Poppers are not really a health hazard.
For the curious "poppers" is one of the many names given to various types of nitrite inhalants that relax smooth muscle.
Originally used to treat angina pectoris, "amyl nitrite" was discovered by the gay community in the late sixties because it helps relax the sphincter and gives the user a head rush.
Other formulations are now commercially available in many parts of the world. The most common is "isobutyl nitrite".
At one time it was theorized that poppers might have something to do with HIV, but this theory has long shown to be baseless.
There are dangers when using poppers.
1.) They are highly flammable. Don's use them when smoking or near lighted candles
2.) Don't get the liquid on your skin. It will cause a burning sensation and long exposure will leave a burn mark.
3.) Poppers lower blood pressure and if you stand up after snorting you may well faint.
4.) Poppers quickly lose their effect
5.) Don't ever ingest the liquid. It will burn you inside
6.) If you have bronchitis or lung disease poppers may not be for you. As anybody who has used poppers for several days in a row will tell you that repeated heavy popper use will give you a cough.
7.) Some people react badly to poppers and get a severe headache.
8.) From my own experience I know that poppers used when high on cannabis can cause loss of consciousness, and if used excessively can cause a fit.
9.) There is a rumour that poppers kills off brain cells. As far as I know the originator is Fistrik, a Dutch fister, who says this on his website. Alcohol also kills off brain cells.
10.) There is some (not very powerful) evidence that poppers might somewhat depress the immune system for a short period.
So safety first, don't overdo it and try to buy reliable brands such as Rush (made by AMD).
2007-01-18 09:41:17
answer #1
answered by Augusta B 3
Sniffing Poppers
2016-09-28 06:55:20
answer #2
answered by hickey 4
Poppers Effects
2016-12-18 04:00:07
answer #3
answered by pilkington 4
This Site Might Help You.
Is sniffing poppers dangerous?
2015-08-13 22:48:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Can straight people become gay after using "poppers" for the first time? Is it illegal to use poppers in a club? Is it true that poppers make have hemorrhoids?
2016-07-19 10:13:41
answer #5
answered by Warren S 2
Unprotected anal sex couldcause AIDS, it depends on whether or not the person giving it to you is infected. Poppers DON'T cause AIDS. But it does kill A LOT of brain cells. Have you ever seen a huffer? That's what it does to you, fun stuff though. Don't like the truth?
2016-03-13 20:37:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, but eating large amounts of them, especially the really hot ones, can lead to upset stomach & a uncomfortably hot mouth. Oh wait...that's peppers. What the hell is a popper??!
2007-01-18 09:13:41
answer #7
answered by Raynebow_Diva 6
elaborate. What is a popper? Maybe i have no business answering this if i dont know what a popper is but now you have me curious.....
2007-01-18 09:21:54
answer #8
answered by *RoCKsTaR* mommy of 1!! 3
overuse of "poppers" can cause permenant damage to the heart muscle. there is also evidence that it can suppress the immune system in the long run.
2007-01-18 09:06:28
answer #9
answered by curethegays 2
Not in moderation. It's a great combo with weed. Talk about great sex!!!!
2007-01-18 09:52:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous