In the high school that I use to attend any one can join any club. I was in the Asian Club and I'm not Asian. Asian and White kids were in the West Indian club and so on. That's not racist. it's just a way to learn about different cultures. I don't know about other schools but that's how it was in mine.
2007-01-18 08:06:56
answer #1
answered by : ) 6
Well, it is a very simple answer to this question. Many people do have white clubs. They just lable them under a different name. However, I do not believe there is a need for a white club. You have clubs for the minorities so they will have something of their culture. The entire American culture is an anglican. It is only natural for people to want to have something that is different. People are stressing the importance of their backgrounds because it is an attempt to break from the normal conformist mold. Blacks, Latinos, and Asians just want to be able to do something that is unique to them. I don't know if I really answered your question. Sorry.
2007-01-18 16:05:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, whites really don't have a culture. You see, you guys got so mixed up genetically that you really don't have a culture to claim. If I was white, which culture would I embrace. The Dutch in me, the English, the German, the Scottish, and the list goes on. You guys just don't have a culture. Well, except for reality shows, American Idol, and The Hills on MTV. The minorities(Asian, Hispanic, Black, etc.) still retain our cultures because we have more of an organized genetic tree. I guess kinda more of a pure breed. The whites are kinda the mutts. No-one can argue that... So, we have clubs to appreciate it. Sorry.
2007-01-19 22:56:58
answer #3
answered by latinvirgolover 1
I think because there really is no "white"--we're all differing European cultures. I mean, what would you talk about in White Club? Your common heritage? You can't. There are too many of them. My Italian friend's heritage is completely different from mine--I'm Irish. Would we just talk about how great it is to be white? It's too generic. And given that the white race, in the US, has consistently been the favored race, the race in governmental power, etc. throughout most of US history, it becomes a loaded question. There were those in the race that actively attempted with all their might to keep every other race down for their own benefit, many times with deadly and horrible consequences. There have been major hate groups expressing the need for "White Power", when already most power was white. Again these groups literally used to get away with murder. You can see the dilemma.
I'm proud to be who I am, but it's not because I'm white. It's because I'm me. Because of my family and its traditions. Not because of a skin pigmentation. I'm proud of my history, but I think we all are, no matter what color. We should be. It's not easy being human.
Besides, if it's Caucasian Club, you will need Hispanics, Indians, Middle Easterners, Jews--all are of the same race as "Whites". Food for thought.
Frankly, if I'm white and I'M sick of hearing white people complain about the hardships they have to go through because they're white, I can't imagine what other races think. But still, I'd rather have everybody just in the same club! Maybe you can start a Human Club at your school. I'd join that!
2007-01-18 16:11:09
answer #4
answered by landbornemermaid 2
If you want an honest answer, look in your history book. The power structures of American society have been dominated, from day one, by white people.
That's not to say that all white people are privilaged, but rather, that the socio-economic system was initially designed BY white (landowning) men FOR white (landowning) men. As often as not, this system exploited poor white people in the same way it exploited women, children and people of color.
Only through constant struggle against the status quo have people of color and lower economic classes made any gains. Power (socio-economic, political or otherwise) is never willingly granted by rulers to the ruled. The ruled must demand and fight for every inch.
The sort of clubs you see in schools today are about promoting the social, scientific and cultural advancements of people who were often excluded by more powerful elements in society, namely rich white people.
Have white people's accomplishments ever been minimialized or written out of the history books? No. They are usually the bedrock of American history books because THEIR history is the only history deemed to be of importance.
Rather than start a "white club" at school, why not start a club which celebrates diversity? It's always better to look for, and emphasize, our commonalities rather than our differences. As a white man, I can't imagine anything more boring than hanging out with other white people to the exclusion of all other people.
Further, this issue has nothing to do with "political correctness" or "whiny liberals" as some posters have stated. It is about understanding socio-economic and political power - who has it and who doesn't.
2007-01-18 16:21:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I see no problem with any kind of cultural club as long as it is positive. As another poster said.. creating an Anglo-Saxon, Gaelic, Nordic, Bavarian, Slovic (etc.) club would be within anyone's right to do so as long as they can gather enough members that it would be viable, they do not promote hate, and it is purely for educational purposes since it is within the school realm. Also, for club outings, wouldn't it be great for all cultural clubs to get together and talk? At least one time out of the school year, cultural clubs get together in a 'town meeting' atmosphere and discuss issues. That way there is no question as to the purpose of the clubs. Seems healing to me, but I may just be naive.
2007-01-18 16:13:18
answer #6
answered by michituckygirl 2
White Club sounds racist, try an European-American club, if they do not allow that, start an English-American club, Irish-American club, French-American club, German-American club, etc.
When/if they complain turn them into one club, and have a European-American club! You will have to let in 1/2, 1/4, etc. Whites though as they too are of European heritage...
2007-01-18 17:18:16
answer #7
answered by :) 1
It seems like having a "Caucasian Club" would be fine given the examples you list above. The problem is that our past history shows that we all (all americans) don't do a good job of keeping the "race card" out of things like this. Calling it a "white club" would certainly cause quite a stir, but maybe the Caucasian Club would minimize the issues -- especially if you have a specific charter for the club like some sort of community service agenda.
2007-01-18 16:05:09
answer #8
answered by angelinvestor 3
Name one all white organization for whites only that isn't based on racism???
These groups, while it may be outmoded, are for groups facing prejudice by the white power system to come together and raise up their race.
Face it, all my life I've heard blacks are baby machines, welfare hos, crack heads, jail bound, gorillas, porch monkeys, etc., etc., and the African American club taught me things to be proud about my black and African and slave culture. I needed it. Its not the same for whites no matter how hard you try to say you have had experiences like minorities in this country you haven't.
One disgruntled black person calling you a cracker is not the same as being told where to eat, live, walk, go to school, what hours you are allowed out, which towns you have to vacate after dark.
Learn US history and it may become clear why its not racism.
2007-01-18 16:17:42
answer #9
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
It is just how people see things. See, when this country first started, Anglo people (white people) enslaved all people other than themselves, and that continued for along time, and clubs made by minorities to band against the white people, while clubs made by the white people were prodominately use to be racist against other races.
And even though it is wrong, that is still continued today, that is why black people are allowed to do stand-up and talk about white people, while it is still taboo for white people to make fun of other races. It is just our society man, that will probably be around until after our generation dies.
2007-01-18 16:03:01
answer #10
answered by jayztttight 4