This works, you have buy 3 things. Ill explain as I go. 1st wash your face in warm to hot water. Then you apply a blackhead scrub. (U can get these items at Wal-Mart or about any large drug store or the dollar store) . After you have rubbed it in well wash off with warm - hot water. Now dry your face and apply a facial mask, one mad with a fruit base. This dries. Again with hot water wash this off face & dry. Now last thing apply a clear peel off mask. Let it stay one till good & dry. Then peel it off. I promse you a baby soft skin & soon it will be as clean as ever. Hope this helped.
2007-01-18 11:29:56
answer #1
answered by Blues Man 7
I've found placing a hot washcloth over the face will open up the pores and is easier and maybe safer than steaming, but the idea is the same. If it isn't too bad, noxema works great but otherwise I use that proactive formula (get the generic one at Walmart). Blackheads are caused by bacteria and sebum (natural waxy secrection) so what you eat makes a big difference, i.e. stay away from fatty foods. Check if you have food allergies, dairy products like cheese can also cause problems. Hope this helps:)
2007-01-25 10:19:31
answer #2
answered by fenhongjiatu1 3
Start by getting a professional facial, make sure you tell your person about your problem areas. Then after that, you must maintain the habit of exfoliation. It is also very inmortant to moisturize, as scrubs will really dry out your skin! I really like Clean and Clear daily scrub with Clean and Clear dual action mousturizer...and being a single mom...ITS affordable too!
2007-01-25 06:16:45
answer #3
answered by Miriam S 1
Cold water 5 times daily for 1 week
2007-01-25 07:46:26
answer #4
answered by Mimi 2
I use Pro-Activ and that seems to work pretty well in preventing them, but when you do get them, use the round end of a bobby pin to press down around it and it will pop up. They are too small to squeeze with fingers. Since it's not a zit yet this does not do any damage to your skin so you won't get pock marks, just don't press any harder than you need to.
2007-01-25 07:05:17
answer #5
answered by Hamlette 6
You need to wash and clean your face very offen, also women is to remove make up and not sleep with it on the face, Cleaning face as often as possible will eliminate alot of pimples and blackheads, Blackheads are clogged pores.
2007-01-25 06:04:04
answer #6
answered by Grace E 1
Whatever you do, don't pinch or squeeze them. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, but nothing oily. Keep your hands off of your face. The best thing for blackheads is cleanliness.
2007-01-25 05:21:23
answer #7
answered by Phoebe 2
Over a boiling hot big pot on the table with towel under, cover r neck (not to hurt yourself) take a large towel and put r head over
the pot for 10min. or so, then go to the bathroom using a facial
scrubing cleanser, wash with warm then cold water and try to wash your face more often.
Best of Luck
diana d
2007-01-18 12:04:08
answer #8
answered by Diana D 5
Clinque has an anti-bacterial soap that works wonders. It's $11.00 for a bar of soap and will last about 2-3 months.
2007-01-25 06:29:04
answer #9
answered by me60you64 1
Just keep you face very clean using just soapy water and personal clean towel, avoid touching your face with the hands daytime, pysical activities outside the more the better.
Using all kinds of chemical/ medical stuff it won't cure the source.
2007-01-24 15:21:08
answer #10
answered by nolies 3