The importance of style varies with each individual and their surroundings. As to how to define it, I'm reminded of that famous quote by a US Supreme Court Justice on defining pornography who said he knew it when he saw it. As to who has it, that depends upon the perception(s) of the observer. The best way to get "it" is to observe those who you think display "style" as you understand it and then mimic them. Good luck.
2007-01-18 06:51:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Personally, I don't think style is all that important. I mean, you should have the knowledge of which colors go together and what should be put together. But other than that, I don't think style has a relevancy to life itself. There is a difference between style and fads, however. Fads come and go, while 'style' will stay.
Again, style is based on an individual's taste. You could be totally into the sporty look, or maybe the barbie pink. Whatever it is, find it, and make it your own. Don't follow the crowd. For me? It's basketball shorts, kneesocks, ballet flat, t-shirts, and jeans. Hey, at least it's individual.
2007-01-18 14:47:51
answer #2
answered by jessi.swimchick 2
Style is very important because it is the bilboard that advertises to the world who you are ( or who you want to be portrayed as being). Many people would say that style is "clothing items most commonly used in a particular culture, area or circumstance", but style is what YOU make it. You can have your own style, follow someone elses style or mimic a style from the past...It is very important to know exactly what your style is stateing. For instance, If you dont want to portray a gothic chic, dont paint fingernails black and wear chains and black cargo pants and have a style can make you anything you WANT to be. You ask who has style, everyone has style, some people just dont have good style. To GET style, look deep within yourself and find what makes you unique and original, and bring it out n your wardrode, accessorize and hairstyle....hope this helps!
2007-01-18 15:01:32
answer #3
answered by chicwitpurpose 2
Style is what makes you the way YOU want to define yourself. It's what makes you feel confident, bold, attractive, and most of all, yourself. When I pick out clothes, I say to myself "Is this me?" My look is defined because I made it defined for myself...nobody told me what they think I should wear...I decide for myself. I have favorite colors, cuts, fabrics, looks, and styles that I like, and I put them together in a nice way (to me) that makes me feel great. I have certain stores I love to shop at, and my looks are easy to achieve when you have the right stores to go to.
Who has style? Anybody that looks really put together and confident. We've all seen the girl who is all dressed up, but constantly studies what other girls are wearing. That's called insecurity. Not style. Girls who have style don't need to study other people (although looking at others to get fashion ideas isn't bad!) Models and celebs look great and have style because they defined themselves by putting on clothes they feel sexy in, and that in itself makes them appear daringly stylish.
So that's basically how I look at style. Define yourself and feel great. There's nothing else to it. You can look really unique or one of the crowd- both looks are a kind of style. It's just have to pick what you want to be your look.
2007-01-18 14:51:54
answer #4
answered by Misscheerios2 6
Style is important. However, you have to remember that style is NOT a fad; it is an individual's taste. Style does not go out of fashion, but fad does. be cautious to how you dress because you would like to be known as stylish or fashionable, but not a fadster!
2007-01-18 14:43:58
answer #5
answered by Faerie Girl 3
Style is totally unimportant to people who know that a person is not the clothes he wears but how he lives his life. The big bosses in organized crime wear $3000 suits but they kill people they don't like, don't they? Cocaine dealers drive around in cars costing hundreds of thousands of dollars but they sell death, don't they?
2007-01-18 14:41:50
answer #6
answered by christopher s 5