it was time to come home four years ago!!!
2007-01-18 07:31:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If this war was about oil, then where the hell is it? We took Iraq over 3 1/2 years ago. Why are the oil fields not flying old glory above them and why aren't we taking the oil and shipping it over here?
Because we didn't go to war for oil. We went to war because of WMDs. They didn't have any, or much of a nuclear program, but in 2002 and 2003, that's what we thought and that's why we did it.
As for why don't we leave? I invite you to think of the consequences of the US pulling our troops out prematurely:
1. Iraqi gov't fails, thereby ending any hope of a democratically elected gov't in an Arab country for decades.
2. The Sunnis and Shia start killing each other. Imagine all the Iraqi civilian deaths that will cause. And let's not leave out the Kurds. I'm sure they'll do their fair share of killing and being killed. Far more than 34,000 I can assure you. Women and gays can kiss their human rights goodbye, if not their lives.
3. A Taliban like extremist regime eventually assumes power, just like happened in Afghanistan after the Soviets pulled out.
4. Using oil revenues, the new regime not just harbors terrorists, but uses the oil revenues to fund them.
5. Because of that, the US, Israel, and much of the west will soon be the victim of many new terrorist attacks.
6. Our enemies realize that the USA cannot stomach losing people in a war (and 3,000 is a very low number compared to almost any war in the past). This only emboldens the enemy to attack us further. The USA will have demonstrated it's weakness in a very profound way.
7. Our allies learn they cannot count on the USA if the going gets tough, because the USA goes home instead of staying and fighting.
So why don't you hear any of these points brought up by the liberal politicians or liberal media?
2007-01-18 15:48:39
answer #2
answered by Uncle Pennybags 7
No, it is not time to leave.
Please CAREFULLY CONSIDER what WOULD happen if the USA left right now. I think several things would happen quickly:
1. If you think things are bad now in Iraq, if we leave it will be a bloodbath;
2. Those who supported democracy in Iraq will be captured and slaughtered;
3. A power vacuum will exist and guess who is going to fill it? Whoever it is, Iran and Syria will try to influence who gets to control Iraq.
4. Our military will look weak to the world;
5. Our weakened image will embolden terrorists;
6. If you think America is unpopular now, we will make many enemies if we leave too early (Europe does not want to deal with the consequences of any of this).
I'm no military expert, but my predictions above are pretty reasonable and quite possible. If we left Iraq now, there would be no "peace" but more chaos.
2007-01-18 15:39:05
answer #3
answered by C = JD 5
When this whole thing started I said its another Korea. We are still there as peacekeepers over 50 years later. Hopefully in the next election we will get somebody else that has a better way to spend our lives and money.
2007-01-18 15:35:35
answer #4
answered by sweet sue 6
the 3000 American Dead has been since we deployed into the area 4 years ago. Did you know that more than 34,000 Americans have died in the last year due to gang violence. Is there a civil war in the United States?
2007-01-18 15:33:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
and just what do you think leaving will do?
The only thing stopping an all out civil war in Iraq right now is the presence of coalition troops.
If we pull out now, there will be even more people killed than if we had stayed. We got ourselves into this mess, and we can't leave until the country is stabilized.
The Iraqis just need to take some initiative and start building their army.
Personal editorial: I am tired of hearing you people on here sounding like broken record players. What possible good could come of us completely pulling our troops out of Iraq right now? I mean, what possible scenario do you think will bring about a positive end to this mess if we just pull out?
I'm guessing that your are probably under 18, listening to all of the other people ranting against the president, complaining about the bloodshed. The problem with you people is, you don't care how many people have died. If you did, you would realize that staying there is the best possible scenario for everyone involved. Its not about the body count, its about the liberal agenda to denigrate everything that this president has tried to do while in office.
If we leave now, the Iraqi people will suffer far more than they do now. We are their police force right now. We are the last line of defense between the innocents and the insurgents. The so-called Iraqi police are so corrupt and infiltrated with insurgents that nobody knows who to trust. The majority of the 34,000 Iraqi people have been killed by senseless bombings and horrific execution style killings by these insurgents who claim to be protecting their homeland. They are using the very people they claim to protect as sacrifices to make the coalition forces look bad.
If we leave now, the Iraqi people will resent us more than they may already. We ripped their country apart and promised to rebuild it, only to cut and run like a Jimmy Carter led military initiative. People say that we are fostering the growth of terror networks by being there, but the truth is, we are doing all we can to hold these extremists at bay. If we pull out, they will have free reign over the Iraqi region and will set up camps and recruiting centers to bring the violence over here.
Its not about pride. Its not about being right or wrong. its about doing the right thing in the face of adversity and I feel very badly for President Bush, who in times of extreme pressure, made decisions based on intelligence that the rest of the US government had seen and approved, and now is being crucified for acting on the intelligence that he had before him. He has admitted mistakes in the post invasion strategy but what can you do to defend against an unknown enemy? How do you stop a woman who looks like she's pregnant from blowing herself up in a crowded shopping mall?
The simple truth is you can't. You cannot stop someone who is willing to sacrifice their own life for the shallow promises of a religion that has been in existence for a mere 1400 years. You cannot stop a suicide bomber who is promised wealth for his family and national honor for his actions. You cannot stop an insurgent who has infiltrated a police force, only to detonate a car bomb in the middle of the street full of recruits looking to serve their fledgling country.
So before you come on here and ask such an asinine question, please think of the real consequences of the actions that you suggest.
Seacrest, out.
2007-01-18 15:33:39
answer #6
answered by bzqqsq 3
the sacrifice is worth it according to condoleeza rice and since the american people voted this administration in they have to stick with this.
but if you want to know who will end the war then i can tell you,its the iraqi insurgency that will end the war by killing a horrific number of young american soldiers so that usa will just be forced to leave.
2007-01-18 15:40:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We should have never gotten into this war in the first place. That being said, the answer is unequivocally yes, get out as soon as possible. And yes it is about oil.
2007-01-18 15:46:43
answer #8
answered by wyldfyr 7
It is for more then just oil, it is for the liberation of a region, to protect an ally, and for our own stability and security.
2007-01-18 15:32:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your argument is old. Oil? Please. Gas is not 25 cents a gallon and after four years of WW2 tens of millions were killed. So what is your point?
2007-01-18 15:36:10
answer #10
answered by ? 5
no, not body for oil, it's blood for oil, and no the acutall death count is much higher than 3ooo for americans, trust me I know
I saw planes loaded with unaccounted for dead bodys, they cook the math so no one knows how many people died
it's more like 300 death for americans
and 34 people dead iraqis
it's for freedom, you don't want to live in fear do you?
2007-01-18 15:33:26
answer #11
answered by MiKe Drazen 4