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2007-01-18 05:57:23 · 16 answers · asked by Jasmine F 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

16 answers

Yes, it hurts a lot and your eyes will water. If you get it done with a gun it'll leave a nasty scar too. It's over fast whether you have it done w/a gun or needle.

2007-01-18 06:00:06 · answer #1 · answered by Voodoo Lady 3 · 0 0

The answer is yes, but it is far from unmannageable. I had mine pierced three years ago. They sit you down and mark on your nose with a marker where you want the stud to go. Then they disinfect the area and pierce it with a needle. It does hurt, I am not going to lie, but they tell you to hold your breath and exhale as you feel the needle go through. The sharp pain last for just a moment, and then there is a huge amount of relief and you are left with a slight throbbing like you just got whacked in the nose. It does bleed, but not huge amounts. It stops fully in about forty minutes and you just wipe off the dried, clotted blood and no one can tell the wound is fresh. It will start to throb again after a couple hours, so take aspirin right after you get it done. After the first 24 to 48 hours, it hurts a bit when you clean it, but you just have to grit your teeth and within a week, you will hardly feel it at all. I have had my belly button pierced two times and my ear cartilidge pierced several times. The nose hurts more during the initial pierce, but afterwards it is much less painful then either the naval or ear piercing since you don't have hair or pants pushing on it. And is it much less prone to infection than the naval or the ear or eyebrow or tongue, it is one of the best places to get pierced. It really is worth it in the end. I loved mine and was sorry I had to take it out for my job when I graduated college.

FYI--if you do plan on doing this. Go to a professonal and have it done with a needle, not a gun. You run much less chance of infection and the tissue will suffer much less trauma. Two years later I have no scar left on my nose from the piercing I had done with a needle. But just make sure you go to a licensed professional at a tattoo and piercing shop.

2007-01-18 14:10:16 · answer #2 · answered by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 4 · 0 0

I had mine done when i was 15 (im now 27) and it didn't hurt me. It felt like someone had flicked the side of my nose but before thay pierce it they rub a solution over it just to clean the area so when the hole is made that stings a little when the solution goes into it but it didn't hurt me 1 bit. I havn't worn mine for years now but every now and then i'll put 1 in and it still goes in! The hole is so tiny it doesn't show when im not wearing it either.

Hope this helps :0)

PLEASE dont do it urself, it's really not a good idea!

2007-01-18 14:12:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Dear Jasmine, I don't know if it hurts - I'm too much of a wuss to get piercing done even if I wanted to. I will say this though, it may not be safe!
It seems that piercing areas like the nose, tongue, and lips etc., where the piercing goes from outside to inside a bodily orifice, may be highly prone to nasty infections. I suggest you check this out with your doctor before you go any further.
P.S. If you do go ahead good luck, and take a piece of wood to bite on and a friend to un-knot your fingers and toes!

2007-01-18 14:25:07 · answer #4 · answered by andrew m 3 · 0 0

i had my nose done with a needle long before it was fashionable.it initially stung for a little bit but it soon passed.u can have a "MAGIC CREAM " applied by the piercer.ask your friends who have had it done for the best place to go.ask when u go about aftercare advice.mine was no problem except for the displaced tissue came out on the outside of my nose and it was painful to the touch and was less painful a couple of days later as i carried out cleaning with a solution that they provided and it soon cleared up. it healed a lot quicker than my ears good luck there are a load of ace studs out there.

2007-01-18 14:21:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I did mine myself. I tried putting ice on it to numb it a little and that seemed to help some. My eyes watered a little and it stung some other than that its mostly just pressure and trying to get it through that last layer of skin. But altogether its not that bad. Its one of the least painful of my piercings. Just make sure you take care of it after cause if you neglect it and hit it into something thats when it hurts like hell.

2007-01-18 14:07:08 · answer #6 · answered by dollparts01 1 · 0 0

no. but it will bleed alot. mine did. but it actually feels kinda cool. it hurt more to get my ears pierced than my nose, and it won't leave a nasty scar because i no longer wear mine and at worst it looks like a little freckel. hope this helped!

2007-01-18 14:04:15 · answer #7 · answered by jcgrl12603 1 · 0 0

I had mine pierced with a needle by a professional piercer and it made my eyes water but did not hurt.

2007-01-18 14:10:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes for about 30 seconds

2007-01-20 18:38:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It hurts a lot more than doing your ears. It also bleeds and you run a lot more risk of infection. Just think, snot right near the open wound...ugh.

2007-01-18 14:10:17 · answer #10 · answered by anna 7 · 0 0

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