They probably know less than anyone. You evaluate your sources, take notes see who's prognostications pan out and who just blows smoke for an hour a night. Then notice what happens in the actual news, not the commentary. Are casualties up, or down, are the reporters leaving and going about the countryside, do you see pictures of the men in action, new pics, or just the same old stock footage? In the background, are there signs of repairs and rebuilding, or still the same old pock marked boarded up window buildings? Those are indicators of regrowth or well.... bullpuckey. Then go and decide who has the most objective story. And be careful about trusting any side who claims to have the only truth, because the other side, is Liberal, or Conservative.
2007-01-18 07:33:04
answer #1
answered by justa 7
the government is a conspiracy. they feed us lies man. sadam isnt dead its a lie hes being hald in a cell some ware (jus ike hitler was thares is evedence that hitler realy didnt die in a bunker and that he was held captive someware up in2 the 1960's) did u c how they put the rope around sadams neck? they stuck it 2 the side, u dont hang ppl with the coils to the side. that prolly wasnt even sadam. the real sadam is prolly being held 4 questioning @ a millitary base near the allaskan pinninsula. its all lies thats all they feed us. right now thares an underground government agency working on a a microwave satelite capable of reading nurological (brain) memory. the government will withhold these nurological files for a few months than they will release them to courthouses on a local level. unsolved cases from earlier years will be solved and those individusals involved will b charged. these sattelites will be sent into orbit by Febuary 3 and b active by Febuary 9. thare is a way around it tho. the satalites use microwave radiation that runs at a frequency of near 2.5gigahertz. a convensional microwave oven runs @ about the same hertz. and if the person is standing near an operating microwave oven the satalites will get interferance. so if u have vital information that u dont want on a computer at the CIA i suggest u stay near a working microwave when they r analizing ur area. im still at work to find out the path @ wich the satelites will be taking to analize the towns. if i could tap into this agencies computer system i could warn ppl ahead of time that its flaying over them.
2007-01-18 15:56:39
answer #2
answered by Zachary C 1
First of all, I doubt that anyone working at the WH has a clue as to what is going on outside of it. Secondly, there is no truth, there's only ones perception of it.
2007-01-18 15:35:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
good luck getting the truth from the White House. And I don't mean that as a slam to GWB.
2007-01-18 15:28:37
answer #4
answered by truth seeker 7
bible my as* lol...
You cant really, you just hafta be educated in a lot of different things and you need to have the ability to consider many many pieces of information at once.
I like to think i do that, but science and evidence are the only thing that provide "FACTS" thus "TRUTH" ... but there is no science to politics, therefore there is no flawless "TRUTH"
my past yahoo!answers that i think you should read:
troop increase:;_ylt=Ag_zypTsyBph9lYh3zuylVgAAAAA?qid=20070117094202AAkpDl3
democratic party campaigning strategies:;_ylt=Ag_zypTsyBph9lYh3zuylVgAAAAA?qid=20070118104412AALMRZa
2007-01-18 15:38:31
answer #5
answered by Corey 4
you wanna hear the truth?
listen to WBAI out of it and listen online
2007-01-18 15:34:42
answer #6
answered by (_)iiiiD 4
They don't think we can handle the truth!
2007-01-18 15:27:30
answer #7
answered by Old Guy 4
the truth is in the bible
2007-01-18 15:29:59
answer #8
answered by mebbe_sew_mebbe_knot 1
its in the Bible
2007-01-18 15:26:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous