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She doesn't like it. It makes her legs and arms feel weird. It's been 2 days. I think it might be raising her blood pressure. I don't want her to take it if it's going to make her sick. Should she stop taking it?

2007-01-18 08:51:34 · 19 answers · asked by J 2 in Health Women's Health

19 answers

She should stop taking it. They are hormones that mess with her natural body chemistry. If she's having bad reactions it's not worth it. There are plenty of other methods out there.

2007-01-18 08:54:19 · answer #1 · answered by Jilli Bean 5 · 0 1

If you think it's the pills, by all means, stop them. I know I would. Have you read all the side effects that could happen from taking those things? A lot of them are really bad, like blood clots and heart attack. If you don't want kids though be careful.

2007-01-18 08:56:00 · answer #2 · answered by misteri 5 · 0 0

She needs to talk to her doctor, asap. There are many many different kinds of birth control, she may just need a form with less hormones in it.

PS: Birth control takes about 3 months for your body to get used to the hormones. When I first started I thought I had the flu the first week... it goes away.

2007-01-18 09:03:46 · answer #3 · answered by starsmoak 5 · 0 0

She needs to call her Dr. and let them know what is going on. Chances are that she could have a negative reaction to it. Something like this happened to a good friend of mine and it caused bloodclots. Some women cannot be on it for this reason. It is serious though and needs to be checked. Otherwise she can risk being hospitalized, the chance of not having kids, etc. Have her call her gynocologist ASAP!

2007-01-18 08:58:13 · answer #4 · answered by RzrLens 3 · 0 0

WhenI started taking birth control the docter said most women go through 15 different pills before they find one that works for them. Have her call her doctor and until then wrap it up. :)

2007-01-18 08:56:48 · answer #5 · answered by Ailyx 2 · 1 0

If she's having peculiar side effects, she should contact the prescribing physician. I can tell you that "weird feelings" in her arms and legs aren't typical side effects.

There are other options out there besides the one pill she's on. If she's having issues with this, then she should explore other BC options.

2007-01-18 08:56:15 · answer #6 · answered by Brutally Honest 7 · 1 0

If she's not feeling good she should talk to her doc for advice, it is probably best to stop and use a barrier method of birth control

2007-01-18 08:56:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well it is up to her. but u can perswaude her to stop. but that means no sex if there is no protection because i am pretty sure u do not want a kid right now or in the next nine months. get a doctors opinion and a second one.

good luck!!!!!

2007-01-18 09:21:47 · answer #8 · answered by blondebeauty 4 · 0 0

consult her doctor gyn. before you make any decisions on taking her off the pill. Let her doctor know the systoms she's having being on the pill.

2007-01-18 08:56:33 · answer #9 · answered by Stacey Lynn 3 · 0 0

not unless she wants a baby or finds another form of birth control to use

2007-01-18 08:54:37 · answer #10 · answered by glamour04111 7 · 0 1

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