2007-01-18 04:43:18
answer #1
answered by Molly323 5
My personal definition is there is blue collar, white collar, and redneck. Blue-collar and white-collar peoples jobs that consist of them wearing collared shirts and suits. Redneck economically couldn't afford a suit and does work that would not require a shirt with collar. Essentially they get a red neck for not wearing a collared clothing and working out in the sun generally out in a field farming, so they are getting a sunburn. Essentially it's a working class stereotype.
Then there is societies definition. This of course has been expanded upon by media and society. Now there is trailer park trash, Nascar fans, sitcoms, movies, and redneck comedy. Uneducated white person with no economic standing, generally in a white t-shirt, jeans, and a beer in hand.
Main Entry: red·neck
Pronunciation: 'red-"nek
Function: noun
1 sometimes disparaging : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class
2 often disparaging : a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks
- redneck also red·necked /-"nekt/ adjective
2007-01-18 13:00:13
answer #2
answered by midastouch 2
It is a generally derogatory term used to indicate that someone is uneducated and not very bright. The term originates from the sunburn people who spend the day in the sun get on the back of their neck -- thus causing it to turn red.
A similar term is "white trash" which is basically someone is poorly educated, stupid, probably lives in a trailer park, has six kids and is not quite sure who the father of two of them is.
It is important not to confuse these two.... White trash is much more general -- can really be applied to anyone who is a real loser (for example any guest on the Jerry Springer show). Redneck should really only be used for the folks who have that outdoor/country angle of white trash.
Hope this helps!
2007-01-18 12:52:36
answer #3
answered by Kevin F 2
Thank you dbytz for giving the correct answer instead of a racially focused answer like many others. Your definition is the correct one for "redneck", but like so many other things it takes on a meaning of its own. "Redneck" now means what others have said, though it's not what "redneck" actually means. And in regards to others incorrect definitions of the word, "rednecks" are EVERYWHERE! I lived in New York for four years and there were people there who were referred to as "redneck". I have lived in the deep south, mid-west, and south-central US and there were people there called "redneck" too. Seems to me that "rednecks" are everywhere.
2007-01-18 12:56:08
answer #4
answered by Goober W 4
Redneck refers to those that spend their time out in a field and get a sunburn on their neck as opposed to a craftsman or businessman that is inside all day. The term has become synonymous with hayseed, hillbilly etc
2007-01-18 12:45:42
answer #5
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
Redneck is a term give to those who work out doors and typically have a persistent sunburn, around the exposed part of their neck above thie collars.
I do not understand why it is used as a derogatory term by negroes, maybe because "rednecks" are working and they are not?
2007-01-18 13:03:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
okay the reson I know this is because my brother calls him self a redneck. okay rednecks are people who are totally cool but weird. okay rednecks are people who love country there life is about country okay for instence larry the cable guy on blue collar t.v okay there are redneck jokes that sometimes don't make since like" you might be a redneckif...... your mom has a spit can on the ironing board" also here is another one " you might be a redneck if........ you have your old t.v on top of your new t.v." so yeah there is an anwer for you
2007-01-18 12:55:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
People who worked outdoors in manual labor got the backs of their necks sunburned... Thus rednecks.
Of course this is usually applied to Southerners.
And it does mean White people because their skin is what
gets sunburned, not the Black workers who were also out
Of course over time, it has evolved into the "lower class" or
working people.
2007-01-18 12:45:48
answer #8
answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5
When the slaves were freed there was a need for somebody to work the fields,this was done by uneducated whites ,the back of their necks turned red from working in the sun all day
2007-01-18 12:47:11
answer #9
answered by rudy s 2
uneducated white male usually with drinking problems.
Redneck, in modern usage, predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of people who may be found in many regions of the United States. Originally limited to Appalachia and the American South
2007-01-18 12:44:35
answer #10
answered by Monet 6
A person with a red neck!! It is most often used as a slang term meaning hillbilly.
2007-01-18 12:44:33
answer #11
answered by enthalpy man 2