skeletons on the outside of their bodies, called the exoskeleton. This protects the insect and keeps water inside their bodies so they don’t dry out.
2007-01-18 16:21:19
answer #4
answered by ? 6
All monach butterflies migrate to Mexico in the winter.
2007-01-18 15:12:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well, my mom plants all kinds of plants to attract butterflies. Due to this, she will not spray insecticide in her yard at all. Milkweed is a wonderful place for caterpillars to live, but aphids love them too, so aphids get on all your other plants too...........BUT being able to sit in your house, and look out the window at clouds of butterflies is awesome!
2007-01-18 15:15:32
answer #6
answered by blue 4
There is a butterfly in Spain that drinks the blood of dead animals. I didn't catch its name or i'd list it haha.
2007-01-18 19:20:05
answer #7
answered by ? 3
They can be very particular about what they eat - both the caterpillars and the adults.
2007-01-18 15:20:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
upon emerging from its Chrysalis, a butterfly must first "pump up" its wings with it's "blood" before it can use them.
2007-01-18 15:10:00
answer #9
answered by Big hands Big feet 7
They have taste buds on the bottoms of their feet! For real.
2007-01-18 15:12:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous