look for it to say it can sew denim, if it can it will be strong enough to do most projects. button holer is nice also. for a basic machine thats about it. most come with many types of stitches they can do like for stretch fabrics etc... so more options the better. check the link below for more info.
2007-01-18 05:17:59
answer #1
answered by j_ardinger 5
I just recently started sewing myself and was using a borrowed machine. But 2 days ago I purchased a Singer Prelude sewing machine for $68.00 at Target. (marked down from $98.00) So it is possible to get one for less than 100.00. It has a 25 year warranty and a 30 stitch function. I would look for something basic and easy to maintain and handle (i.e. thread the machine, thread the bobbin, load the bobbin, etc.) Then when you get really good you will know more about what you want and need in a machine. And if you decide you hate sewing you have only lost 68 bucks and could most likely turn around and sell it for 40 dollars or so. I would say GO FOR IT!!!
Happy stitching!
2007-01-18 06:33:14
answer #2
answered by felinefanatic 2
I believe any basic Machine is going to be over a $100 unless you buy something for a "few days". If you are serious about sewing then I advice you to go the extra mile ($). Most of the sewing machine come with it basic accessories and a book on how to use them. I'm not sure how old are you, but shop for sewing classes, too. Some towns offer vocational classes, shop around!! I'm a male and I started sewing when I was like 9 years old, just as a curiosity then. Recommend Singer. Good luck!!
2007-01-18 05:33:44
answer #3
answered by BORI_CUA 1
Useful features to have in a sewing machine is a zig zag stitch and if you can stretch to it a button hole facility. As far as accessories are concerned probably the most useful one you will come across is a zipper foot but it is not essential. Singer is about the most reliable make so if you can manage it get one of them but if you can't, well better a cheap machine than no machine I suppose. You can get them that do loads of fancy stitches but don't be tempted by that, you'd probably never use them.
good luck and enjoy, I'm making a curtain this evening. It's very fine nylon net, looks beautiful but it's an absolute pig to sew!
2007-01-18 06:56:50
answer #4
answered by gerrifriend 6
I bought a Singer Sewing Machine and I spent $250.00 plus Tax and I used it 5 times making Curtains. I was very disappointed in the machine. It had plastic parts and it broke down, I had it repaired and it is broken in same area again. I will never buy a machine with plastic parts again. Therefore I would say when you are looking for a machine, make sure it says all medal parts.
My grandson is interested in becoming a designer and he sews.
He just bought a Europro (all medal parts) at Kmart for $79.00. He had made all sorts of things for Christmas and is very happy with the machine. He has used his machine far more that I used mine.
Accessories to start with: Thread, Scissors, Measuring Tape, Ripper, Straight pins
This is an inexpensive machine for a learner and remember, just because something costs more doesn't mean it's better.
2007-01-18 06:52:45
answer #5
answered by Plain Jane 3
I recommend going to a sewing machine store. They may cost a little more, but they will often work with you to find a machine for your needs and within your price range. Most also offer a free class with your purchase to help you learn your machine. Wal-Mart has great prices, but they are not there to help you as you learn and if your machine needs repairs down the line.
2016-03-29 03:16:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I bought 2 Brother sewing machine at Walmart and I believe they were $68 and they are terrific...easy to sew with, easy to thread we have had a fantastic time with them....it is a perfect starter machine and I have used both as an advanced seamstress and I am well-satisfied with the performance of both.
2007-01-18 07:50:39
answer #7
answered by Amy B 2
one that works is a good place to start.. worry about features and things like that when ur more experienced.
2007-01-18 05:17:02
answer #8
answered by kute_regina_gal 4
ebay init
2007-01-18 05:15:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous