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Im in eighth grade and i have a huge phobia for needles. i need to get a tetnus shot for high school soon and i am terribly scared!! i throw up everytime i think about it. can you tell me what a tetnus shot feels like? does it hurt real bad?! how many needles are there? are all the shots takin at one time?! i really want to know this so tell me from experience and dont tell me it doesnt hurt....tell me the truth i think i can handle it. if i got through writeing this then i think i can take the hard stuff. hopefully!!!!

2007-01-18 13:53:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

12 answers

Honey there is only ONE little needle and it's given in your arm. There is no pain really...it just feels like a bee sting or a mosquito bite..there is no reason to get so worked up and it's over in a flash! I promise, it won't hurt...getting your ears pierced is WAY more painful than a silly little tetnus shot. Just take a deep breath and by the time you blow out it'll be over...relax! It's very important to have this shot, so be brave and be strong, it's over in a flash. Best wishes...

2007-01-18 13:58:48 · answer #1 · answered by spiret2 3 · 0 0

A tetanus shot only requires one needle/one injection site. Typically it is in the back of the arm. It does hurt a bit, so it's best if you take a couple of Tylenol about an hour before you get the shot. You should also keep the arm moving for the rest of the day, and put heat on the injection site to help ease the pain. I had mine done about a year ago, and I'm glad it's only once every 7 years because it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

2007-01-18 13:57:26 · answer #2 · answered by Phlebotomist 3 · 0 0

I just got mine a couple months ago. I got all my shots at the same time. Don't look at it, thats what I did, and I didn't even feel the first one, I didn't even know she even did it. Getting the tetnus shot isn't the part thats bad, it's after. After you get it, your arm might hurt. Might be a little brused but truthfully, it CAN hurt whenever you move your arm. I got mine on a day of sports tryouts. It wasn't the funnest thing. But after a day or so, the pain will go away. I didn't say it didn't hurt.

If you have any more questions, email me if you need.

2007-01-18 14:01:52 · answer #3 · answered by Ashley 2 · 0 0

I was also very afraid of needles until one day I cut myself with dirty glass (that was painful), so I had to get a tetanus shot and I was amazed it didn't hurt at all... now I'm not afraid of needles any more I even got a piercing (and the piercings needle was huge!) Just try to relax and think of something else...try not to look and you won't feel a thing

2007-01-18 14:01:15 · answer #4 · answered by Ivan M 2 · 0 0

At least the last time I had one, it was just one needle and didn't hurt any more than any other shot. And probably less than a flu shot because my arm didn't get sore. You should get one every ten years.

Good luck, and don't get yourself worked up if you can help it. Worrying about it is going to be worse than the shot.

2007-01-18 14:02:36 · answer #5 · answered by princessmikey 7 · 0 0

Yeah a tetnus shot seems to hurt more than other shots ,but hey it olny hurts for a sec. You'll be fine .

2007-01-18 13:59:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its on hin. breathe. i had to do the same thing 2 years ago its nothing! im scared of needles to but trust me its not all that bad. i was FREAKING out in the dr. office lol but you'll be fine trust me. it doesnt really hurt it just stings but seriosuly its over in like 2 seconds! just dont look. you only have to take one shot at one time. so you get pricked on in the arm with one needle and then your done! they always say stuff like it might swell a little after the shot but that didnt happen to me. so i hope this helped a little! just remeber to relax ok hun? dont stress baout it. bascially this is your last shot you ever have to get! breathe rember not to look and trust me when i say its over in no time :]

2007-01-18 13:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by i_love_ dancing 3 · 0 0

I hate shots too. I try to concentrate on something else like counting the ceiling tiles. It really doesn't hurt all that bad. You can do it. Have confidence. Think of something happy, positive, etc., and you'll get through it.

2007-01-18 13:58:04 · answer #8 · answered by Phyllobates 7 · 0 0

i hate needles too.. but lemme tell you they dont hurt..i close my eyes and think of what im going to do after the shot..it seriuosly lasts for like 5 seconds

so dont worry =D

2007-01-18 13:57:15 · answer #9 · answered by ♥♥live&laugh 4 · 0 0

there's only one shot. and afterwards you'll feel like you have a bruise. you can ask the doctors to spray you with freezing spray that way itll numb it a little bit.

just make sure your friends dont hit you in that spot because it'll be sore.

2007-01-18 14:01:15 · answer #10 · answered by mushroom 1 · 0 0

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