That I could switch bodies with my Mom
2007-01-18 13:10:26
answer #1
answered by JustLynn 6
If you controlled time, going back and forth would cause a rip in the timeline and probably eliminate your life to fix the rip. Just a hypothesis. ^_^
So, if you can't wish for more wishes, wish for a couple hundred genies. Or to be the richest man in the world. hat way, you could buy anything you wanted. I know people would say, world peace, end hunger but if you think about, humans nature is conflict, they will eventually get in a fight about something, and if you end hunger, people will start fighting for homes, jobs, and what does that create? Conflict..
Sry my answer is so long! :P
2007-01-18 13:13:15
answer #2
answered by Malix 2
1. I wish for my son who has speech delay, to be talking and have no trouble with his disability to his old age.
2. The well being of every aspect of my family members
3. There are more happy people in this world, hopefully the world will be a better place.
boring, but that is what i wished. everything else can come as part as natural cause of living a live in this earth.
2007-01-18 13:14:09
answer #3
answered by Beautiful_Oddities 2
1. that i could grant wishes if i wanted to grant peoples was my choice though if they were like selfish i wouldnt grant it 2. a magical pet that could grant MY wishes, and i could grant it's 3.for the genie to be free
2007-01-18 13:12:46
answer #4
answered by lexycon36 2
Well, Sandman, your a perfect person to grant my first wish, I really, really want a great nights sleep.
As for wish two and 3, that is always a hard one. #2, I really want to do well enough in this life to be able to care for my loved ones. I would wish to have enough to be able to care for them on a day to day basis and provide for their needs whatever those might be, so they would want for nothing.
And 3, I would wish happiness, peace, joy, love for everyone on the planet, and for them to know life without physical or financial need.
2007-01-18 13:21:24
answer #5
answered by Jodiontop 3
If for the international: a million. Peace perpetually, incase we ought to bypass belligerous 2. turn each thing into destiny like 3. no more effective viruses, ailments, bacterias, and pests If for Myself: a million. funds funds funds 2. sturdiness for all and diverse i respect or absolutely everyone i stumble on eye-catching (and end their diseasese interior their bodies in the experience that they do) 3. Have infinity and previous desires perpetually
2016-10-15 10:33:08
answer #6
answered by ? 4
A Cure for ALL Diseases.
A Lifetime full of happiness
& I'd give the 3rd wish to someone else :)
2007-01-18 13:11:08
answer #7
answered by Mindy 3
1)beautiful skin again
2)my 2007 mustang Shelby gt 500 or Ferrari
3)my dream job as a professional music director with all the knowledge it comes with
2007-01-18 13:12:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This question was asked about 2 days ago. I will repeat:
Take away my mom's chronic pain
mortgage with a $0 balance
my garage completely organized!
2007-01-18 13:11:12
answer #9
answered by Viviana 6
I would wish for 5 billion dollars.
I would wish that none of my loved ones would never ever die...
I would also wish that I would never ever die either. Remain 23 forever!
2007-01-18 13:13:01
answer #10
answered by Crazy_Girl 2
I'd wish for magical powers. Then I could do it all!
2007-01-18 13:10:55
answer #11
answered by shortcake 4