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Im really curious, when putting mascara, do you open your mouth? i used to do that, untill now lol.

2007-01-18 14:49:24 · 20 answers · asked by emme 5 in Beauty & Style Makeup

20 answers

people open their mouths so they're not breathing through their nose. if you breathe through your nose your head doesn't feel quite as stable--try it. opening your mouth helps you hold still.

2007-01-18 16:56:39 · answer #1 · answered by mara 3 · 0 0

I used to but after years of experience I don't need to anymore. What lots of people don't realize though is opening your mouth while applying things like mascara really does serve a purpose. It helps trick you body into holding still easier and relaxing.

Another strange thing is this same trick can help at the gynos office. If your having a hard time relaxing during a pelvic exam relaxing the jaw can actually help you stop clenching down there.

2007-01-18 14:58:28 · answer #2 · answered by FX_Make-upArtist 4 · 0 0

properly no untill you asked. besides the undeniable fact that it made me test so see in case you get the comparable effects too! First open your eyes as huge as you may, then do the comparable with your mouth open.i observed whilst my mouth exchange into open it may reason my brow to tighten and my eyes to stay greater nonetheless.So mascara away and use the time for some deep respiration exercises(facilitates for a trim tum!)

2016-10-31 12:04:18 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

lol...yes! i have noticed how stupid it is to do it but i cant help it. its habit...ive tried putting it on with my mouth closed and it works just fine! whats the point of opening my mouth and stretching my face all long?! it doesnt HELP me put my mascara on any better. ....its like sticking your tongue out when writing! (uh...no...i dont do that when i write.....only when i type lol)

2007-01-18 14:56:26 · answer #4 · answered by smoovstella319 2 · 0 0

Yeah, all the time!

I heard it's a natural reflex, and that it's physically impossible not to, but I've tried, and judging by these other answere, that's total bull. It's kind of hard to believe, but I've seen similar things that do work.


Can't lick your elbow
Can't sneeze without closing your eyes

2007-01-18 14:54:15 · answer #5 · answered by constantsugarhigh7 3 · 0 0

lol i dont know why some people think they have to do it in order to put it on. i can do it with or without the mouth open.

2007-01-18 19:08:55 · answer #6 · answered by danuh_bananuh 2 · 0 0

Y yes come to think of IT i open my mouth to . I will try to quit.

2007-01-18 14:52:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I automatically open my mouth.

2007-01-18 15:17:11 · answer #8 · answered by The First Lady 2 · 0 0

yes, that was in an issue of cosmo or marie claire once--it is a neurological thing that you do unless you make a muscle effort not to.

2007-01-18 15:13:32 · answer #9 · answered by goodgirl 1 · 0 0

alot of people do that im a beautician but it dosen't really matter but ill tell you i dont open my mouth

2007-01-18 14:52:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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