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I have a question
Girls out there I need some tips on being a more girly girl... I mean what ever tips you have. I would appreciate it and who ever gives me the best tips or advice wins 10 points

2007-01-18 11:50:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

17 answers

okay im like super girly girl..so ur in luck..=]

1. take lip gloss wherever you ago and ALWAYS apply more when its gone

2. dress at abercrombie, hollister, forever 21, and places like that..OooO and wear fancy shoes and stuff like that

3. wear your hair down more often (if you already dont)

4. Talk girly--EX: use words like "OMG" & "LIKE" ALOT..and basically words like that.

5. Make sure you were LIP GLOSS (of course)..and any makeup that you can like, eyeliner, eyeshadow..but not too much so it makes you look like a clown

6. Take care of your appearance more and how you want others to judge you

7. get your hair and nails done often

i cant think of anything else right now so.....HOPE I HELPED =]

2007-01-18 11:59:39 · answer #1 · answered by <3 2 · 2 0

I'm a nerdy tomboy. But almost always I simply put on denims and a racing form blouse. Either a jersey or a blouse with a fox image or some thing. If I'm now not dressed in a racing blouse it is a tshirt with my favourite exhibit or film on it or only a simple colour blouse. The men round right here like extra of the nation ladies on account that I reside in an excessively redneck the city. So there are extra tomboy ladies round than girly ladies.

2016-09-08 00:14:53 · answer #2 · answered by siegers 3 · 0 0

Well as the girls above have said..Pink. Say your fave. is pink use girly words get a pretty popular/cute boyfriend or somthing hang out with the preps (if your in school..i am) or the cool popular girls..umm Jewlery and earings..well lots of accseories and speak your mind usually the girls who do that are pretty known and popular. Well Be really girly talk about boys and the popular ones thats what alot of girls like to talk about. And yah just be really girly and dont talk about boyish things unless they are the boys! lol Well i hope i helped getting you more girly ish anyways good luck!


2007-01-18 12:00:35 · answer #3 · answered by Kelsyyy(: 3 · 1 0

Ok I used to be a tom boy but I now consider myself a girlie girl. Wear makeup, false eyelashes are very girly. Wear a flirty perfume. I like Pink by Victorias Secrets. Wear alot of pink clothing but with taste. Jewelry is always a must!! And some lip gloss always! Also having your nails done..french manicure.

2007-01-18 11:54:55 · answer #4 · answered by Susy_Q 3 · 2 0

Biggest thing is finding clothes that are flattering to your body. (don't go slutty!!!) Skip the big comfy sweatshirts :( and go for a cute fuzzy, FITTED sweater. I always feel the most girly in cute heels and when I bother to put on makeup. Stick relatively natural... I like using a translucent powder, mascara, pink eyeshadow (nothing's girlier than pink, but it's a great natural color also) and a clear lipgloss.

2007-01-18 13:29:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Go out and get yourself a facial, manicure and pedicure. Pop into a women's boutique and buy yourself the ever popular "little black dress" ... accessorize with a nice pair of high heels, then go out for the evening. You'll be amazed, after a little pampering ... how much more feminine you'll feel. You'll not only feel like a "girly-girl", you'll feel super-sexy!! ;)

2007-01-18 12:03:54 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Carol♥ 7 · 2 0

jewelry, nice skirts, dresses with heels, sandals. Try to do something with your hair, nice perfume, and the color doens't matter as long as u match it, use things you are comfortable with. Use makeup like lipgloss, eyeshadow and blush. Take care of your skin by exfoliating and using lotion get a manicure and pedicure

2007-01-18 12:02:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

just wear more feminine clothes, more jewelry and maybe a bit more make up. read up on some mags. seventeen is a good one. but idk, girly girl is just such a stereotype, and its not always good to be too girly girl. especially w. a guy. chances are, they will think you are too stuck up and not fun enough. just be relaxed and have FUN. thats the best thing you can do.

2007-01-18 12:50:35 · answer #8 · answered by kate m 1 · 3 0

wear make-up, skirts,heels,pink,get your nails done. if you do all those things you will not only look girly you will feel very girly. have fun

2007-01-18 11:56:48 · answer #9 · answered by pooh 6 · 1 0

i am such a girly girl but a brat to nerds im a snobe to people i dont like lol anyway i really dont know i was like this for my hole lihe xo

2007-01-18 12:45:08 · answer #10 · answered by Jonah 2 · 1 0

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